DashDAQ; Can We Make It the New CanView?

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Accessories & Modifications' started by Rokeby, Dec 16, 2008.

  1. tjs4689

    tjs4689 Junior Member

    Jul 27, 2006
    Pafici Northwest
    2009 Prius
    The reason I am considering the replacement of my ScanGuage II with a DashDaq is for the data logging capabilities. The $80.00 additional GPS antenna gives me the ability to tie systems performance to location. Since Drew Tech's has provided developer support via dashdaq.com/support/developers site, I think we should consider an open souce project devoted to Prius and PHEV Prius Data Display and recording. Taking the Best of DashDaq, ScanGuage mods, CanView, etc into a mod that we and Drew Tech would be proud of.
  2. Fuel Miser

    Fuel Miser Junior Member

    Feb 19, 2010
    Ontario, Canada
    2010 Prius
    I just ordered a new DashDaq Series II. Should have it next week sometime. Looking forward to having som real gauges to look at. You know... useful ones that show a probelm before the idiot light comes on :D.

    I hope we can get more advanced monitoring of the inverter, MG1 and 2, etc. in the near future.
  3. tf4624

    tf4624 Active Member

    Dec 4, 2009
    2008 Prius
    how are we suppose to load and use the stuff from the link below.. I like that it talks to you ..

    The MyCANScan Project
  4. vertex

    vertex Active Member

    Mar 27, 2009
    new york
    2018 Prius Prime
    Prime Plus
    I've been working on this for 6 months. The original was for a Zaurus by Atilla VAss. He used is a Japanese only model. I am working on porting it to a US Zaurus SL5500. I also tried using a cheaper OBDII adapter then the $125 unit he used. I am stuck on that right now, but the SL5500 part is working. Peter Astrand's version that runs on any PC using Linux. In the TAR zip program, these is a executable as well as the source code.
  5. Prius42

    Prius42 New Member

    Mar 20, 2010
    2010 Prius

    How does it work? I think you must have had it for about a month now. I'm very interested in what your impressions are!
  6. tjs4689

    tjs4689 Junior Member

    Jul 27, 2006
    Pafici Northwest
    2009 Prius
    Well I have got the DashDaq and am building the gauges I want to log. For the electric motor what are the need parameters for getting the best econimy from the Prius. I have included the most recent signals report. One of the gauges has 24 data point it can display. This is in three blocks. I want to use the first block for the ICE, second for MG2, and Third for GPS data. During my use of the ScanGaugeII I also used Brake Presure Sensor and Throttle Position Sensor and would like to find the same ones in this data. DrewTech has made it harder since users are not able to add inputs like the ScanGuage II. The DashDaq does have tools to create custom gauges to give it a CAN-View look and feel. It is well worth the price invested. Thanks in advance for any help given.

    ScanGaugeII Parameters needing conversion to DashDaq
    Brake Pedal Position 0038 010082300000 3008 03E800800000 bsp xx.x % depression
    Gas Pedal Position 024C 010282440000 4008 000A00020000 gps xx.x % depression

