I also want fire - lot's and lot's of fire Maybe an ending like the Nicholas Cage movie "Knowing," that would be pretty cool I mean, hot
Even if there really were a god, there's no need for a recall. We're doing a pretty good job of elimination already. There's more collateral damage than necessary, but like every other mass extinction, enough will survive to start anew.
We should not be surprised. We were all warned long ago: "You are a fluke of the universe You have no right to be here. And whether you know it or not, The universe is laughing behind your back." The Rules are so simple too: Late breaking news: God in His infinite wisdom, after consulting with the Holy Ghost and His Son, who currently runs the earthly arm of the exclusive salvation business, released an 11th Commandment: 11. Thou shalt not be dumber than a box of rocks. Film at 11.