It is extremely annoying. The editor stop working with Firefox browser, I have to use IE to post this.
I about annoying, this is the worst I've seen. Advertising is one thing, irritating people on the web is another.
I don't see them, even in a GUI browser. Are they from doubleclick? Disallowing anything from doubleclick is probably wise in general. . _H*
Sorry about that, guys. I'll contact the advertising company to see about removing them. Didn't know the Home Depot ad run was going to include that thing.
I have had to resort to using ad blocker add-ons. I discovered that many web pages were loading very slowly and the link that was taking forever were the ad web servers. Upon blocking my web surfing speed increased greatly. So the web ad model has to address this problem or everyone will be blocking. For a couple of sites that really need the revenue I have disabled the ad block.
I would say that the ad thing is generally quite good though. All the ads for me here in the UK are for UK companies. Mainly Toyota and Virgin Cable who are both good companies. I wonder if it provides relevant ads for all internation members too?
Thanks Danny, the ad has been removed. I don't mind ads, but this one will splash over the page every time when you open a new thread or page and requires clicking the continue to page button to see the new page.
After the last ad disaster I un-whitelisted Priuschat from Adblock and never got around to whitelisting it again. Now I'm glad.
Google published a white paper a while back, titled Google Technical Report provos-2008a All Your iFRAMEs Point to Us It was scary enough that I installed Ad-Block Plus and enabled it for everything. Ad servers redirect to each other in a complex web that can and sometimes does shoot you to malware sites, and there's nothing the originating site can do about it. For a short while a few years back we could donate to Prius Chat, and I did so. I will again if Danny implements that program again. I understand the need for revenue, and I would much prefer to make a yearly donation than to be subjected to the hazards and indignities of the universe of ad servers. I know many people do not feel this way. I bet you could find the Google white paper if you google the title.