Just wondering if anyone knows anything about the 15'' goodyears the prius could come with? Good/Bad?
Not a great handling tire in the wet, nor are they long lasting. When Round and Black Becomes Lean and Green
I vote bad. They get progressively less pleasant as time goes on. It would be difficult to find a worse tire as a replacement.
A little confused here, Smirv asked about Goodyear's, however this is a Prius III forum so the 15's don't normally come with a Goodyear tire. And everyone answering him seems to own a Prius II, not Prius III. Unless he means a Prius II, in which case he is posting in the wrong forum.
So far as I know, those are the only Goodyears it could come with. [Edit: it might come with these Goodyears, same TireRack test] Goodyear Assurance Fuel Max
Don't know about the Goodyears. My OEMs are Yokohama brand 15s. Only gripe I had was the dealer left 60 psi in them at delivery.
For US cars, there are 3 OEM tire choices on the 15" wheel - Goodyear, Bridgestone, and Yokohama. I would place them in this order: -Bridgestones [Ecopia 20]: Best ride, best for low noise, mediocre handling and traction. -Yokohamas: Better handling than the Bridgestones, but more noise and sharper ride. -Goodyears [Fuel Max, or whatever they call them]: Inferior in every respect - avoid these things if you have a choice. I deliberately passed over any car on our dealer's lot with these tires. So far, at 3k miles, the Bridgestones are smooth, wearing evenly, and are reasonably quiet. Given a choice, I would swap them for Michelins in a heartbeat, but right now have chosen not to spend the money. If the only choice had been the Goodyears, they would already be gone, no matter the cost.