Does anyone here use an iPhone application to track mileage in the Prius? Not something specific to the Prius, but something that will allow for easy entry of mileage information for tracking? There are several available for use on iTunes, some free, others not, so I would love to hear if anyone else has used any of these with good or bad results?
I use "Gas Cubby" on my Iphone. It works great, shows MPG on each fillup, graphs fuel prices, graphs MPG from each previous tank. Total amount spent on fuel and maintenance. Here is the link. App Cubby • Gas Cubby • MPG (Fuel Economy) and Vehicle Maintenance for iPhone and iPod Touch
I use AccuFuel and like it very much. You can use it across several cars and it can export its log (via email) to other programs. I always prefer to pay for an app versus ad-ware as I hate to wait for the ads and I find them annoying. At .99 its worth trying even if you dump if for something else.
I am the author of Car Care, a well-reviewed iPhone app for tracking fuel economy and automobile maintenance on the iPhone. I hope you consider trying out my app - I think it works well, and I continue developing and improving it. You can search iTunes for "Car Care" to find it - it's the big red icon. I tried to post a direct URL, but since I am new to the forum, I cannot yet. Let me know if you have any questions or comments about my app, I will be happy to answer them. Cheers, Karl
I'm using Road Trip. I like the data plot & backup feature. I tried Gas Cubby and found it did the mpg calculations in a peculiar way that I found to be nonsense. A mileage result was assigned to the beginning of an interval rather than at the end when the mileage and fuel consumed data were generated.
I just use a converter (which I bought for 59p) and it works well so I didn't go out and buy a specific MPG calculator.
I tried several including Gas Cubby until finally setting on VehiCal. It allows tracking of all mileage and expenses for multiple cars. The main screen allows you to use photos of your vehicles so I can easily tell whether I'm imputing data for my silver or SPM Prius . Tracking business mileage is quite simple and easy to use. My only beef is that it only calculates and displays total MPG rather than showing MPG for each tank. That leaves me having to export the data via email and calculating it in a spreadsheet. Overall though I'm quite pleased with it.
I'm using Road Trip Lite too. It is simple to use, displays the information I desire and the application price is right. At this time I am tracking one car, we do not drive the others enough to bother with tracking fuel mileage.
Let me know if there are particular features you feel would encourage you to try Car Care, my gas mileage app for iPhone. I'm hard at work on new features and improvements, so let me know any thoughts you may have. The app has been reviewed 4.5 out of 5 mice by and been featured by Edmunds, so I think I'm on the right track. Please let me know what you'd like to see!
I'm going to give Road Trip a whirl. I hadn't heard of it before this forum (I only heard of Gas Cubby) but I'm going to go w/ you guys on this.