    DashDAQ Available Signals Report
    Time: Sat Nov 20 19:33:53 2010
    Firmware Version: DashGUI-2.1.4-2036
    Device: a-Generic OBD2 Version:2.1.4-2036
    9998 "Latency" "OBD Latency" "ms" 0
    9999 "Updates" "OBD Update Rate" "Hz" 0
    9996 "NET" "OBD Network Type" "" 0
    46 "EVAP_VPA" "Absolute Evap System Vapor Pressure" "kPa" 0
    33 "LOAD_ABS" "Absolute Load Value" "%" 0
    14 "TP" "Absolute Throttle #1 position" "%" 0
    37 "TP_B" "Absolute Throttle Position B" "%" 0
    39 "APP_D" "Accelerator Pedal Position D" "%" 0
    40 "APP_E" "Accelerator Pedal Position E" "%" 0
    13 "MAF" "Air Flow Rate from MAF" "g/s" 0
    36 "AAT" "Ambient air temperature" "°C" 0
    27 "BARO" "Barometric Pressure" "PSI" 0
    1 "LOAD" "Calculated Load Value" "%" 0
    28 "CATEMP11" "Catalyst Temperature Bank 1, Sensor 1" "°F" 0
    30 "CATEMP12" "Catalyst Temperature Bank 1, Sensor 2" "°F" 0
    34 "EQ_RAT" "Commanded Equivalence Ratio" "" 0
    22 "EVAP_PCT" "Commanded Evaporative Purge" "%" 0
    42 "TAC_PCT" "Commanded Throttle Actuator Control" "%" 0
    32 "VOLTS" "Control module voltage" "V" 0
    17 "MIL_DIST" "Distance Travelled While MIL is Activated" "miles" 0
    25 "CLR_DIST" "Distance since DTCs cleared" "miles" 0
    2 "ECT" "Engine Coolant Temperature" "°F" 0
    9 "RPM" "Engine RPM" "RPM" 0
    26 "EVAP_VP" "Evap System Vapor Pressure" "PSI" 0
    300 "FUELSYS1" "Fuel System 1 Status" "" 0
    301 "FUELSYS2" "Fuel System 2 Status" "" 0
    4 "LTFT1" "Fuel Trim Bank 1 - Long Term" "%" 0
    3 "STFT1" "Fuel Trim Bank 1 - Short Term" "%" 0
    11 "SPARKADV" "Ignition Timing Advance (#1)" "°TDC" 0
    12 "IAT" "Intake Air Temperature" "°F" 0
    200 "MIL" "Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL) Status (On/Off)" "" 0
    43 "MIL_TIME" "Minutes engine run while MIL activated" "min" 0
    24 "WARM_UPS" "Number of warm-ups since DTCs cleared" "" 0
    117 "OSB1S1w" "O2 Bank 1 Sensor 1 Lambda (wide)" "" 0
    116 "OSB1S1w_V" "O2 Bank 1 Sensor 1 Voltage (wide)" "V" 0
    103 "O2B1S2" "O2 Bank 1 Sensor 2 Fuel Trim" "%" 0
    102 "O2B1S2_V" "O2 Bank 1 Sensor 2 Voltage" "V" 0
    303 "OBDSUP" "OBD Requirements" "" 0
    35 "TP_R" "Relative Throttle Position" "%" 0
    16 "RUNTM" "Time Since Engine Start" "sec" 0
    44 "CLR_TIME" "Time since DTCs cleared" "min" 0
    10 "Speed" "Vehicle Speed" "MPH" 0
    Device: b-Generic GPS Version:2.1.4-2036
    1 "FixTaken" "Time Fix Taken" "" 0
    2 "Lat" "Latitude" "" 0
    3 "Lon" "Longitude" "" 0
    4 "GPSQuality" "GPS Quality Indicator" "" 0
    5 "SatsInUse" "Number of Satellites In Use" "" 0
    6 "HDOP" "Horizontal Dilution of Precision" "" 0
    7 "Alt" "Altitude" "" 0
    8 "GeoHt" "Geoid Height" "" 0
    9 "tTrack" "True Track Made Good (degrees)" "" 0
    10 "mTrack" "Magnetic Track Made Good" "" 0
    11 "SpdKnots" "Ground Speed in knots (slow update)" "knots" 0
    12 "GrdSpd" "Ground Speed (slow update)" "kph" 0
    13 "FixMode" "Fix Mode" "" 0
    14 "FixType" "Fix Type" "" 0
    15 "PDOP" "Percent DOP" "%" 0
    16 "HDOPDescrp" "Horizontal DOP Description" "" 0
    17 "VDOP" "Vertical Dilution of Precision" "" 0
    18 "VDOPDescrp" "Vertical DOP Description" "" 0
    19 "SatsInView" "Number of Satellites In View" "" 0
    20 "Sat1ID" "Satellite 1 ID" "" 0
    21 "Sat1Sig" "Satellite 1 Signal" "" 0
    22 "Sat2ID" "Satellite 2 ID" "" 0
    23 "Sat2Sig" "Satellite 2 Signal" "" 0
    24 "Sat3ID" "Satellite 3 ID" "" 0
    25 "Sat3Sig" "Satellite 3 Signal" "" 0
    26 "Sat4ID" "Satellite 4 ID" "" 0
    27 "Sat4Sig" "Satellite 4 Signal" "" 0
    28 "Sat5ID" "Satellite 5 ID" "" 0
    29 "Sat5Sig" "Satellite 5 Signal" "" 0
    30 "Sat6ID" "Satellite 6 ID" "" 0
    31 "Sat6Sig" "Satellite 6 Signal" "" 0
    32 "Sat7ID" "Satellite 7 ID" "" 0
    33 "Sat7Sig" "Satellite 7 Signal" "" 0
    34 "Sat8ID" "Satellite 8 ID" "" 0
    35 "Sat8Sig" "Satellite 8 Signal" "" 0
    36 "Sat9ID" "Satellite 9 ID" "" 0
    37 "Sat9Sig" "Satellite 9 Signal" "" 0
    38 "Sat10ID" "Satellite 10 ID" "" 0
    39 "Sat10Sig" "Satellite 10 Signal" "" 0
    40 "Sat11ID" "Satellite 11 ID" "" 0
    41 "Sat11Sig" "Satellite 11 Signal" "" 0
    42 "Sat12ID" "Satellite 12 ID" "" 0
    43 "Sat12Sig" "Satellite 12 Signal" "" 0
    44 "Status" "Status: Active or Void" "" 0
    45 "IndFixType" "Mode Indicator of Fix Type" "" 0
    46 "UTC" "UTC Time" "" 0
    47 "Date" "Date" "" 0
    48 "CalcDist" "Calculated Distance" "km" 0
    49 "LatDeg" "Latitude (degrees)" "" 0
    50 "LonDeg" "Longitude (degrees)" "" 0
    51 "NMEACount" "Count of NMEA sentences" "" 0
    Device: c-Analog Input Version:2.1.4-2036
    1 "V" "Analog In - Raw" "Volts" 0
    2 "V(C)" "V(C)" "Volts" 0
    3 "VBATT" "Battery Voltage" "Volts" 0
    Device: d-Analog Input Version:2.1.4-2036
    1 "V" "Analog In - Raw" "Volts" 0
    2 "V(C)" "V(C)" "Volts" 0
    3 "VBATT" "Battery Voltage" "Volts" 0
    Device: e-Toyota ECM 60: Hybrid Control 2004-2010 Version:2.1.4-2036 (Licensed)
    937 "ECU Type" " Type of ECU" "" 0
    11 "+B" "+B" "V" 0
    13 "Accel Pos #1" "Accel Pedal Pos #1" "%" 0
    14 "Accel Pos #2" "Accel Pedal Pos #2" "%" 0
    110 "Accel Sensor " "Accel Sensor Main" "%" 0
    164 "Acc Sensor Ma" "Accel Sensor Main" "%" 0
    218 "Acc Sensor Ma" "Accel Sensor Main" "%" 0
    272 "Acc Sensor Ma" "Accel Sensor Main" "%" 0
    326 "Acc Sensor Ma" "Accel Sensor Main" "%" 0
    63 "Accelerator" "Accelerator Degree" "%" 0
    818 "Aircon Reques" "Aircon Request" "" 0
    12 "Ambient Temp" "Ambient Temperature" "°C" 0
    111 "Aux. Batt V" "Auxiliary Batt Voltage" "V" 0
    165 "Aux. Batt V" "Auxiliary Battery Voltage" "V" 0
    219 "Aux. Batt V" "Auxiliary Battery Voltage" "V" 0
    273 "Aux. Batt V" "Auxiliary Battery Voltage" "V" 0
    327 "Aux. Batt V" "Auxiliary Battery Voltage" "V" 0
    1 "Calc Load" "Calculate Load" "%" 0
