Anyone come across a source for steel wheels for mounting snow tires for a 2005? I currently have standard tires and want to swap them out for winter. I've checked with tirerack and a local tire company in the Boston area and can't seem to locate them. The local guy thought that no one is yet selling after-market steel wheels. There seems to be plenty of cast models to choose from, but a bit pricey for winter use. Oh yeah, and any thoughts on snow tires? Thanks
There is nothing special about the Prius wheel WRT bolt pattern or offset. According to my local dealer, the Matrix 15 inch rim is the same. I had no trouble finding a "dual pattern" generic steel rim in Winnipeg. I'm currently away but am flying in Monday, then flying back out the same day. If I have time I'll go to the condo storage area and take a picture of the rim.
I bought snows last winter from Tire Rack and they had no problem shipping them on steel wheels for the Prius.
Likewise, I also bought snows from Tire Rack along with their steel wheels and wheel covers. No problem at all.
When I check for snow tires on Tirerack for 2005, it doesn't show steel wheels. But I'll check out the Matrix and Corolla wheels; thanks for the suggestions. Also, I'd love to see a photo if it's not too much trouble. Thanks!
I also bought snow tires from mounted on steel wheels. If you do not see the option, email or call them. I think they still do it.
I'll be buying Blizzaks from Tire Rack this fall, having experienced the problems with traction control kicking in too easily in deep snow last winter, leaving me about stuck. I just called them a couple of weeks ago to ask why no steel wheels were listed, and they said they plan to sell (starting maybe end of Aug.) the Prius OEM wheels this fall in their winter tire and wheel package...I forgot the price, but it was cheap...pretty close to steel wheel prices. Apparently, they'll obtain them from dealers, because many people swap to different wheels at purchase. I hope this turns out to be true...I have no interest in buying nice rims, but am not a big fan of the steel wheels for 5 months out of the year either. rpm
I called tirerack and a salesperson told me that they may not offer steel wheels anymore because steel prices have pushed wheels up to within the range of inexpensive alloy wheels -- he said around $65 -- so he's not expecting to stock them anymore. He also said they were very short on snow tires right now and to check back in September.
Please check my photo album at PriusChat. I just uploaded pictures of - among other things - the steel wheels I have for my Prius. They are a "universal" style steel wheel with a dual-pattern hub. The rim is stamped 15 x 6.0 JJ. I run Dunlop Graspic DS-2, which is a soft, squishy "studless" winter tire. You're allowed to run studded snow tires in Manitoba but the condo I live in prohibits studded tires in the heated underground parking garage, as they worry it may damage the sealer they applied to the concrete slab. I've had good luck with the Graspic tires so far. They work as advertised and are WAY better than OEM or all-season on snow/ice. You can search my user name for some humerous comments I made when I got stuck going up the parking ramp at a local mall. That was with Michelin Harmony "all season" tires on. With the Graspic tires, 6 inches of fresh snow no problem, 12 inches if you have some momentum.
that's funny! here if you have 6" of snow the place starts to grind to a halt. 12" and you couldn't make it downtown with a Flextack Nodwell. Unless of course you were going over the tops of cars;-)
Frank: One good thing about Winterpeg is that we take winters in stride. Now the awful heat, humidity, and mosquitoes, that is a different story. Jay
here, we don't take anything in stride, especially snow. What are mosquitoes? Isn't that the Official Bird of the Yukon/Alaska?
I'll be needing steel rims in (hopefully) 3 years when we move back to the WI/MI/MN area. Good to hear there are options out there. I'll have to check out Tire Rack. Here it's insane. A dusting of snow- no, better yet, having temperatures so low that it COULD snow, or a forecast of snow, grinds the world to a halt down here. Cracks me right up. Did I mention that the stores run out of bottled water, flashlights and toilet paper too? It's only snow. That sounds like hurricane supplies to me.
Frank: Oh har-de-har! :lol: Around here the mosquitoe is the Official Blood Sucking Insect That Can Give You Deadly West Nile Virus. At least so I'm told. Hint: screened in deck. I hate mosquitoes! Jay
G: Wow, no thanks. So, I imagine you never let the TP supply run too low or you have to resort to back issues of Pharmaceutical Processing. They sure use a nice slick glossy paper ... The Horror .... The Horror ... J
Thanks Jayman. I'm on the hunt for the steel hubs and Dunlops. The hubs do seem to be standard issue -- all these on-line vendors seem to be moving upscale, better margins I suppose. But I'm thinking black steel wheels with VW hubs might do the trick for New England winters.
Yep, I was told the 15 x 6.0 JJ rim is a VERY common size. If I could use studded tires in the underground heated parking garage, I would probably be running Nokian winter tires. I've had experience with them and IMHO they are the best. As far as studless winter tires, the Dunlop Graspic DS-2 works very well. Way better than any "all season" tire. Jay
I've been very happy with Blizzaks on a Saab. TireRack preferred the Blizzaks over the Dunlops:
it was my understanding that the Corolla steel wheels were interchangable. I'd try an autowrecker and see if they'd let you try one and see if it fits. Then I'd try and beat them down on price. Just my 2 cents worth.