You've probably guessed by my name that I'm a cab driver using my Prius as my cab. Can anyone give me a good intelligent response that I can use in response to a comment that is made to me about ten times a day? People get in my cab and one of the first things they say is "Oooh a Prius, I've never been in one of these before". Now what on earth am I expected to say to this? If I'm grumpy I say "oh", which could be considered rude, otherwise my only witty response is "well, you have now". Surely there must be some other witticism I can use as this happens about 10 times a day now and is driving me mad. The only other solution is to wait it out and sooner or later, they'll all have been in a Prius
"Prius?? Is that what this is??" "You still have not, this is a space ship with a Toyota emblem" "You will love it, my brakes haven't been used in over a year, I'm not sure they even work anymore" "This thing?? My other cab is a Lambo"
congratulations, enjoy the ride. i deliver flowers for a living. i get grumpy too. there is one really nice thing about the prius.. no gear changes. i often tell people in the back to be careful.. the smooth ride might just put you to sleep.
"Get out." Or on the more serious side: You could use the opportunity to start a little dialog. You could mention that it's a shame more people have never experienced petrol-saving hybrid technology and the most petrol-stringent of them all: the Prius. Then you could mention that, as a taxi driver, you have personally reduced the amount of toxins in the air by your choice of vehicles because your job requires a great deal of parking and idling. And how great it would be for ourselves and our children if more people made such a simple decision the next time they need a new car. If there are more than one passenger, mention that they are smart in their use of available transportation and ride sharing. Perhaps the next time they are out they should watch for the Prius Taxi so they will know that - in their own little way - they are doing something good for themselves and the environment. Now, of course, you will most likely grow tired of this eventually. After all, the passenger will hear it only once but you will be repeating it a dozen times per day. Not to mention that you might get the feel that some people don't want to hear it or will retort with anti-environmental and ignorant rants. You're a pro; you can feel them out and do what's right for the situation.
How about "There aren't many around here but they make even more sense for a cab than for personal use" Depending on how they respond, you can take it from there eg - Fuel savings - Less time off road for maintenance - Some different parts eg: traction battery but no transmission and no belts; Two motor/generators instead of separate starter motor and generator - Quiet and relaxing to drive (assuming you think so)
The car has been in the news lately, so it could be a novelty to some people, actually it still is to me. Just consider it a compliment, my response would be; "I like it", and of course respond to any question that they may have, otherwise, I'd just enjoy the ride and hope they're good tippers.
I don't think this qualifies as intelligent, but you could say something like "Please fasten your seat belt. If this turns out to be one of the ones with the runaway acceleration problem, you're going to get to your destination a lot quicker than you expected." Oh well... Sorry. I couldn't resist.
"Oooh a Prius, I've never been in one of these before". Reply: "Its your lucky day" Or "If you have, you probably wouldn't be here today" Or "It is to die for"
"You are welcome. You'll notice the power display shows when we are drawing power from either the engine, battery or both." Bob Wilson
Move to Vienna . I just returned from there and almost every other taxi there was a Prius - simply unbelievable! We had about an hour walk with my girlfriend the evening we arrived and I reckoned no less than seven Prius-cabs just during that hour! She got annoyed pretty quickly when I shouted "look! another Prius taxi!" again and again .
What would you want said and how would you want it said to you if you were experiencing a Prius ride for the first time?