    933 "Check Mode" "Check Mode" "" 0
    188 "Convrtr Temp " "Cnv-Temp after IG-ON" "°C" 0
    242 "Convrtr Temp " "Cnv-Temp after IG-ON" "°C" 0
    296 "Convrtr Temp " "Cnv-Temp after IG-ON" "°C" 0
    350 "Convrtr Temp " "Cnv-Temp after IG-ON" "°C" 0
    801 "Comp Mon" "Complete Parts Monitor" "" 0
    802 "CCM CMPL" "Component Monitor CMPL" "" 0
    803 "CCM ENA" "Component Monitor ENA" "" 0
    134 "Convrtr Temp " "Conv-Tmp after IG-ON" "°C" 0
    125 "Converter Tem" "Converter Temperature" "°C" 0
    179 "Converter Tem" "Converter Temperature" "°C" 0
    233 "Converter Tem" "Converter Temperature" "°C" 0
    287 "Converter Tem" "Converter Temperature" "°C" 0
    341 "Converter Tem" "Converter Temperature" "°C" 0
    862 "Cruise Contro" "Cruise Control" "" 0
    871 "Cruise Contro" "Cruise Control" "" 0
    880 "Cruise Contro" "Cruise Control" "" 0
    889 "Cruise Contro" "Cruise Control" "" 0
    898 "Cruise Contro" "Cruise Control" "" 0
    16 "DTC Clear Min" "DTC Clear Min" "Min" 0
    10 "DTC Clear Run" "DTC Clear Run Distance" "km" 0
    9 "DTC Clear War" "DTC Clear Warm Up" "" 0
    20 "Destination" "Destination" "" 0
    35 "Dchg Rqst SOC" "Discharge Rqst to SOC" "W" 0
    36 "Drive Conditi" "Drive Condition ID" "" 0
    103 "Drive Conditi" "Drive Condition ID" "" 0
    157 "Drive Conditi" "Drive Condition ID" "" 0
    211 "Drive Conditi" "Drive Condition ID" "" 0
    265 "Drive Conditi" "Drive Condition ID" "" 0
    319 "Drive Conditi" "Drive Condition ID" "" 0
    813 "Driving Patte" "Driving Pattern 1" "" 0
    814 "Driving Patte" "Driving Pattern 2" "" 0
    815 "Driving Patte" "Driving Pattern 3" "" 0
    21 "ECU Code" "ECU Code" "" 0
    19 "Engine Code" "Engine Code" "" 0
    2 "Coolant Temp" "Engine Coolant Temp" "°C" 0
    857 "Engine Fuel C" "Engine Fuel Cut" "" 0
    866 "Engine Fuel C" "Engine Fuel Cut" "" 0
    875 "Engine Fuel C" "Engine Fuel Cut" "" 0
    884 "Engine Fuel C" "Engine Fuel Cut" "" 0
    893 "Engine Fuel C" "Engine Fuel Cut" "" 0
    822 "Idling Reques" "Engine Idling Request" "" 0
    856 "Idling Reques" "Engine Idling Request" "" 0
    865 "Idling Reques" "Engine Idling Request" "" 0
    874 "Idling Reques" "Engine Idling Request" "" 0
    883 "Idling Reques" "Engine Idling Request" "" 0
    892 "Idling Reques" "Engine Idling Request" "" 0
    3 "Engine Rev" "Engine Revolution" "rpm" 0
    7 "Eng Run Time" "Engine Run Time" "s" 0
    30 "Engine Spd" "Engine Spd" "rpm" 0
    98 "Engine Spd" "Engine Spd" "rpm" 0
    152 "Engine Spd" "Engine Spd" "rpm" 0
    206 "Engine Spd" "Engine Spd" "rpm" 0
    260 "Engine Spd" "Engine Spd" "rpm" 0
    314 "Engine Spd" "Engine Spd" "rpm" 0
    819 "Eng Stp Inhib" "Engine Stop Inhibit Rqst" "" 0
    823 "Eng Stop Rqst" "Engine Stop Request" "" 0
    855 "Eng Stop Rqst" "Engine Stop Request" "" 0
    864 "Eng Stop Rqst" "Engine Stop Request" "" 0
    873 "Eng Stop Rqst" "Engine Stop Request" "" 0
    882 "Eng Stop Rqst" "Engine Stop Request" "" 0
    891 "Eng Stop Rqst" "Engine Stop Request" "" 0
    817 "Eng Warm Up R" "Engine Warming Up Rqst" "" 0
    860 "Eng Warm Up R" "Engine Warming Up Rqst" "" 0
    869 "Eng Warm Up R" "Engine Warming Up Rqst" "" 0
    878 "Eng Warm Up R" "Engine Warming Up Rqst" "" 0
    887 "Eng Warm Up R" "Engine Warming Up Rqst" "" 0
    896 "Eng Warm Up R" "Engine Warming Up Rqst" "" 0
    112 "Exclusive Inf" "Exclusive Information 1" "" 0
    166 "Exclusive Inf" "Exclusive Information 1" "" 0
    220 "Exclusive Inf" "Exclusive Information 1" "" 0
    274 "Exclusive Inf" "Exclusive Information 1" "" 0
    328 "Exclusive Inf" "Exclusive Information 1" "" 0
    113 "Exclusive Inf" "Exclusive Information 2" "" 0
    167 "Exclusive Inf" "Exclusive Information 2" "" 0
    221 "Exclusive Inf" "Exclusive Information 2" "" 0
    275 "Exclusive Inf" "Exclusive Information 2" "" 0
    329 "Exclusive Inf" "Exclusive Information 2" "" 0
    114 "Exclusive Inf" "Exclusive Information 3" "" 0
    168 "Exclusive Inf" "Exclusive Information 3" "" 0
    222 "Exclusive Inf" "Exclusive Information 3" "" 0
    276 "Exclusive Inf" "Exclusive Information 3" "" 0
    330 "Exclusive Inf" "Exclusive Information 3" "" 0
    115 "Exclusive Inf" "Exclusive Information 4" "" 0
    169 "Exclusive Inf" "Exclusive Information 4" "" 0
    223 "Exclusive Inf" "Exclusive Information 4" "" 0
    277 "Exclusive Inf" "Exclusive Information 4" "" 0
    331 "Exclusive Inf" "Exclusive Information 4" "" 0
    116 "Exclusive Inf" "Exclusive Information 5" "" 0
    170 "Exclusive Inf" "Exclusive Information 5" "" 0
    224 "Exclusive Inf" "Exclusive Information 5" "" 0
    278 "Exclusive Inf" "Exclusive Information 5" "" 0
    332 "Exclusive Inf" "Exclusive Information 5" "" 0
    117 "Exclusive Inf" "Exclusive Information 6" "" 0
    171 "Exclusive Inf" "Exclusive Information 6" "" 0
    225 "Exclusive Inf" "Exclusive Information 6" "" 0
    279 "Exclusive Inf" "Exclusive Information 6" "" 0
    333 "Exclusive Inf" "Exclusive Information 6" "" 0
    118 "Exclusive Inf" "Exclusive Information 7" "" 0
    172 "Exclusive Inf" "Exclusive Information 7" "" 0
    226 "Exclusive Inf" "Exclusive Information 7" "" 0
    280 "Exclusive Inf" "Exclusive Information 7" "" 0
    334 "Exclusive Inf" "Exclusive Information 7" "" 0
    26 "MG1 Rev" "Generator(MG1) Rev" "rpm" 0
    93 "MG1 Rev" "Generator(MG1) Rev" "rpm" 0
    147 "MG1 Rev" "Generator(MG1) Rev" "rpm" 0
    201 "MG1 Rev" "Generator(MG1) Rev" "rpm" 0
    255 "MG1 Rev" "Generator(MG1) Rev" "rpm" 0
    309 "MG1 Rev" "Generator(MG1) Rev" "rpm" 0
    27 "MG1 Torq" "Generator(MG1) Torq" "Nm" 0
    95 "MG1 Torq" "Generator(MG1) Torq" "Nm" 0
    149 "MG1 Torq" "Generator(MG1) Torq" "Nm" 0
    203 "MG1 Torq" "Generator(MG1) Torq" "Nm" 0
    257 "MG1 Torq" "Generator(MG1) Torq" "Nm" 0
    311 "MG1 Torq" "Generator(MG1) Torq" "Nm" 0
