Yeah mine is the same. She just doesn't appreciate me explaining the intracacies of the hybrid system or me pointing out other Prii and the differences between the models She still expects me to go shopping with her and act interested as she explains the differences that can be found between different handbags
GET IN, SIT DOWN, SHUT UP AND HOLD ON. In serious terms........."Welcome to one of the most advanced cars ever made. Extra tips are appreciated!"
That's a two way street. If her eyes are going to glaze over the instant you say 'Prius', you're under no obligation to pay her the slightest attention. Besides, going to the mall is an opportunity for people watching. If you wanted to listen to your wife blather on about useless details of stupid things, you could have stayed home. :brick:
I'm not sure how 'tips' play out in the UK but I probably wouldn't bring it up: Prius gas savings - you are already being compensated and don't need any from the tipper Prius purchase costs - you volunteered for the higher price so no tip for a self-imposed addition Prius ride quality - the only pure positive that might solicit a tip Now if you could give them a Prius 'rebate,' . . . Say a repeat customer 'fuel refund' . . . Bob Wilson
Tips are pretty good here in my town. There isn't a tipping culture as such in the UK, but taxi drivers and hairdressers do appear to do ok. Of course, being friendly and charming helps :high5: I do have the odd clever customer ask if the ride is going to be cheaper because of all the money I save on fuel! I find a piercing glare is a good response
It used to be untill we started to adopt the American ways. We do tip here and if you go to any restaurant now 99% of them will add the tip for you already included in the bill. But you can ask for it back if you are not happy with the service even they've charged you for it. hehe and I think wht the cost being so low then you should pass it on to your customers. Only fair.
Enjoy the ride. Then switch over to the Energy Monitor. Passengers seem to love this particular display. Show off a few things like PWR Mode without telling them. Let them come to their own conclusion.
"Then this is your lucky day!" That would be my standard response to this remark, were I a cab driver in a Prius. Do you have those icky vinyl seats in the back of yours? We used a Prius cab in Vancouver, BC, and the seats had been covered with ______-resistant vinyl, which I suppose makes perfect sense for a cab, but which is not as nice as a private Prius seat (use your imagination to fill in that blank. I'm not even going there...).
That would be stain resistant, Rae. It could be coffee, or sushi, need to let your imagination run wild.
Very high mileage, very low pollution, super reliable. If you need a car, this is the best one to get.
When they ask if the Taxi ride will cost them less because you don't buy as much gas . . . No, your Taxi ride allows ME to keep the money Exxon-Mobil would extort so they can continue to rape the planet and pollute the air. You get a safe ride, and cleaner air to breathe plus the certain knowledge you're helping lower the Oil Industry profits from Gas Gouging. All while going effortlessly to exactly where you want me to take you. Since No Other Taxi Cab model and its driver can make that statement you should realize that My doing All that for you is certainly worthy of a Big Tip. Plus, as if all that was not enough, Now you can Brag and Boast to all your friends that you helped save the Planet. I'd say your debut as a Prius afficianado will be a great success, dependent only upon the size of that TIP.
I vote for something along these lines. It seems that the comment about it being their first ride in one invites a discussion about the cool features.
How about ... Well I hope you enjoy the ride as much as I enjoy the drive. or Ah ... there is more to a Prius then meets the eye .. if they bite , then you can throw in some of those great tidbits about our vehicles. Dan
"And, hopefully you'll find my service exemplary enough that it won't be the last!" ---or--- "One less thing on the bucket list!"