Hello all, newbie here and I need a little help on choosing my first prius. It's really between two. Candidate #1:2007 touring model w. nav, jbl multi cd, leather, bluetooth, fog lights. $16,991 at 21,429 miles. Candidate #2: 2007 w. nav, jbl multi cd, leather, "deluxe wheel", doesn't list bluetooth but does have phone controls on steering wheel, homelink system, fog lights. $14,995 at 59,214 miles I really like the lower price, but option one seems to be a much better deal with about 1/3rd of the miles of option two for $2,000 more. They both are in excellent cosmetic condition and come with certified warranties as well as remaining factory warranty. Also, I'm new to the car purchase process. Is it likely I can haggle much on these asking prices? I'm hoping they'll shave a grand off. Any input on a decision is appreciated, thank you guys. -Soon to be prius owner.
All else being equal, #1 does seem like the better choice (esp. since the description is better...what the heck is a deluxe wheel?). You should be able to negotiate a bit off the list price.
oops, that is meant to say deluxe wheels. I'm not exactly sure if they are upgraded wheels or just the dealer trying to make it sound fancy. Thanks for the response, I believe option one is the better choice as well
I concur that between the two choices, option 1 is better. Regarding price negotiation, you can try and the worst that will happen is that they will say no. Suggest you check kbb.com and edmunds.com to ascertain Prius used car valuations in your zipcode. Maybe that will help you to decide whether the dealer's quoted prices are good or bad. Good luck.
I would go for #1 also. Especially since it is a touring model. Both have bluetooth if they have the nav option. Shoot an offer out and all they can say is no or counter. You don't have anything to loose.
That's one thing I hate about used car shopping. They can never be bothered to list it properly (which makes you wonder, why should I bother coming down if your attitude isn't there to put a complete and accurate description)
I like option #1 too, but be aware that the "touring" model will get lower gas mileage than the "base" model. We have one of each and there is a noticable difference. As much as I like the touring, I secretly envy the gas mileage of my wife's base. The standard touring model wheels look different (and are larger) than the base model wheels, so ask if the "deluxe wheels" are just the standard touring wheels. That would matter to me because I prefer to buy cars that have not been customized or otherwise fiddled with.
M8s Maybe the mileage difference between the models is because your wife's driving habits are more conservative than yours. The published mileage figures for both models are the same. My wife and I both drive Touring models and regularly achieve or exceed the EPA stated averages. My current reading is 49.1 MPG at 287 miles. She normally exceeds my mileage averages by 2-4 MPG. I much prefer the better handling, firm suspension and shorter stopping distances the 16-inch wheels provide. The standard 15-inch wheels and suspension just don't give me the responsive handling and feel of the road. I test drove both models at the dealers prior to selecting which model to buy and thought the Touring handled much better. I recommend option #1 in a heartbeat.
funny nobody mentioned color as a deciding factor. the barcelona red is the best looking for gen II prius (not to mention the venza) either of the blues and the seafoam green is nice as well. black looks great only when new, but a few years of UV rays and rock chips turns any black car into garbage. (you should have seen my 97 black avalon) grey, silver, beige and white are really boring colors, but if you speed a lot and don't want to get noticed by the cops (or anyone else for that matter) go for it. and the notion that these boring colors will yield you lower insurance rates is only a myth.
White and silver have one other benefit, too. I live in Texas, where it's 100F or higher for nearly 90 days every year. It's HOT here, most of the year. I've had red cars in the past, and they're like sitting in a solar oven. Air conditioner has to work overtime to combat the heat. White and silver cars reject the heat more readily. White is my favorite color...
Agreed +1 on that from me Chuck. Here in Australia it also can get pretty hot and white is definitely a good choice. It can decrease the amount of required air/con use and has been proven to be the safest color in most situations (the only exception being where the landscape is predominately snow and ice). Also when it comes to selling second hand white is very good, even if it's not everyones favourite color, very few people will actually find it objectionable (as in a deal breaker).
Ditto upholstery. Scotchgarded fabric is SO much more comfortable in a hot climate than leather, and especially dark leather. You've not lived until your red/black car has been baking in the 110F sun all day. It's especially fun when you open the door to a blast of heat, sitting down on black leather seats, while wearing SHORTS. OUCH! Obviously I have a pragmatic view of car shopping. I think the car salesman still has nightmares about me.
Option #1 is much better, go for the lower miles. Plus, you'll enjoy the driving much more on the touring version with slightly wider tires and more taut suspension. ------ That said, the really sad thing here is the resale value - that #1 car was over $28k sticker price when new, so it's lost over $11k off that in 3 yrs / 21k miles.