    820 "HCAC Absrt Rq" "HCAC OBD Request" "" 0
    859 "HCAC Absrt Rq" "HCAC OBD Request" "" 0
    868 "HCAC Absrt Rq" "HCAC OBD Request" "" 0
    877 "HCAC Absrt Rq" "HCAC OBD Request" "" 0
    886 "HCAC Absrt Rq" "HCAC OBD Request" "" 0
    895 "HCAC Absrt Rq" "HCAC OBD Request" "" 0
    120 "Information 1" "Information 1" "" 0
    174 "Information 2" "Information 2" "" 0
    228 "Information 3" "Information 3" "" 0
    282 "Information 4" "Information 4" "" 0
    336 "Information 5" "Information 5" "" 0
    5 "Intake Air Te" "Intake Air Temperature" "°C" 0
    129 "Invt Tmp-MG1 " "Inv-T (MG1) aftr IG-ON" "°C" 0
    183 "Invt Tmp-MG1 " "Inv-T (MG1) aftr IG-ON" "°C" 0
    237 "Invt Tmp-MG1 " "Inv-T (MG1) aftr IG-ON" "°C" 0
    291 "Invt Tmp-MG1 " "Inv-T (MG1) aftr IG-ON" "°C" 0
    345 "Invt Tmp-MG1 " "Inv-T (MG1) aftr IG-ON" "°C" 0
    130 "Invt Tmp-MG2 " "Inv-T (MG2) aftr IG-ON" "°C" 0
    184 "Invt Tmp-MG2 " "Inv-T (MG2) aftr IG-ON" "°C" 0
    238 "Invt Tmp-MG2 " "Inv-T (MG2) aftr IG-ON" "°C" 0
    292 "Invt Tmp-MG2 " "Inv-T (MG2) aftr IG-ON" "°C" 0
    346 "Invt Tmp-MG2 " "Inv-T (MG2) aftr IG-ON" "°C" 0
    136 "Invt Tmp-MG1M" "Inv-Temp (MG1) Max" "°C" 0
    137 "Invt Tmp-MG2M" "Inv-Temp (MG2) Max" "°C" 0
    104 "Invert Temp-M" "Inverter Temp (MG1)" "°C" 0
    158 "Invert Temp-M" "Inverter Temp (MG1)" "°C" 0
    212 "Invert Temp-M" "Inverter Temp (MG1)" "°C" 0
    266 "Invert Temp-M" "Inverter Temp (MG1)" "°C" 0
    320 "Invert Temp-M" "Inverter Temp (MG1)" "°C" 0
    105 "Invert Temp-M" "Inverter Temp (MG2)" "°C" 0
    159 "Invert Temp-M" "Inverter Temp (MG2)" "°C" 0
    213 "Invert Temp-M" "Inverter Temp (MG2)" "°C" 0
    267 "Invert Temp-M" "Inverter Temp (MG2)" "°C" 0
    321 "Invert Temp-M" "Inverter Temp (MG2)" "°C" 0
    37 "MG1 Invert Te" "Inverter Temp-(MG1)" "" 0
    38 "MG2 Invert Te" "Inverter Temp-(MG2)" "" 0
    190 "Invt Tmp-MG1M" "Inverter Tmp (MG1) Max" "°C" 0
    244 "Invt Tmp-MG1M" "Inverter Tmp (MG1) Max" "°C" 0
    298 "Invt Tmp-MG1M" "Inverter Tmp (MG1) Max" "°C" 0
    352 "Invt Tmp-MG1M" "Inverter Tmp (MG1) Max" "°C" 0
    191 "Invt Tmp-MG2M" "Inverter Tmp (MG2) Max" "°C" 0
    245 "Invt Tmp-MG2M" "Inverter Tmp (MG2) Max" "°C" 0
    299 "Invt Tmp-MG2M" "Inverter Tmp (MG2) Max" "°C" 0
    353 "Invt Tmp-MG2M" "Inverter Tmp (MG2) Max" "°C" 0
    363 "Latest Oper 0" "Latest Operation 02" "" 0
    367 "Latest Oper 0" "Latest Operation 03" "" 0
    371 "Latest Oper 0" "Latest Operation 04" "" 0
    375 "Latest Oper 0" "Latest Operation 05" "" 0
    379 "Latest Oper 0" "Latest Operation 06" "" 0
    383 "Latest Oper 0" "Latest Operation 07" "" 0
    387 "Latest Oper 0" "Latest Operation 08" "" 0
    391 "Latest Oper 0" "Latest Operation 09" "" 0
    395 "Latest Oper 1" "Latest Operation 10" "" 0
    415 "Latest Oper 1" "Latest Operation 13" "" 0
    419 "Latest Oper 1" "Latest Operation 14" "" 0
    423 "Latest Oper 1" "Latest Operation 15" "" 0
    427 "Latest Oper 1" "Latest Operation 16" "" 0
    431 "Latest Oper 1" "Latest Operation 17" "" 0
    435 "Latest Oper 1" "Latest Operation 18" "" 0
    439 "Latest Oper 1" "Latest Operation 19" "" 0
    443 "Latest Oper 2" "Latest Operation 20" "" 0
    447 "Latest Oper 2" "Latest Operation 21" "" 0
    451 "Latest Oper 2" "Latest Operation 22" "" 0
    455 "Latest Oper 2" "Latest Operation 23" "" 0
    459 "Latest Oper 2" "Latest Operation 24" "" 0
    364 "Latest Trip 0" "Latest Trip 02" "" 0
    368 "Latest Trip 0" "Latest Trip 03" "" 0
    372 "Latest Trip 0" "Latest Trip 04" "" 0
    376 "Latest Trip 0" "Latest Trip 05" "" 0
    380 "Latest Trip 0" "Latest Trip 06" "" 0
    384 "Latest Trip 0" "Latest Trip 07" "" 0
    388 "Latest Trip 0" "Latest Trip 08" "" 0
    392 "Latest Trip 0" "Latest Trip 09" "" 0
    396 "Latest Trip 1" "Latest Trip 10" "" 0
    416 "Latest Trip 1" "Latest Trip 13" "" 0
    420 "Latest Trip 1" "Latest Trip 14" "" 0
    424 "Latest Trip 1" "Latest Trip 15" "" 0
    428 "Latest Trip 1" "Latest Trip 16" "" 0
    432 "Latest Trip 1" "Latest Trip 17" "" 0
    436 "Latest Trip 1" "Latest Trip 18" "" 0
    440 "Latest Trip 1" "Latest Trip 19" "" 0
    444 "Latest Trip 2" "Latest Trip 20" "" 0
    448 "Latest Trip 2" "Latest Trip 21" "" 0
    452 "Latest Trip 2" "Latest Trip 22" "" 0
    456 "Latest Trip 2" "Latest Trip 23" "" 0
    460 "Latest Trip 2" "Latest Trip 24" "" 0
    816 "Load Conditio" "Loading Condition" "" 0
    800 "MIL Status" "MIL Status" "" 0
    15 "MIL On Eng Ti" "MIL on Engine Run Time" "Min" 0
    8 "MIL on Run Di" "MIL on Run Distance" "km" 0
    821 "HV Batt Ch Rq" "Main Batt Charging Rqst" "" 0
    858 "HV Batt Ch Rq" "Main Batt Charging Rqst" "" 0
    867 "HV Batt Ch Rq" "Main Batt Charging Rqst" "" 0
    876 "HV Batt Ch Rq" "Main Batt Charging Rqst" "" 0
    885 "HV Batt Ch Rq" "Main Batt Charging Rqst" "" 0
    894 "HV Batt Ch Rq" "Main Batt Charging Rqst" "" 0
    31 "Mcyl Ctrl Pow" "Master Cylinder Ctrl Trq" "Nm" 0
    99 "Mcyl Ctrl Pow" "Master Cylinder Ctrl Trq" "Nm" 0
    153 "Mcyl Ctrl Pow" "Master Cylinder Ctrl Trq" "Nm" 0
    207 "Mcyl Ctrl Pow" "Master Cylinder Ctrl Trq" "Nm" 0
    261 "Mcyl Ctrl Pow" "Master Cylinder Ctrl Trq" "Nm" 0
    315 "Mcyl Ctrl Pow" "Master Cylinder Ctrl Trq" "Nm" 0
    18 "Model Code" "Model Code" "" 0
    107 "MG2(No1) Temp" "Motor Temp MG2(No1)" "°C" 0
    161 "MG2(No1) Temp" "Motor Temp MG2(No1)" "°C" 0
    215 "MG2(No1) Temp" "Motor Temp MG2(No1)" "°C" 0
    269 "MG2(No1) Temp" "Motor Temp MG2(No1)" "°C" 0
    323 "MG2(No1) Temp" "Motor Temp MG2(No1)" "°C" 0
    106 "MG2(No2) Temp" "Motor Temp MG2(No2)" "°C" 0
    160 "MG2(No2) Temp" "Motor Temp MG2(No2)" "°C" 0
    214 "MG2(No2) Temp" "Motor Temp MG2(No2)" "°C" 0
    268 "MG2(No2) Temp" "Motor Temp MG2(No2)" "°C" 0
    322 "MG2(No2) Temp" "Motor Temp MG2(No2)" "°C" 0
    40 "Motor1 Temp" "Motor Temp No1" "" 0
    39 "Motor2 Temp" "Motor Temp No2" "" 0
