Best Prius modification. Ever. It takes some originality to modify a Pabst Blue Ribbon tap handle to replace the standard Prius shift knob. Happy Friday! Via Mobile Local Social
I can think of three better choices: Sapporo, Asahi, or Kirin. But I guess that would be considered JDM... Right hand drive incompatabiity and all that. Nonetheless:
“I find American beer a bit like having sex in a canoe. It's f***ing close to water.†~ Oscar Wilde No so true these days, but the continued existence of brands like Pabst or Coors is an embarrassment. Pabst: when you need to drink a 12-pack and stay sober.
I guess you're too young to remember Schlitz? FFFFFfffftttthhhbbbbbbbthttthththththtthththththpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpb! Nasty
Sheez ~ it reminds me of the trailer hitch skrotums that were (unfortunately) in vogue just a couple years ago ... just 2 steps away from a schwantz shifter. Oh Pleeeez oh gawd . . ! . don't let that happen. ... and what's wrong with E.L.O. ?? ... for cripe sakes ... next you'll be baggin'd on Rush ! as a side note ~ So far, it appears no one has yet shown good taste in beer .
Trucknutz forever dude! Just kidding, flapping plastic bovine testicles cut down on fuel efficiency. As Hans and Franz said: "Hear me now und believe me later."