How come they don't make "self-park" feature of US/Canadians models? Do you guys in Europe get it? I probably park faster than self-parking but would be nice to have one more geeky thing in it
Suing nature of America. "omg you hit my bumper. I'll sue you for damages!" "Not my fault, the car parked automatically" "Fine, I'll sue Toyota..." etc etc.
This strikes me as absurd. Is it being suggested that cars in Japan are crashing into one another on a regular basis from the auto park and no one is being held liable? No, the logical explanation is that Toyota felt they would optimize sales without it. In the USA, it's very clear that there are some bizarre notions about what a hybrid is. Just look at some of the questions we get asked. NO sense in marketing a car that would generate even more bizarre notions. I suspect Toyota felt "auto park" would get more laughs than sales in the USA/ NA, so they decided to forgo it. Anyone who pays attention to the electronic market can tell you that tons of cute little electronic gadgets come to market in Japan (and SK) and never make it to America. Some of us may be gadget crazy, but the bulk of us are not, apparently. So the answer, IMHO, is marketing. NOT lawsuits.
Word from Toyota, at least last I heard, was because of the fact that, in NA eyes, the self-park feature took too long to correctly park the car. That, and the fact that compaired to Japan, we have acres of open parking spaces (not necessarily in every town or city, of course - DC isn't fun!). But I do think part of it is lawsuits, same reason we don't have the built in tv tuner either. -m.
No, it's just that people would apologize and own up to their mistakes rather than blame someone else. True, marketing may also play a role since the original marketing scheme was the "Just Drive It" and treat it like a normal car. Besides, Citroën also has the auto-park on their tiny C2. It does the Prius one better. If you indicate to the right (in LHD), the car will scan all spots on the right and will beep you if the space is large enough to fit your car. Once you stop the car, it will auto-park like the Prius.
I'm probably going to get flamed for this, but I think it's partly to do with the way americans as a group do things. We can be, err, 'rough' on features and not excercise a lot of good judgement. We'd have people trying to stuff the car in absurdly tight spaces. Or come flying up on a space and stab the "park" button, and then wonder why the car either missed the space or broke something. I think it's the same with the EV button. Give that to mainstream america, and what will happen? People will think that it's "free" energy and drive as far as they can with the pedal mashed to the floor, then scream when the electric motor & battery die early. (Note: I'm talking in the hypothetical, as if you gave every SUV driver a prius with all the europe / japan gadets. Not the current crop of prius owners)
Just a guess, but might it have something to do with the fact that Japan domestic vehicles are right hand drive? Maybe they didn't design it to work with NA left hand drive...
It is software driven... Computer does not care if it is left/right hand drive... :mrgreen: But seriously, I saw the auto park demo.... looks like it is MFD/user controlled to let the computer know where to park with the rear/side camera view. My wife needed this gadget... :roll:
Its uesless, I never used it because you have to follow the steps and need some skill. Its much faster to park by your self.
I know how to parallel park my car. I don't need a gadget. Maybe they feel too many Americans feel the same way?
Since it has memory for 3 spots. Just use it to park at home in the garage or on the street lol. And use it for work haha