    22 "MG2 Rev" "Motor(MG2) Revolution" "rpm" 0
    94 "MG2 Rev" "Motor(MG2) Revolution" "rpm" 0
    148 "MG2 Rev" "Motor(MG2) Revolution" "rpm" 0
    202 "MG2 Rev" "Motor(MG2) Revolution" "rpm" 0
    256 "MG2 Rev" "Motor(MG2) Revolution" "rpm" 0
    310 "MG2 Rev" "Motor(MG2) Revolution" "rpm" 0
    23 "MG2 Torq" "Motor(MG2) Torq" "Nm" 0
    96 "MG2 Torq" "Motor(MG2) Torq" "Nm" 0
    150 "MG2 Torq" "Motor(MG2) Torq" "Nm" 0
    204 "MG2 Torq" "Motor(MG2) Torq" "Nm" 0
    258 "MG2 Torq" "Motor(MG2) Torq" "Nm" 0
    312 "MG2 Torq" "Motor(MG2) Torq" "Nm" 0
    131 "MG2 Temp IG" "Mtr-T (MG2) aftr IG-ON" "°C" 0
    185 "MG2 Temp IG" "Mtr-T (MG2) aftr IG-ON" "°C" 0
    239 "MG2 Temp IG" "Mtr-T (MG2) aftr IG-ON" "°C" 0
    293 "MG2 Temp IG" "Mtr-T (MG2) aftr IG-ON" "°C" 0
    347 "MG2 Temp IG" "Mtr-T (MG2) aftr IG-ON" "°C" 0
    580 "Current DTCs" "Num of Current Code" "" 0
    581 "History DTCs" "Num of History Code" "" 0
    119 "Occurrence Or" "Occurrence Order" "" 0
    173 "Occurrence Or" "Occurrence Order" "" 0
    227 "Occurrence Or" "Occurrence Order" "" 0
    281 "Occurrence Or" "Occurrence Order" "" 0
    335 "Occurrence Or" "Occurrence Order" "" 0
    365 "Bef Latst Ope" "Operation before Latest 02" "" 0
    369 "Bef Latst Ope" "Operation before Latest 03" "" 0
    373 "Bef Latst Ope" "Operation before Latest 04" "" 0
    377 "Bef Latst Ope" "Operation before Latest 05" "" 0
    381 "Bef Latst Ope" "Operation before Latest 06" "" 0
    385 "Bef Latst Ope" "Operation before Latest 07" "" 0
    389 "Bef Latst Ope" "Operation before Latest 08" "" 0
    393 "Bef Latst Ope" "Operation before Latest 09" "" 0
    397 "Bef Latst Ope" "Operation before Latest 10" "" 0
    417 "Bef Latst Ope" "Operation before Latest 13" "" 0
    421 "Bef Latst Ope" "Operation before Latest 14" "" 0
    425 "Bef Latst Ope" "Operation before Latest 15" "" 0
    429 "Bef Latst Ope" "Operation before Latest 16" "" 0
    433 "Bef Latst Ope" "Operation before Latest 17" "" 0
    437 "Bef Latst Ope" "Operation before Latest 18" "" 0
    441 "Bef Latst Ope" "Operation before Latest 19" "" 0
    445 "Bef Latst Ope" "Operation before Latest 20" "" 0
    449 "Bef Latst Ope" "Operation before Latest 21" "" 0
    453 "Bef Latst Ope" "Operation before Latest 22" "" 0
    457 "Bef Latst Ope" "Operation before Latest 23" "" 0
    461 "Bef Latst Ope" "Operation before Latest 24" "" 0
    42 "Pwr Resource " "Power Resource IB" "A" 0
    109 "Pwr Resource " "Power Resource IB" "A" 0
    163 "Pwr Resource " "Power Resource IB" "A" 0
    217 "Pwr Resource " "Power Resource IB" "A" 0
    271 "Pwr Resource " "Power Resource IB" "A" 0
    325 "Pwr Resource " "Power Resource IB" "A" 0
    41 "Pwr Resource " "Power Resource VB" "V" 0
    108 "Pwr Resource " "Power Resource VB" "V" 0
    162 "Pwr Resource " "Power Resource VB" "V" 0
    216 "Pwr Resource " "Power Resource VB" "V" 0
    270 "Pwr Resource " "Power Resource VB" "V" 0
    324 "Pwr Resource " "Power Resource VB" "V" 0
    62 "Rr Regen Rq T" "R Rqst Regen Brk Torq" "Nm" 0
    132 "Rr Invrt Tmp " "Rear Inv-T after IG-ON" "°C" 0
    186 "Rr Invrt Tmp " "Rear Inv-T after IG-ON" "°C" 0
    240 "Rr Invrt Tmp " "Rear Inv-T after IG-ON" "°C" 0
    294 "Rr Invrt Tmp " "Rear Inv-T after IG-ON" "°C" 0
    348 "Rr Invrt Tmp " "Rear Inv-T after IG-ON" "°C" 0
    58 "Rr Invert Tem" "Rear Inverter Temp" "" 0
    123 "Rr Invert Tem" "Rear Inverter Temp" "°C" 0
    177 "Rr Invert Tem" "Rear Inverter Temp" "°C" 0
    231 "Rr Invert Tem" "Rear Inverter Temp" "°C" 0
    285 "Rr Invert Tem" "Rear Inverter Temp" "°C" 0
    339 "Rr Invert Tem" "Rear Inverter Temp" "°C" 0
    56 "Rr Motor Rev" "Rear Motor Revolution" "rpm" 0
    121 "Rr Motor Rev" "Rear Motor Revolution" "rpm" 0
    175 "Rr Motor Rev" "Rear Motor Revolution" "rpm" 0
    229 "Rr Motor Rev" "Rear Motor Revolution" "rpm" 0
    283 "Rr Motor Rev" "Rear Motor Revolution" "rpm" 0
    337 "Rr Motor Rev" "Rear Motor Revolution" "rpm" 0
    59 "Rr Motor Temp" "Rear Motor Temp" "" 0
    124 "Rr Motor Temp" "Rear Motor Temp" "°C" 0
    178 "Rr Motor Temp" "Rear Motor Temperature" "°C" 0
    232 "Rr Motor Temp" "Rear Motor Temperature" "°C" 0
    286 "Rr Motor Temp" "Rear Motor Temperature" "°C" 0
    340 "Rr Motor Temp" "Rear Motor Temperature" "°C" 0
    57 "Rr Motor Torq" "Rear Motor Torq" "Nm" 0
    122 "Rr Motor Torq" "Rear Motor Torq" "Nm" 0
    176 "Rr Motor Torq" "Rear Motor Torq" "Nm" 0
    230 "Rr Motor Torq" "Rear Motor Torq" "Nm" 0
    284 "Rr Motor Torq" "Rear Motor Torq" "Nm" 0
    338 "Rr Motor Torq" "Rear Motor Torq" "Nm" 0
    133 "Rr Motor Tmp " "Rear Mtr-T after IG-ON" "°C" 0
    187 "Rr Motor Tmp " "Rear Mtr-T after IG-ON" "°C" 0
    241 "Rr Motor Tmp " "Rear Mtr-T after IG-ON" "°C" 0
    295 "Rr Motor Tmp " "Rear Mtr-T after IG-ON" "°C" 0
    349 "Rr Motor Tmp " "Rear Mtr-T after IG-ON" "°C" 0
    61 "Rr Regen Exet" "Rear Regen Brake Torq" "Nm" 0
    60 "Rr Torq Ratio" "Rear Torque Ratio" "%" 0
    24 "Regen Exec To" "Regenerative Brake Torq" "Nm" 0
    28 "Power Rqst" "Request Power" "W" 0
    97 "Power Rqst" "Request Power" "kW" 0
    151 "Power Rqst" "Request Power" "kW" 0
    205 "Power Rqst" "Request Power" "kW" 0
    259 "Power Rqst" "Request Power" "kW" 0
    313 "Power Rqst" "Request Power" "kW" 0
    25 "Regen Rqst To" "Rqst Regen Brake Torq" "Nm" 0
    135 "SOC IG" "SOC after IG-ON" "%" 0
    189 "SOC IG" "SOC after IG-ON" "%" 0
    243 "SOC IG" "SOC after IG-ON" "%" 0
    297 "SOC IG" "SOC after IG-ON" "%" 0
    351 "SOC IG" "SOC after IG-ON" "%" 0
    43 "M Shift Senso" "Shift Sensor Main" "V" 0
    45 "Sm Shift Sens" "Shift Sensor Select Main" "V" 0
    46 "Ss Shift Sens" "Shift Sensor Select Sub" "V" 0
    804 "Shift Positio" "Shift Sensor Shift Pos" "" 0
    854 "Shift Positio" "Shift Sensor Shift Pos" "" 0
    863 "Shift Positio" "Shift Sensor Shift Pos" "" 0
