In which case the warm-up can be postponed for at least 45 min, if not indefinitely. I'll repeat myself since you obviously didn't read the first time: The EPA regimen uses Normal Mode. EV is not used, and is not tested for emissions.
I hate the way my Prius makes me feel stupid when I have to pay $50.00 to fill up my Camry, and get fewer miles than $25.00 gets me in my Prius.
I can make a long list of things that I love about the Prius but nothing that I hate. One thing that annoys me the most though is the Nav delay when answering an incoming phone call.
I am annoyed the "Auto Sound Leveling" does not have an adjustable range with the Audio System. I am always having to fuss with the volume control when listening to my podcasts...due to road noise on our less-than-perfect highways. And with iPhone syncing, (via the USB) the iPod functions are not friendly to use, and glitchy at bet. I hate the wimpy-nice person horn they put on this Prius. My MINI had a great horn, that made sound like a substantial vehicle. Already, I have had my horn ignored several times on the highway as the cell-phone-txting-distracted-clueless drivers change lanes into me without signaling. In the busy SF Bay Area traffic, the wimpy meep can't be heard over their yakking and thumping audio systems. I plan to replace it with a but not sure about fit or difficulty of the install. Finally, I hate how the USA Version does not have Daytime Running Lights. In California, you need your DRLs or headlight on when it rains. So when I turn the lights on in the daytime, I have to then adjust the dashboard brightness to full so the NAV doesn't go into Night Mode. And if I forget to roll it back, when I use the car at night, the dashboard brightness wheel isn't backlit, so I have to hunt around to find it in order to roll it back so I am not blinded by day-mode of the Navigation. Seems trivial but its a pain in the nice person, and seems most other cars have a programmable DRL function. I've only had my Prius a month, so far, so this is the only real issues I have come up with. Funny how most of this is User Interface, and not physical problems on how the car runs.
In California you need to have your headlights on when it rains. DRLs are not enough, I'm guessing because they don't light the tail lights.
i agree with you tom. i would like stealth to be more clear cut on my gen II, and i added the coastal ev mod which allows ev before the engine starts. i use it all the time to move the car around the driveway/garage area. disappointing to hear the real ev button doesn't work the same way.
You are missing the purpose of regen. When you slow down, stop, or go down a hill, regen helps regain the enery from the gasoline you spent to get up to speed or to get to the top of the hill. Don't 'hate' this efficiency feature. But if your battery is already full, you could switch to N and get use the free 'gravity' that would not further charge the battery anyway--this would solve the issue you describe above.
I'd like better visibility out of the windows. It always seems that there is a headrest in the way. I'm almost to the point that I will lower the rear seats and then fully recline the passenger seat so that the three headrests are out of the way.
I removed all my rear head rests from the rear seats on day two of ownership... they're annoyingly in the way 99% of the time. My passengers are all in car seats (on the occasion that I have them), so I really have no need for them back there anyway.
You're not getting this... I'm not talking about the regen you get when pressing the brake pedal (at stops or going down hills). I'm talking about the regen that happens when NO pedals are pressed. This is not an efficiency feature - it's an INefficiency feature. Automatically slowing down when I'm NOT pushing the brake just forces me to hit the gas again to regain speed. This is less efficient than gliding without regen. And in order to glide without regen, I have to ride the gas pedal - which is actually less safe than having my foot above the pedals where it could push either one quickly if needed.
Lots of non-readers on these forums. (sigh) As you can see from the thread title, those are the two things I hate ABOUT the Prius. (I'm basically happy with everything else.)
Here are some other options: 1) Lift the head rests and tilt them forward or 2) Take them right out and store them under the drivers seat where they are easy to get at if you need them. It seems easy to pack them so that they are not in the way and can't slide anywhere
As I said before, you can eliminate regen that happens with no pedals pressed simply by shifting into N, if that is what you want to happen.
It's more aggressive in the Gen III. In the Gen II, I can go up to 50km/h even before engine warm-up. In the Gen III, I'm limited to 16km/h, no if or buts. It won't let you drain the battery unless you intend to go 16km/h for a long time. It does. It's the same way the smart fortwo's shifter was changed to a PRND layout when it was sold in the US. It doesn't have an automatic transmission yet it's advertised as "5-spd automatic w/ manual mode" because that's what Americans understand. If they see the word "manual" in there, they'll think it's a stick shift. The original smart (ok, Gen 1.5) sold in Canada (with the diesel) had the normal SMG-type gear lever. You actually had to press the gas a bit before the computer engages the clutch. In the new smart, the computer accelerates for you and engages the clutch, thus acting like an automatic transmission when you lift off the brake. i think he was joking with you... He basically saying what you said above.