happened last summer at dusk in the seeley/swan area. really bad time to be on that road. i was driving 55 mph and he came charging across the road from out of nowhere and i hit him with the front passenger side. he didn't die immediately, but he didn't make it. sorry little fella. car still drove fine the 50+ miles home with only some minor fender rubbing on the tire. total bill was @ $7000 and insurance covered all but $250. repairs took 3 weeks though. looks and runs good as new today. 2 small hiccups. the low tone on the horn doesn't work and the EV mode didn't work. i unplugged the wiring block and plugged it back in and it works again.
How big was the rack? BTW ... a bow is a much more economical method: But to each his own ~ On a serious note, your at least the 10th here on PC who had this happen. My better half creamed one just after leaving town a few years ago. Actually, the logging truck hit it first ... then she finished it off. That meant it was down when she struck it. Man ... the dogs had a real treat, licking the under side of the car ... not the Prius, it was our AWD. It smelled like we were grilling something in the garage when she pulled in ... what with all the goodies cooking on the exhaust, and the catalitic converter. Very sorry to see all the damage to such a nice car. Glad you're pretty much ok! On a side note, just be glad it wasn't a moose: The largest mass is above the legs, and THAT part invariably ends up in the passenger compartment. You'd be shocked how many folks eat it, during a car versus moose scenerio:
That looks almost identical to mine when I hit one (in Montana). The thing pooped all over the mirror too.