    872 "Shift Positio" "Shift Sensor Shift Pos" "" 0
    881 "Shift Positio" "Shift Sensor Shift Pos" "" 0
    890 "Shift Positio" "Shift Sensor Shift Pos" "" 0
    44 "S Shift Senso" "Shift Sensor Sub" "V" 0
    32 "SOC" "State of Charge" "%" 0
    100 "SOC" "State of Charge" "%" 0
    154 "SOC" "State of Charge" "%" 0
    208 "SOC" "State of Charge" "%" 0
    262 "SOC" "State of Charge" "%" 0
    316 "SOC" "State of Charge" "%" 0
    861 "Stop SW Cond" "Stop Switch" "" 0
    870 "Stop SW Cond" "Stop Switch" "" 0
    879 "Stop SW Cond" "Stop Switch" "" 0
    888 "Stop SW Cond" "Stop Switch" "" 0
    897 "Stop SW Cond" "Stop Switch" "" 0
    29 "Target Eng Sp" "Target Engine Rev" "rpm" 0
    128 "IG ON Time" "The Time of Ignition ON" "Min" 0
    182 "IG ON Time" "The Time of Ignition ON" "Min" 0
    236 "IG ON Time" "The Time of Ignition ON" "Min" 0
    290 "IG ON Time" "The Time of Ignition ON" "Min" 0
    344 "IG ON Time" "The Time of Ignition ON" "Min" 0
    6 "Throttle POS" "Throttle Position" "%" 0
    366 "Bef Latst Tri" "Trip before Latest 02" "" 0
    370 "Bef Latst Tri" "Trip before Latest 03" "" 0
    374 "Bef Latst Tri" "Trip before Latest 04" "" 0
    378 "Bef Latst Tri" "Trip before Latest 05" "" 0
    382 "Bef Latst Tri" "Trip before Latest 06" "" 0
    386 "Bef Latst Tri" "Trip before Latest 07" "" 0
    390 "Bef Latst Tri" "Trip before Latest 08" "" 0
    394 "Bef Latst Tri" "Trip before Latest 09" "" 0
    398 "Bef Latst Tri" "Trip before Latest 10" "" 0
    418 "Bef Latst Tri" "Trip before Latest 13" "" 0
    422 "Bef Latst Tri" "Trip before Latest 14" "" 0
    426 "Bef Latst Tri" "Trip before Latest 15" "" 0
    430 "Bef Latst Tri" "Trip before Latest 16" "" 0
    434 "Bef Latst Tri" "Trip before Latest 17" "" 0
    438 "Bef Latst Tri" "Trip before Latest 18" "" 0
    442 "Bef Latst Tri" "Trip before Latest 19" "" 0
    446 "Bef Latst Tri" "Trip before Latest 20" "" 0
    450 "Bef Latst Tri" "Trip before Latest 21" "" 0
    454 "Bef Latst Tri" "Trip before Latest 22" "" 0
    458 "Bef Latst Tri" "Trip before Latest 23" "" 0
    462 "Bef Latst Tri" "Trip before Latest 24" "" 0
    127 "VH" "VH-Voltage after boosting" "V" 0
    181 "VH" "VH-Voltage after boosting" "V" 0
    235 "VH" "VH-Voltage after boosting" "V" 0
    289 "VH" "VH-Voltage after boosting" "V" 0
    343 "VH" "VH-Voltage after boosting" "V" 0
    126 "VL" "VL-Voltage before boosting" "V" 0
    180 "VL" "VL-Voltage before boosting" "V" 0
    234 "VL" "VL-Voltage before boosting" "V" 0
    288 "VL" "VL-Voltage before boosting" "V" 0
    342 "VL" "VL-Voltage before boosting" "V" 0
    4 "Vehicle Spd" "Vehicle Spd" "km/h" 0
    47 "VHCL SPD(RSLV" "Vehicle Speed (Resolver)" "km/h" 0
    34 "WIN Ctrl Powe" "WIN Control Power" "W" 0
    102 "WIN Ctrl Powe" "WIN Control Power" "W" 0
    156 "WIN Ctrl Powe" "WIN Control Power" "W" 0
    210 "WIN Ctrl Powe" "WIN Control Power" "W" 0
    264 "WIN Ctrl Powe" "WIN Control Power" "W" 0
    318 "WIN Ctrl Powe" "WIN Control Power" "W" 0
    33 "WOUT Ctrl Pow" "WOUT Control Power" "W" 0
    101 "WOUT Ctrl Pow" "WOUT Control Power" "W" 0
    155 "WOUT Ctrl Pow" "WOUT Control Power" "W" 0
    209 "WOUT Ctrl Pow" "WOUT Control Power" "W" 0
    263 "WOUT Ctrl Pow" "WOUT Control Power" "W" 0
    317 "WOUT Ctrl Pow" "WOUT Control Power" "W" 0
    Device: f-Toyota ECM 61: Engine and ECT 2004-2011 Version:2.1.4-2036 (Licensed)
    210 "# Codes" "# Codes(Include History)" "" 0
    508 "2nd Air Mon" "2nd Air Monitor" "" 0
    516 "2nd Air Mon" "2nd Air Monitor" "" 0
    542 "AIR CMPL" "2nd Air Monitor CMPL" "" 0
    534 "AIR ENA" "2nd Air Monitor ENA" "" 0
    722 "A/C Mag Clutc" "A/C Magnetic Clutch Relay" "" 0
    507 "A/C Mon" "A/C Monitor" "" 0
    515 "A/C Mon" "A/C Monitor" "" 0
    541 "ACRF CMPL" "A/C Monitor CMPL" "" 0
    533 "ACRF ENA" "A/C Monitor ENA" "" 0
    662 "A/C Signal" "A/C Signal" "" 0
    646 "A/F Ssr Test " "A/F Test Results #1" "" 0
    645 "A/F Ssr Test " "A/F Test Results #2" "" 0
    714 "Acis VSV" "ACIS VSV" "" 0
    718 "ACT VSV" "ACT VSV" "" 0
    27 "AF FT B1S1" "AF Lambda B1S1" "" 0
    28 "AFS V B1S1" "AFS Voltage B1S1" "V" 0
    671 "AI TEST" "AI Test" "" 0
    730 "Aicv VSV" "AICV VSV" "" 0
    639 "AS Test" "AS Test Result" "" 0
    141 "Accel Ssr #1 " "Accel Fully Close #1 (AD)" "V" 0
    137 "Accel Lrn Val" "Accel Fully Close Learn #1" "deg" 0
    138 "Accel Lrn Val" "Accel Fully Close Learn #2" "deg" 0
    129 "Accel Pos #1" "Accel Sensor Out No.1" "V" 0
    142 "Accel Out #1" "Accel Sensor Out No.1" "V" 0
    130 "Accel Pos #2" "Accel Sensor Out No.2" "V" 0
    143 "Accel Out #2" "Accel Sensor Out No.2" "V" 0
    115 "Act Engine Tr" "Actual Engine Torque" "Nm" 0
    575 "Actuator Powe" "Actuator Power Supply" "" 0
    46 "Ambient Temp" "Ambient Temperature" "°C" 0
    35 "Atm Pressure" "Atmosphere Pressure" "kPa" 0
    674 "Auto Shift Up" "Auto Shift Up Status" "" 0
    42 "Batt" "Battery Voltage" "V" 0
    2 "Calc Load" "Calculate Load" "%" 0
    734 "Can Ctrl VSV" "Canister Control VSV" "" 0
    511 "Cat Mon" "Catalyst Monitor" "" 0
    519 "Cat Mon" "Catalyst Monitor" "" 0
    545 "CAT CMPL" "Catalyst Monitor CMPL" "" 0
    537 "CAT ENA" "Catalyst Monitor ENA" "" 0
    38 "Cat Temp B1S1" "Catalyst Temp B1S1" "°C" 0
    40 "Cat Temp B1S2" "Catalyst Temp B1S2" "°C" 0
    636 "Check Mode" "Check Mode" "" 0
    661 "Ctp SW" "Closed Throttle Position SW" "" 0
    131 "Clutch" "Clutch Current" "A" 0
    501 "Comp Mon" "Complete Parts Monitor" "" 0
    524 "CCM CMPL" "Component Monitor CMPL" "" 0
    527 "CCM ENA" "Component Monitor ENA" "" 0
    3 "Coolant Temp" "Coolant Temp" "°C" 0
    286 "Cyl #1" "Cylinder #1 Misfire Count" "" 0
    287 "Cyl #2" "Cylinder #2 Misfire Count" "" 0
    288 "Cyl #3" "Cylinder #3 Misfire Count" "" 0
    289 "Cyl #4" "Cylinder #4 Misfire Count" "" 0
    290 "Cyl #5" "Cylinder #5 Misfire Count" "" 0
