Subject says it pretty much. Has anyone thought of or done a mod to the lower rear hatch window, such that it can tilt out to allow venting of accumulated hot air from summer sun, and/or rude guest riders. I am a Expedition owner also, and having rear side cabinet windows that open (much like many mini-vans and vans) is great for quick cool off before closing up for A/C. jck
Seems interesting though I expect it would be somewhat expensive, especially since you would need an electric motor to close it.
I think window caps would work as well. I had window caps on my Saturn (which I traded in for my Prius) and loved them. I could crack the windows in a parking lot and not worry if it rained. A set of four Window caps will run you $75-100 depending on where you find them. I'm still adjusting to my higher car payments and haven't yet picked any up. Boy do I miss them.
I seem to remember a problem with having a back window open... back in the days of station wagons, an open back window allowed exhaust fumes to come into the car and that was not good for the occupants. Of course, that was a station wagon. We're talking about a Prius here <G>
What about the 4Runner? I love that back window that can roll down. It's like a moonroof - ventilation without the wind buffeting upon your face.