To add weight to that, I just filled up my truck at a whopping £1.29/litre which equates to my US friends to an eye watering US$7.65/gallon But it is compliant to all the latest emissions, and in a strange twist makes it cheaper to run in compliance with Tax (IRS style) laws than a Toyota Prius...Which is mad government policy in my opinion, but that is a reason why you see more and more pickup trucks on the UK roads for company car benefit where it counts and that is in your take home pay ;-)
Thing is dejongi, it complies with Euro 4 but that is nowhere near the US equivalent. Euro 5 is better but still not quite the same as the strict diesel emissons in the US. I hear what you're saying about the tax laws here. For certain occupations it is actually beneficial to run a truck/pickup than a car. For me it obviously doesn't apply. I think the annual road tax has been adjusted though and you're probably paying £200+ a year for the joy of running a pickup. That was another reason I went for the Prius. A diesel automatic Vectra or Mondeo has road tax at about £215 a year whereas the Prius has £0. Over five years, and assuming it doesn't go up (though it isn't likely to go down!) I will save £1075 in addition to the fuel savings and tax benefits.
true for a taxi it doesn't make much sense, I mean forget about road tax, the mpg will be killing you...Even with my diesel I'd be lucky to get 21mpg before I remapped it... Road tax I don't worry too much about, yes it makes a difference but the few hundred pounds over 3 years compared to the capital expenditure of buying a £29k vehicle doesn't bother me, nor my company too much...My personal tax situation is a different story though Fuel is 100% deductible for my company, and only counts as a fixed benefit of £500 per year for me personally...So fill it up 6 times and I am 'in profit'... Doesn't work for anyone, but company owners and company car drivers it does make sense...I can even reduce my corporation tax by buying 22" wheels and get the sales tax back as well... All not possible with a Prius....Now personally I do not agree at all with government policy like that, but yes I do take advantage And will change when policy changes... To be honest I just won a big contract with my main customer in London, and are seriously considering getting a Prius for myself instead of my wife as I hate public transport and there is no congestion charge and easier parking....But we would still need a large vehicle with appropriate towing capacity :-( Didn't appreciate that diesel emissions are even more strict in the US, guess they have different rules for commercial vehicles...
Okay Grump I get your point, but the Ford Transit will not fill my needs period. When I say I pull a trailer its just that my 550 is never disconnected from a trailer, and I haul at any given time a John Deere 110E back hoe or a John Deere 320D, I also to car transportation on the side(usually 2 to 3 at a time) If DOT (department of transportation) caught me pulling that kind of weight with any thing less than my 350, They would have a field day hitting me with fines. And god forbid if I was using anything less than a dual rear wheeled vehicle and have rear tire blow out and lose control and possibly kill somebody. Now all that being said, the day a hybrid and or electric vehicle with the capacity to for fill those towing needs is available I will purchase one. But as of now that is not a reality here in the States. Simply put my diesel trucks keep food on the table and a roof over my families head. :thumb:
Which is odd as larger hybrids exist, and smaller hybrids exist. Komatsu America Corp. - Equipment - 830E-AC (This is not street legal, obviously)
Diesel Dan - I'm all for putting food on tables and keeping a roof over my head. The less a government interferes the better in my eyes too. I sincerely hope our left leaning socialist government doesn't get in again at the elections otherwise God help us! I hear what you're saying and the vehicle works for you in your situation(s). Maybe it's all relative. The vehicle meets your needs and then some. Perhaps the smaller vehicles in Europe restrict us in ways we don't realise?
Actually I never thought about it before, but that phrase I quoted could equally apply to both of us!
Then again, transporting the JD's being discussed would be done with a much larger vehicle in Europe.... Horses for causes I say...
I have been waiting for a decent hybrid truck. I have a cab-over camper and my half-ton is getting old. My Prius gas mileage has spoiled me. I know it would never approach Prius mileage but it must be better than 13 mpg.
I was on another site, and one of their members was averaging close to 30MPG with a one ton truck, mind you he has done some modifications plus its diesel. The day a decent hybrid truck hits the market will be a wonderful day for sure!!! That means my profits go up, and I can do my part of cutting our foreign energy dependency.
5k max towing wouldnt work for many people in the US. That varies by area. Its common sense really. What would you do? Buy one vehicle that meets all of your needs or Buy two and leave one sit constantly and have to make two payments, Maintain two and the like Dave Whitmores truck by chance?