    291 "Cyl #6" "Cylinder #6 Misfire Count" "" 0
    292 "Cyl #7" "Cylinder #7 Misfire Count" "" 0
    293 "Cyl #8" "Cylinder #8 Misfire Count" "" 0
    110 "Cylinder" "Cylinder Number" "" 0
    111 "Destination" "Destination" "" 0
    676 "Diesel Thrtl " "Diesel Throttle Learn Status" "" 0
    125 "Direct Val 1" "Direction Value 1" "V" 0
    126 "Direct Val 2" "Direction Value 2" "V" 0
    34 "Dist DTC Clea" "Distance from DTC Cleared" "km" 0
    675 "EGR Lrn Statu" "EGR Close Lrn. Status" "" 0
    715 "EGR" "EGR VSV" "" 0
    504 "EGR/VVT Mon" "EGR/VVT Monitor" "" 0
    512 "EGR/VVT Mon" "EGR/VVT Monitor" "" 0
    538 "EGR/VVT CMPL" "EGR/VVT Monitor CMPL" "" 0
    530 "EGR/VVT ENA" "EGR/VVT Monitor ENA" "" 0
    32 "Evap Purge VS" "EVAP (Purge) VSV" "%" 0
    509 "Evap Mon" "EVAP Monitor" "" 0
    517 "Evap Mon" "EVAP Monitor" "" 0
    543 "EVAP CMPL" "EVAP Monitor CMPL" "" 0
    535 "EVAP ENA" "EVAP Monitor ENA" "" 0
    721 "Evap(Purge)VS" "EVAP Purge VSV" "" 0
    728 "Evap Vent Val" "EVAP System Vent Valve" "" 0
    729 "Fan Motor" "Electric Fan Motor" "" 0
    664 "Elect Load Si" "Electrical Load Signal" "" 0
    570 "Indpndnt Opr" "Engine Independent" "" 0
    573 "Indpndnt Cntr" "Engine Independent Control" "" 0
    24 "Eng Run Time" "Engine Run Time" "s" 0
    117 "Engine Run Ti" "Engine Run Time" "s" 0
    9 "Engine Spd" "Engine Speed" "rpm" 0
    109 "Engine Type" "Engine Type" "" 0
    116 "Est Engine Tr" "Estimated Engine Torque" "Nm" 0
    121 "Est Port Temp" "Estimated Intake Port Temp" "°C" 0
    98 "Purge Flow" "Evap Purge Flow" "%" 0
    569 "Fuel Cut" "F/C for Engine Stop Req" "" 0
    673 "FC TAU" "FC TAU" "" 0
    669 "Fuel Cut Cond" "Fuel Cut Condition" "" 0
    567 "Fuel Level" "Fuel Level" "" 0
    716 "Fuel Prs Up V" "Fuel Pressure Up VSV" "" 0
    713 "Fuel Pmp Sp C" "Fuel Pump Speed Control" "" 0
    724 "Fuel Pump / S" "Fuel Pump/Speed Status" "" 0
    502 "Fuel Mon" "Fuel System Monitor" "" 0
    525 "Fuel CMPL" "Fuel System Monitor CMPL" "" 0
    528 "Fuel ENA" "Fuel System Monitor ENA" "" 0
    520 "Fuel Sys #1" "Fuel System Status #1" "" 0
    521 "Fuel Sys #2" "Fuel System Status #2" "" 0
    114 "HV Trgt Eng S" "HV Target Engine Speed" "rpm" 0
    544 "HCAT CMPL" "Heated Cat Monitor CMPL" "" 0
    536 "HCAT ENA" "Heated Cat Monitor ENA" "" 0
    510 "Htd Cat Mon" "Heated Catalyst Monitor" "" 0
    518 "Htd Cat Mon" "Heated Catalyst Monitor" "" 0
    539 "HTR CMPL" "Heater Monitor CMPL" "" 0
    531 "HTR ENA" "Heater Monitor ENA" "" 0
    11 "Ign Advance" "IGN Advance" "deg" 0
    568 "ISC Learning" "ISC Learning" "" 0
    124 "ISC Learn Val" "ISC Learning Value" "L/s" 0
    672 "FC Idl" "Idle Fuel Cut" "" 0
    668 "Immobi Comm" "Immobiliser Communication" "" 0
    259 "Ini Cool Temp" "Initial Engine Coolant Temp" "°C" 0
    260 "Ini Intake Te" "Initial Intake Air Temp" "°C" 0
    271 "Inj Vol" "Injection Volum (Cylinder1)" "ml" 0
    272 "Injector(Port" "Injector (Port)" "ms" 0
    12 "Intake Air" "Intake Air" "°C" 0
    719 "Int Air Ctl V" "Intake Air Control VSV" "" 0
    725 "Int Air Ctl V" "Intake Air Control VSV" "" 0
    119 "Ignition Time" "Judge Time Engine Ignition" "s" 0
    120 "Output Time" "Judge Time Engine Output" "s" 0
    95 "Knock Crrt Va" "Knock Correct Learn Value" "CA" 0
    96 "Knock FB Val" "Knock Feedback Value" "CA" 0
    5 "Long FT #1" "Long FT #1" "%" 0
    13 "MAF" "MAF" "gm/s" 0
    500 "MIL" "MIL" "" 0
    25 "MIL On Run Di" "MIL ON Run Distance" "Km" 0
    285 "Misfire Load" "Misfire Load" "g/rev" 0
    503 "Misfire Mon" "Misfire Monitor" "" 0
    526 "Misfire CMPL" "Misfire Monitor CMPL" "" 0
    529 "Misfire ENA" "Misfire Monitor ENA" "" 0
    284 "Misfire RPM" "Misfire RPM" "rpm" 0
    640 "Misfire Test" "Misfire Test Result" "" 0
    108 "Model Code" "Model Code" "" 0
    112 "Model Year" "Model Year" "" 0
    638 "NSW Test" "NSW Test Result" "" 0
    663 "Pnp SW [NSW]" "Neutral Position SW Signal" "" 0
    1 "#Carb Codes" "Number of Emission DTC" "" 0
    644 "O2S HCAC #1" "O2 HCAC #1 Test Result" "" 0
    643 "O2S HCAC #2" "O2 HCAC #2 Test Result" "" 0
    302 "O2 LR B1S1" "O2 LR Switch Time B1S1" "ms" 0
    303 "O2 LR B2S1" "O2 LR Switch time B2S1" "ms" 0
    17 "O2S B1S2" "O2S B1S2" "V" 0
    505 "O2S(A/FS) Htr" "O2S(A/FS) Heater Monitor" "" 0
    513 "O2S(A/FS) Htr" "O2S(A/FS) Heater Monitor" "" 0
    506 "O2S(A/FS) Mon" "O2S(A/FS) Monitor" "" 0
    514 "O2S(A/FS) Mon" "O2S(A/FS) Monitor" "" 0
    540 "O2S(A/FS) CMP" "O2S(A/FS) Monitor CMPL" "" 0
    532 "O2S(A/FS) ENA" "O2S(A/FS) Monitor ENA" "" 0
    523 "OBD Cert" "OBD Requirements" "" 0
    642 "OXS1 Test" "OXS1 Test Result" "" 0
    641 "OXS2 Test" "OXS2 Test Result" "" 0
    576 "Opn Malfuncti" "Open Side Malfunction" "" 0
    677 "PS Signal" "Power Steer. Sig. Record" "" 0
    666 "PS SW" "Power Steering Signal Record" "" 0
    723 "Purge Cut VSV" "Purge Cut VSV" "" 0
    97 "Purge Density" "Purge Density Learn Value" "" 0
    571 "Racing" "Racing Operation" "" 0
    118 "Engine Run Ti" "Request Engine Run Time" "s" 0
    572 "Warm Up" "Request Warm-up" "" 0
    113 "Req Eng Trq" "Requested Engine Torque" "W" 0
    51 "MIL On Run Ti" "Running Time from MIL ON" "min" 0
    637 "SPD Test" "SPD Test Result" "" 0
    574 "ST1" "ST1" "" 0
    712 "Second Air VS" "Secondary Air Control VSV" "" 0
    4 "Short FT #1" "Short FT #1" "%" 0
    667 "Starter Contr" "Starter Control" "" 0
    660 "Starter Sig" "Starter Signal" "" 0
    665 "Stop Light SW" "Stop Light Switch" "" 0
    711 "SCV VSV" "Swirl Control Valve VSV" "" 0
    577 "Sys Guard Jud" "System Guard" "" 0
    566 "System" "System Identification" "" 0
    733 "Tank Bypass V" "Tank Bypass VSV" "" 0
    122 "Tank Water Te" "Tank Outlet Water Temp" "°C" 0
    44 "T Air Ratio" "Target Air-Fuel Ratio" "" 0
    47 "Throttle Vol " "Throttl Sensor #2 Volt %" "%" 0
