Does anybody else feel shortchanged by Toyota's commercial I saw today for FREE 2 years service on new car purchases? I've been a good customer so what will they do for me??????
Nothing but in a couple of years they will send you invites to come test drive their newest offering hoping we will be suckers again! I bought my Prius IV /w solar on 12/30 to get my sales tax break - well guess what! I didn't have enough in deductions so I got no tax savings. Plus I paid sticker!
Hrmm... So if they offer a rebate later - you want that too????? Let's just be a bit real - you made a deal - which you must have liked - because you signed the contract. This "incentive" really has a value of 2 oil changes, and 5 tire rotations. Not significant...
This was what I got for my "Toyota Customer Loyalty". It's nice, but not a big deal. This would not have been a deal breaker one way or another for my car.
You will get a sales tax break regardless of whether you itemize or not. It is included on line 10 of Schedule "L," "Standard Deduction for Certain Filers." Yes, even a standard deduction requires a long form now. You will need to file an amended return at this point.
Yep, I got a good price, unloaded my junk GM car for twice what it was worth and got a great car. I'm happy.
No. We are satisfied with our Prius and do not feel short-changed. See my post above regarding local advertising. What Toyota is offering now seems to be their marketing response to slightly less demand for the Prius.
I bought a 2007 Honda Accord from the local Honda dealer. For the 2008 model year, when the economy began to tank, they began to offer "lifetime warranties" on all new purchases and continue this today. I called and asked about this and the answer that I got is what the others are saying, "this was not part of the incentives available at the time that you purchased your car. You had incentives that are not available now." So, as others have said, you signed a contract when you purchased your car and were probably happy with it since you purchased it.
I took my mother to buy a new Toyota (she ended up buying a 2010 Camry XLE), they did not offer anything, so I asked. We got $900 off the price, and 2 years of oil changes... only because I asked, and they have the "Toyota Loyalty Program", if you had a previous Toyota, and simply ask, they will give it to you.. at least my dealer will. She also got 0% financing for 60 months, but that is because they are trying to unload the 2010 model year Camrys (2011 is out now)
It never hurts to ask, all they can say is yes or no. It would be interesting to see, but the difference may be that you asked before you signed the contract, not after.
Funny you mention this because the day after I bought my Prius they offered the 2yr and dropped financing down to 2.7 . Then my dad strolls in there the next day and gets it. All said and done though I got a GREAT deal for the car and my trade in so no complaints.
In a word, Barbara: yes. I'm all about owning my actions. However, in this case, I'm a little miffed. I guess if it was just to drive sales, that would be one thing. But, if it is to drive sales because of an issue which I, myself, bought into, that's a whole other story. I bought my V in October. Paid full price. Got what I got on trade. The fact that all these incentives are a direct result of their PR-trainwreck makes me want to call and ask what Toyota's going to do for me. So, in this instance, yes -- I do believe that at least some of the incentives could/should be applied to affected vehicles, regardless of purchase date. Do I expect to have a contract re-written and the purchase price re-negotiated? No. Would it be a gesture of good faith on Toyota's part to extend this offer of no-charge service (however insignificant it may actually be) to affected customers? Yes.
Shortchanged? No, because I got the deal. Disappointed? Yes - when I realized it was only good for 2 oil changes and 5 tire rotations. BTW, the offer was good for any buyer with another Toyota or Lexus in the family (not just trades).