Just received a follow-up email from Nissan - just in case anyone is interested. thank you for reserving your place in automotive history. we have received your fully refundable reservation payment of $99, which has been charged to your credit card. we will be in touch by June 30 with more details on your spot and how to begin preparing your home for your new car.* so buckle your seat belt, because you're now that much closer to The New Car becoming your new car. [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Verdana, sans-serif] *When sales commence in December 2010, limited quantities available in select markets/states thru online reservation system. Increased avail. in spring 2011 with full market rollout thru 2012. At start of sale, one order per household address until avail. increases. [/FONT]So it sounds like we will know by June 30 who will be able to purchase the first batch at the end of the year, and likely if you will be able to get one in 2011 before the full market rollout in 2012.
Not yet. I'll post if I do. Edit: Though I have not received the email, I can go to the web site, sign in to my account, and see this message: And above that it says "Reservation completed."
Odd...just got a second confirmation email. The first was sent at 1:05 am, same confirmation numbers on both.
I have not gotten one either, don't feel bad the web login still works and still shows my confirmation #, I am not too worried about it. I wonder if they are going to publicly post the results... they have valuable data that other mfrs would love, and let them know how in demand EVs really are.
Same here. Not just that. Their sign-up/reserve list will also be very valuable for others ! If we don't hear anything in a week, I'd think the numbers are less than what they want to publicise ;-)
I am not worried or concerned. I have my confirmation number and I can log on and see that I've completed the reservation. But this just shows one more aspect of their incompetence and screw-up, that some people are getting confirmation emails, and others are not.
wow, almost 1 week (6 days ago), and I finally just got the email confirmation from Nissan, saying my credit card was charged, etc. They really must have been backed up... 6 days later. wow.
I think it was the next day that the press quoted Nissan that there were in the neighborhood of 6,600 takers on the $99 pre register list (plus a few thousand in Japan as well). Haven't seen anything yet about how much the numbers continue to grow.
Yes, atleast Nissan things these are good numbers. BTW, this is what Jessica from Nissan said in the other forum. My Nissan Leaf Forum • View topic - Is there somewhere we can monitor the number of orders?
I got my confirmation email this morning. I still don't see the charge on my on-line banking, so apparently they gave me my confirmation number before actually charging my card. (Charges take a day or so to show up on-line.) It would NOT take a week to run 6,600 credit card charges unless they are doing it by hand! I suspect more bad programming at Nissan.
Got mine on 4/21. Charge for the deposit has not shown up on my credit card statement (on-line version) as of yet either.
evnow: The links in your post takes me to a Twitter page that is full of gibberish. Note: I don't "twitter" and have no idea how to make sense of that page. Could you just quote the "claim" you are referring to please?