We should be getting the Nissan Leaf shortly; There will/should be a UK Government subsidy for EVs (plug ins) and UK local governments are falling over themselves to set up the infastructure. BBC News - North East England eyes low carbon future On top of that the Prius plug in should be ready next year, Renault hope to have their offerings ready in about 2 years and the Vauxhall Ampera (Chevy Volt) is due about the same time also; Electric car, zero emission vehicle - Renault ZE Vauxhall Ampera Confirmed for UK Market | Ampera | Concept Cars | Cars | Vauxhall Motors UK There really does seem to be some momentum now - at last.
And the really amazing part is that the electricity is FREE! and so is the parking (mind you I get free residential parking already courtesy of my sub 100g/km Prius). I suspect that Toyota may launch the plug in Prius sooner than their original intention. I just don't see why they would want to be out of the initial electric gold rush and let GM/Vauxhall and Nissan take all the glory and sales.
Some of the early parking bays with plugs will be free to encourage plug-ins. Guess it won't last for ever but it will be free in most areas, at least at first.
I'm surprised much encouragement is needed in Western Europe. Assuming one can afford a new car, I would think it would be very advantageous, cost wise, to buy a plug in considering the cost of diesel/gasoline.
You're right. But the US market is big and companies ensure their products are very competitively priced compared to here. Also, by the time our sales tax (VAT 17.5% or 21% in Ireland)and other nonsense is added to the cost over here the costs just get higher. The basic Prius in the UK is almost the same cost in UK£'s as it is in US$ - £19,500 which would amount to $29,900 as of todays rates. So that Volt (Vauxhall Ampera) at $40,000 should be £26,000 but is generally believed to come in at the mid £30,000's! I do think that EV's will have a market here, mainly in the big cities to start. Electricity is about the same cost as yours £0.12p a Kwh and you can get cheap overnight tariffs. Also, our commutes are generally less distance than yours so again that is in our favour. We also have 220v supply so charging will take less time.
Heck nearly everyone I know is having a commute of more than 60 miles each way...Won't call that small...Personally I can't be bothered faffing about with wires for the sake of a few quid...Now if they could recharge wirelessly then yes perhaps...
lol, that's what you get living in the middle of nowhere You should get yourself to the centre of the universe, the golden metropolis that is Harrogate
Lol Harrogate has got the highest concentration of self made millionairs in the uk. There's a nice little fact technically my offices are only 15 miles away. I just don't spent much time there as most my work involves listx locations. But yes we live out in the beautiful country side, yet only 35 miles from central London. But my wife does nearly 500 miles per week on the school run alone. We also have a power outage every time it rains and there is a thunder storm. I'm not painting a rosie picture aren't I ;-) yet I love it here.
Apparently the plug in is over 50% more MPG over the current exsisting Prius. Which means its not just a few quid of savings. You are talking about 40 pounds of savings per week! Thats 160 pounds/mths if calcuated roughly on your 500 mile journey (not including lesisure runs). So that equates to £1920 per year and so in 10 years time it will be £19,200 and thats with current petrol price. As it goes up more you save even more. After 10 years with £19,200 savings you can buy a new car. I don't think it is just pennis you are talking about.
Well I don't like keeping cars for 10 years, that is a ridiculously long period of time...But fair enough that is not penny's .... However I believe a 50% fuel saving if I see, a car in that size category being able to do over 100mpg absolutely that will be great....But are you sure that is the case? Still don't like having to plug it in and faff about with wires though...If they can make it please to charge remotely without cables then yes....
Current wireless charging technology isn't really up to charging cars. Although there was something in the early 2000s that was developed by GM ([ame=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magne_Charge]Magne Charge - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]). Might be able to use a microwave or laser setup but I wouldn't like to be in way of that.