Re: Police called in some bomb specialists... the man had a wire going from his anus to his pocket.. I bet there was a big stink about that! What a pain in the butt for the CHP! Something didn't smell right, so the bomb squad was brought it! (good story for the late night night shows...)
Re: Police called in some bomb specialists... the man had a wire going from his anus to his pocket.. They didn't need the bomb squad. All they needed was a long piece of string and a door knob. As an alternative, you could tie the free end of the long piece of string to a stationary object, and then tell the subject to run. Tom
Re: Police called in some bomb specialists... the man had a wire going from his anus to his pocket.. There was no bomb, but there was a probe. I've never been so proud to be from El Dorado County. :madgrin:
Re: Police called in some bomb specialists... the man had a wire going from his anus to his pocket.. So, is that the Prius DIY arse warmer?
Re: Police called in some bomb specialists... the man had a wire going from his anus to his pocket.. Only top-of-the-line anal vibrators have the heater option
Re: Police called in some bomb specialists... the man had a wire going from his anus to his pocket.. We wondered why Grandpa was always smiling all the time. :madgrin:
Re: Police called in some bomb specialists... the man had a wire going from his anus to his pocket.. what a bunch of crap
Re: Police called in some bomb specialists... the man had a wire going from his anus to his pocket.. I bet that's what EOD said...
Re: Police called in some bomb specialists... the man had a wire going from his anus to his pocket.. Some small children put foreign objects in the noses and ears and then they get older. A doc once told me of a "cucumber extraction" that was performed in the ER. This was after the patient had driven past 3 hospitals in 2 counties.
Re: Police called in some bomb specialists... the man had a wire going from his anus to his pocket.. This reminds me of the following story of a vicar who slipped and fell onto a potato. All innocent you understand Vicar went to hospital with potato stuck in bottom - Telegraph
Re: Police called in some bomb specialists... the man had a wire going from his anus to his pocket.. Couldn't they just kick him in a$$ a few times? Presto mashed potato.
Re: Police called in some bomb specialists... the man had a wire going from his anus to his pocket.. Man on Fire (2004) - Memorable quotes
Re: Police called in some bomb specialists... the man had a wire going from his anus to his pocket.. Perhaps he is an aspiring concert [ame=]Flatulist - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]. He used the device to add vibrato. Hey! I'm not smart enough to make this up: Mr Methane » Flatulist [ame=]flatulist - Google Search[/ame]
Re: Police called in some bomb specialists... the man had a wire going from his anus to his pocket.. smirk
Re: Police called in some bomb specialists... the man had a wire going from his anus to his pocket.. I'm really not sure if I should post this, but it is a clip from prime time UK tv show Britains Got Talent featuring Simon Cowel, so I guess if they felt it could be broadcast it can't be too bad. Don't say I didn't warn you!! [ame=]YouTube - Mr Methane - Britain's Got Talent - Show 5[/ame]
Re: Police called in some bomb specialists... the man had a wire going from his anus to his pocket.. Was watching Leno (paused it to catch up on PC). Yup... he got a good laugh from his audience with this story.