Except during the extreme cold winter months here in Chicagoland, I have NO problem getting over 50 mpg on EVERY single fill up. Even now in early spring, I am getting around 55-57 mpgs. I have a 13 mile commute to work, with a mixture of city and highway driving. And I calculate my MPGs, not relying on the Prius MFD display for MPGs.
41/39? (as William Shatner says on the Priceline commercials) "Mambie Pambie!" YES . . . even in non-winter months ... but especially in winter, grill blocking is a nice plus. I don't unblock even 1/2 the grill until temp's get above the 70's. That, along with anticipatory driving, 0w-20 synthetic oil, EBH, and the like ... Haven't had a tank average below 55mpg in longer than I can remember. And I'm nearing 100K miles. .
I am quite satisfied, thanks. I enjoy the car, I enjoy fooling with the gadgets, I can afford the gas, whats to worry about? I even like the radio! Maybe some day I will get the urge to try to set a personal record and post a braggy post. Or better yet, I will make believe that I got an incredible MPG and post about it without the added stress of actually doing it!
I can't quite get 60MPG. (58.12MPG @1560 miles x 2.5 tanks 55.91/64.86/56.24) Most places I go, I have miles of a gentle downhill slope. I've gone quite a ways at '99.9' on the fuel economy thing... downhill from the gas station. It's just that there's always that pesky 'back up-hill' to ruin my high score. I also live in one of the most consistently windy places in California, and that can be a real hassle when trying to get 'better' mileage. But on the plus side (for raw mileage) I can do quite a bit of that driving non-stop.
i have not been as conscious about trying to maximize my gas milage, plus i also do more than normal highway driving, but my mpg is 48.7 still. Makes me think as the weather gets warmer and I make a better effort I could probably get to 50mpg. i almost always drive in eco mode though.
I have a 26 mile one way daily commute of which 20 miles is 60 mph highway driving. I got my car last August and had a couple of 50+ mpg tanks before the cooler weather started setting in. During one of the coldest winters in history for this area, my average mileage dropped to about 45 mpg. Now that the warm weather has returned, my car has 10K+ miles and I have increased tire pressure to 42/40, I am ready to have my first 50+ mpg tank this week ! And it is only April ! Like others, my highway driving dictates most of my mileage. Around town with P&G I have had short trips well over 60 mpg, but my average mpg per tank is what really counts to me. I am also more concerned with keeping up with the flow of traffic than I am with mpg. These mpg's are calculated at the pump and not MFD consumption.
I get 55-56 on the fcd. Measured out at the pump 55 on the fcd is 51 at the pump and 56 on the fcd is 52 mpg actual at the pump. So there is around a 4 mpg difference between the fcd and the actual mpg at the pump. I do hypermile to acheive this. I feel that with raising to max sidewall pressure and warmer weather now with a little more attention to hypermiling I can pull 53 at the pump on a complete tank. If I drive it normal expect around 44mpg at the pump or 48 on the fcd display. I drive 52 miles round trip to work, which is about 20 city miles and 32 road miles. On my highway leg one day on my last 12.5 mile stretch to home the best I did was 90mpg on fcd. Talking about milking it, folks she was sipping that petro. Hope this helps.
2,000 miles in my 2010 and I'm averaging over 50 mpg, as shown below. The gauge in the Prius overstates my mileage by about 4 MPG. I live in the San Francisco area - not the city itself. My commute is a very flat 45 miles each way, and I live on an island with no hills.
I have a 2004 gen 2 and a 2010 gen 3 prius. I just drove the 2010 from Central Calif. to Southern Calif. and got 56 mpg going down. Coming back I only got 54.9 mpg but it is 1500 feet higher elevation at my home than where I went, which might explain the difference. I drove the speed limit both ways. In the past when I exceeded the speed limit, mileage dropped by quite a bit.
I have a 2010, just purchased last week. I drive 14 miles each way to work, and day 1 with the new prius I got 62.4MPG on the way home from work. On day 2 I got 66.2MPG on the way home. Next Monday is a new challenge - can I get 70MPG? I'm driving like Mother Theresa, but I want to test this car's limits!
Yes, I get 50 mpg if I drive more than 10-15 miles a trip. I use 'power' a lot, and 'B' engine breaking which is supposed to kill mileage, but to no such effect. Can't complain, as I drive a '10 'V' with big, fat tires. I also use the A/C only a little, upping the temp. to keep the fan speed low.
Calculated (real instead of displayed) lifetime average of 5.06 L/100km, or 47 MPG, from last July to date. This is in Montréal, Québec. Annual average temperature of 6°C (42°F); January at -10°C average (14°F) and July at 21°C average (69°F). It should still improve with the warmer months coming and should settle at around 4.8 L/100km, or 49 MPG, calculated. This compares to a 250,000km average of 7.4L/100km, or 32 MPG, with a Toyota Echo I owned. Not quite the 3.9 L/100km Toyota advertises (60 MPG), but I am still satisfied.
45.7 mpg in portland, i drive about 3 miles to trian park and ride near my home and 3 miles back every week day. 4k on 2010 since nov purchase
Looking forward to warmer weather--and less rain and wind! Got my best mileage ever on a trip of about 60 miles to Portland on a 70 degree day, 260# husband in the car (he is a mileage wrecker!), and no wind. Set Trip B to zero at home, got 55.5 at daughter's house (overhead computer). Stayed below 70 mph (limit is 65). On trip home have to climb a pretty good hill and still got about 52 for the trip. Calculated mileage to this point averages about 45 mpg for 4200 miles--each tank has had at least one mileage wrecking storm to knock me down!
I'm looking at 5 months now and near 7k miles. No commute, retired, so mileage is from trips to city, usually 25 miles each way. Most of the mileage is over pretty level ground. Out here in the midwest, but near a big city, (big for us), you must be considerate of the other drivers around you, which may make for driving more "like normal cars", IF YOU DON'T WANT TO GET RUN OFF THE ROAD OR SHOT!!! And I'm not kidding! Oh, also have one trip to Austin, Tx. & return which one segment of returned my best tank of 54.1... Fuelly calculated. I feel like the car calculates at more than a 10% descrepency! I have had the car telling me it is getting more than 6 mpg more than conventionally calculated. It isn't one of the earliest models, soooo.... Anyway you can see my "average" here from Fuelly.com. Right now my car is telling me 54.6 for this tankful which is well over half used up, so maybe I'll get pretty close to that 50mpg for this tank, which will raise my average nicely. One of my first trips of 250 miles out and the same back, was in the first week of ownership in early December, VERY cold, and bucking a north wind for most of the journey out. Also new to driving a hybrid, so the mileage was horrible.....38mpg! Do you guys know how long it takes to RAISE a beginning Low average like that?? You have to do a lot of 60mpg tankfuls to get to a 50+ average. Plus I don't "zero out" a trip meter for an exceptional few miles trip,.... only for tankfuls. And I'm beginning to get "flack" from the wife regards my driving.....Says "you don't drive my car like that"! Oh, also I've added the MUDGUARDS, and removed the wheel covers,...... and whatever that has/will do to the mileage will have to be,......THE CAR MUST BE PERSONALIZED!! So if I'm lucky, and one of these #$%^&*@* don't try to run me off the road..AGAIN!, maybe I'll be back with a 50mpg AVERAGE one of these days.