    670 "Throttle lear" "Throttle Learning" "" 0
    132 "Throttle Mot" "Throttle Motor Current" "A" 0
    50 "Throttle Mot" "Throttle Motor DUTY" "%" 0
    147 "Thrtl Mot (Op" "Throttle Motor Duty (Open)" "%" 0
    133 "Throtl Opn Du" "Throttle Motor Open Duty" "%" 0
    139 "Thrtl Comnd V" "Throttle Position Command" "V" 0
    127 "Throttle Pos " "Throttle Position No.1" "V" 0
    144 "Throttle Pos " "Throttle Position No.1" "V" 0
    128 "Throttle Pos " "Throttle Position No.2" "V" 0
    145 "Throttle Pos " "Throttle Position No.2" "V" 0
    146 "Thrtl Req Pos" "Throttle Require Position" "V" 0
    140 "Thrtl Ssr #1 " "Throttle Sens Open #1(AD)" "V" 0
    135 "Throttle Ssr " "Throttle Sens Open Pos #1" "V" 0
    136 "Throttle Ssr " "Throttle Sens Open Pos #2" "V" 0
    45 "Throttle Pos" "Throttle Sensor Position" "%" 0
    14 "Throttle Volt" "Throttle Sensor Volt %" "%" 0
    52 "Time DTC Clea" "Time after DTC Cleared" "min" 0
    273 "Total FT #1" "Total FT #1" "" 0
    565 "Transmission" "Transmission Type" "" 0
    224 " VVTL Aim Ang" "VVT Aim Angle #1" "%" 0
    225 "VVT Chng Angl" "VVT Change Angle #1" "DegFR" 0
    726 "VVT Ctrl B1" "VVT Control Status #1" "" 0
    720 "VVT Ctrl B2" "VVT Control Status #2" "" 0
    702 "VVTL" "VVTL" "" 0
    704 "VVTL OCV Duty" "VVTL OCV Operation Duty" "" 0
    703 "VVTL Oil Prs " "VVTL Oil Pressure SW" "" 0
    732 "VVTL Ctrl B1" "VVTL System #1" "" 0
    731 "VVTL Ctrl B2" "VVTL System #2" "" 0
    727 "Vacuum Pump" "Vacuum Pump" "" 0
    300 "Vapor Pres(Ca" "Vapor Pressure (Calculated)" "kPa" 0
    299 "Vapor Pres Pu" "Vapor Pressure Pump" "kPa" 0
    298 "Vapor Pres Ta" "Vapor Pressure Tank" "kPa" 0
    717 "Varibl Intk V" "Variable Intake Control VSV" "" 0
    43 "Vehicle Load" "Vehicle Load" "%" 0
    10 "Vehicle Spd" "Vehicle Speed" "km/h" 0
    33 "Wu Cyc DTCcle" "Warmup Cycle Cleared DTC" "" 0
    123 "Water Flw Vlv" "Water Flow Valve" "V" 0
    Device: g-Toyota ECM 62: HV Battery 2004-2009 Version:2.1.4-2036 (Licensed)
    74 "+B" "+B" "V" 0
    26 "Aux. Batt V" "Auxiliary Battery Vol" "V" 0
    42 "Bat Block Max" "Batt Block Max Vol" "V" 0
    40 "Bat Block Min" "Batt Block Minimum Vol" "V" 0
    3 "IB Battery" "Batt Pack Current Val" "A" 0
    35 "Num Of Batt" "Battery Block Num" "" 0
    4 "V1 Batt Block" "Battery Block Vol -V01" "V" 0
    5 "V2 Batt Block" "Battery Block Vol -V02" "V" 0
    6 "V3 Batt Block" "Battery Block Vol -V03" "V" 0
    7 "V4 Batt Block" "Battery Block Vol -V04" "V" 0
    8 "V5 Batt Block" "Battery Block Vol -V05" "V" 0
    9 "V6 Batt Block" "Battery Block Vol -V06" "V" 0
    10 "V7 Batt Block" "Battery Block Vol -V07" "V" 0
    11 "V8 Batt Block" "Battery Block Vol -V08" "V" 0
    12 "V9 Batt Block" "Battery Block Vol -V09" "V" 0
    13 "V10 Batt Bloc" "Battery Block Vol -V10" "V" 0
    14 "V11 Batt Bloc" "Battery Block Vol -V11" "V" 0
    15 "V12 Batt Bloc" "Battery Block Vol -V12" "V" 0
    16 "V13 Batt Bloc" "Battery Block Vol -V13" "V" 0
    17 "V14 Batt Bloc" "Battery Block Vol -V14" "V" 0
    21 "V18 Batt Bloc" "Battery Block Vol -V18" "V" 0
    22 "V19 Batt Bloc" "Battery Block Vol -V19" "V" 0
    23 "V20 Batt Bloc" "Battery Block Vol -V20" "V" 0
    36 "BLOW Time" "Battery Low Time" "" 0
    2 "Battery SOC" "Battery State of Charge" "%" 0
    38 "BHI Time" "Battery too High Time" "" 0
    66 "Calc Load" "Calculate Load" "" 0
    502 "CCTL Sig" "Charge Control Signal" "" 0
    27 "WIN" "Charge Control Val" "KW" 0
    507 "Comp Mon" "Complete Parts Monitor" "" 0
    501 "Regulation" "Compliance Regulation" "" 0
    508 "CCM CMPL" "Component Monitor CMPL" "" 0
    509 "CCM ENA" "Component Monitor ENA" "" 0
    30 "Cooling Fan S" "Cooling Fan Mode" "" 0
    37 "DCIH Time" "DC Inhibit Time" "" 0
    76 "DTC Clear Min" "DTC Clear Min" "min" 0
    73 "DTC Clear Run" "DTC Clear Run Distance" "Km" 0
    72 "DTC Clear War" "DTC Clear Warm Up" "" 0
    29 "Delta SOC" "Delta SOC" "%" 0
    28 "WOUT" "Discharge Control Val" "KW" 0
    506 "ECU Ctrl Mode" "ECU Control Mode" "" 0
    504 "EQTR Charge S" "EQTR Charge Perm Sig" "" 0
    65 "#Codes" "Emission DTC Num" "" 0
    67 "Coolant Temp" "Engine Coolant Temp" "°C" 0
    68 "Engine Rev" "Engine Revolution" "rpm" 0
    71 "Eng Run Time" "Engine Run Time" "s" 0
    503 "EQCO Relay Si" "Equal Charg Out Rly Sig" "" 0
    39 "HTMP Time" "Hot Temperature Time" "" 0
    24 "Batt Inside A" "Inhaling Air Temp" "°C" 0
    44 "IR01" "Internal Resistance R01" "ohm" 0
    45 "IR02" "Internal Resistance R02" "ohm" 0
    46 "IR03" "Internal Resistance R03" "ohm" 0
    47 "IR04" "Internal Resistance R04" "ohm" 0
    48 "IR05" "Internal Resistance R05" "ohm" 0
    49 "IR06" "Internal Resistance R06" "ohm" 0
    50 "IR07" "Internal Resistance R07" "ohm" 0
    51 "IR08" "Internal Resistance R08" "ohm" 0
    52 "IR09" "Internal Resistance R09" "ohm" 0
    53 "IR10" "Internal Resistance R10" "ohm" 0
    54 "IR11" "Internal Resistance R11" "ohm" 0
    55 "IR12" "Internal Resistance R12" "ohm" 0
    56 "IR13" "Internal Resistance R13" "ohm" 0
    57 "IR14" "Internal Resistance R14" "ohm" 0
    500 "MIL Status" "MIL Status" "" 0
    75 "MIL On Eng Ti" "MIL on Engine Run Time" "min" 0
    43 "Max Bat Block" "Max Battery Block No" "" 0
    1 "Driving Milea" "Mileage after Malfunc" "km" 0
    41 "Min Bat Block" "Minimum Batt Block No" "" 0
    505 "SBLW Rqst" "Standby Blower Request" "" 0
    64 "DTC" "The Stored DTC Num" "" 0
    70 "Throttle POS" "Throttle Position" "%" 0
    25 "VMF Fan Volta" "VMF Fan Motor Voltage" "V" 0
    69 "Vehicle Spd" "Vehicle Spd" "km/h" 0
    Device: k-Economy Calculator Version:2.1.4-2036
    1 "EconD" "Fuel Economy vs Distance" "mpg" 0
    2 "EconT" "Fuel Economy vs Time" "gph" 0
    7 "CalcMAF" "Calculated Mass Air Flow" "g/s" 0
  7. 2009Prius

    2009Prius A Wimpy DIYer

    Mar 25, 2009
    2009 Prius