Against my better judgment I purchased a yakima rack. I was at Rank N Road and they talked me out of buying a Thule. I had read reviews of the yakima flying off the roof. Further more the Thule looked like the feet had a plastic coating protecting the paint. The yakima does not have this plastic coating. The yakima only has a super thin piece of teflon in the form of a sticker that is applied to protect the paint. I asked many questions of the salesman and installer at Rack N Road before I made my purchase. I must have asked 5-6 times if the feet would mar or scratch the paint. I was told every time they had NEVER seen a properly installed rack (installed by them) damage any vehicle. They also stated they or yakima would fix the paint if it got damaged. I paid the extra fee to have them professionally install the rack because I had doubts about the rack and the damage it might cause. I wanted to be fully protected just in case damage occurred. A self install would void this warranty I was told. Well guess what? I have no less then 10 spots where damage (paint ground down to the metal) occurred under the feet clamping points after 1 week of use. Boy was I pissed when I took the bars and feet off in the store parking lot right in front of the saleman and installer. I returned all the equipment and box and made them take pictures and put it in writing that they had witnessed the damage. I am posting this to warn others of what MIGHT happen if you buy a roof rack. My biggest concern was that my brand new car NOT be damaged. I would NOT USE YAKIMA ROOF RACKS ON A PRIUS!. I KNOW I KNOW YOU HAVE HAD YAKIMA SINCE ABE LINCOLN AND YOU HAVE NO DAMAGE. Well I do have damage and it was professionally installed by a company that does 12 installs per day every day.
He already said a self-install would have voided the warranty on the rack, as he was told. To the OP, thanks for the information and head's up. Sorry 'bout what happened though. I'd be pissed too.
I just installed my Yakima rack, two bike mounts & skybox 12 and returned from a 1317 mile trip. The only marks were where the clip edges may have worked back and forth due to wind but are very minor. Before I put it back on I am adding another layer of tape to the clip or a strip or bike inner tube for extra protection. I also make sure the tower feet are clean and wax the roof before each installation. I have also put several layers of vnyl tape on the roof edge which comes off easily when the rack is removed.
. dang, that sux. appreciate the heads up. Good thing you were so thorough with the install, warranty and damage claim. --I always drive with a disposable camera in the glove box for reasons similar .
wow, ouch. i'm not sure if it was worth saving the warranty over ruining your paint! but try some touchup paint from an online retailer... Touch Up Paint Online is a good retailer
i sell and install roof racks for a living (Backcountry Racks - Thule & Yakima roof racks for cars, trucks, and SUVs). shameless self promotion, i know. my apologies. i have had both a yakima and a thule rack on my prius. the yakima clips did scratch the paint very minimally. i switched to a thule rack because their clips are heavily coated and WILL NOT scratch the paint ever. a self install will NEVER void any warranty from thule or yakima. rack n road lied to you. sorry. feel free to PM me with any rack questions. (i also have a hitch on my prius).
I am posting this to warn others of what MIGHT happen if you buy a roof rack. My biggest concern was that my brand new car NOT be damaged. I would NOT USE YAKIMA ROOF RACKS ON A PRIUS!. ..I found out the hard way...Yakima are Crapima! ..damaged 2 sides of my Prius V..Thanks to you dicks at Yakima.