May be somebody can help. Is it possible to reset odometer temporarily to zero by any manipulation, let's say disconnecting battery's negative terminal, or positive or doing something else? I believe eventually odometer would return to previous reading but could it be done at all? I thought that nobody should be able to change odometer reading no matter what, but I could have sworn that I saw on odometer low reading like couple of hundred miles and later on it became few thousands. My impression was that somebody manipulated odometer and later on it returned to normal reading. Is it possible?
In the legality of this question I will tell you "no"..... but I do know it can be done and its not by disconnecting the battery. All the data is stored on memory and it can be bypassed. I don't suggest trying it you could mess up your car completely.
You bought a used prius and you think the Odo changed while driving it? Are you sure you didn't confuse the Trip A, Trip B, Miles to Empty with the Odometer? There is no way a 'tampered' odometer would go back to what it should be, seems like it would be a permanent thing.
What you probably saw is this: Whenever you press the "Trip" button on the steering wheel, the ODO display switches from showing the odometer reading to the trip odometer to "miles until empty."
Hmmm...what exactly is your address? I will send an advisor (with cuffs and a taser) your way to help you out.