Hi guys, I just purchased my first Prius today and I'm loving it to death. However, I'm having a little bit of difficulty with the usb connection. I have my ipod connected to the USB port inside of the arm rest. I have the navigation package and I'm able to access my library of music through the navigation controls and play music. However, when I'm scrolling through artists, if I pause for a moment on a particular name it will automatically stop the current song and start playing the new artist. Is there a way to scroll through my library of artists and manually select which song that I want to hear without the navigation system doing it for me? I can't find any USB settings to fiddle with. Unfortunately, the Prius manual doesn't discuss anything related to the USB controls. Thanks for the help!
I also have the III w/ Nav. I haven't found a way to avoid what you are describing. My solution is to let the Ipod play in random mode (shuffle) and not bother to scroll. If I don't want to listen to the song playing, I push seek to get the next song. I don't find it to be a big deal.
I hate that it does that to. I'm sure you know that if you press the up or down scroll button fast enough it won't start playing the song at the top of the current list. One thing that I have decided to do is try and keep a Prius Playlist setup in iTunes and just put a nice selection of what I want to listen to for that week, day or days. Hope helps.
bump...also trying to find out how to scroll without having the system auto-play the first song on the next page of songs...
Nope, nothing we can do about it, Toyota is fail, when it comes to the way they cripple the audio/nav system.
Just spoke with the service manager at Longo, and he confirmed with multiple Prius G3 and multiple ipods and this issue happens with all Prius. I even just upgraded my ipod touch 2G software to v3.1.3 or something like that on my own, still no fix. Longo submitted a report to Toyota, but it's doubtful that Toyota will have a fix anytime soon. We'll just have to live with it. I'm impressed with Longo Toyota (El Monte, CA)...been shopping there for many years and have just come to realize how valuable the service is at this dealership. Edit: Interesting, this doesn't happen with CD's. I'm guessing its strictly an ipod issue unless someone has another USB based mp3 player like the Zune?
I've had my Prius V for just over a week now an I love it to death too. However I am really discouraged about the USB implementation. I have decided to use my MP3 player with the with the AUX connector and make my music selection on the MP3 player itself. I'm not an iPod fan and have a Creative ZEN Nomad which doesn't work with the USB port anyway, but I was willing to buy an iPod if the search capabilities weren't so bad. It's nice that the 12v charger interface is inside the console too so I can keep my MP3 player charged, but would really like it of it were on when the car is off. The good news is that this gives me better portability when my wife uses the Prius and I use the 06 Sienna XLE which only has an AUX connector. Oh, well, no vehicle is perfect.
seriously i just got my prius and this usb connection piece of junk is driving me nuts! i can only go to the next or previous song from the steering wheel controls. It doesn't seem to work if I hold to go to the next playlist...it's seirously the biggest piece of crap ever designed!!!!! also under audio and when i click usb...is there a way to default the screen to go to playlist? any help would be appreciate it. thanks