So far then, that's 14 Blue, 9 Sliver, 6 Red, 6 White, and 4 Black. Of those 27 are SLs and 12 are SVs.
I'd rather leave it that way for now. I selected a color I don't necessarily intend to take delivery of either. As long as we can change our minds, that is.
15 Blue, 10 Silver, 6 Red, 6 White, and 4 Black. 29 SLs and 12 SVs. Two of whom aren't completely sure they want the color they chose. BTW, according to the Leaf FB page, we will be able to change our minds on both spec and color.
Just the fear that someone might take your number to a dealer, arrive before you do, and grab your car.
thats fine. as long as they pose as me. as soon as they pay for the car, i will call the cops, have them arrested for auto theft and drive my new baby home!!
43 Blue SV (if that is the one with the speed charge inlet) to go with long range White 2010 Prius II with Misty Gray. Now if I could get a biodiesel hybrid I would get rid of the Prius.
16 Blue, 10 Silver, 7 Red, 6 White, and 4 Black. 30 SLs and 13 SVs. Two of whom aren't completely sure they want the color they chose. Zeba, I think yours will be a SL, and I've noted it thusly.
17 Blue, 10 Silver, 7 Red, 7 White, and 4 Black. 31 SLs and 14 SVs. So that's 45 accounted for. Only 7955 more folks need to stop by and say "Hello"! LOL!