This is the link to the Energy Bill "Conference Report" of the US Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources dated July 27, 2005. This appears to me to be what was actually passed quickly in both the House and Senate this week, and what the media is reacting to. The pertinent section is Subtitle D-Alternate Motor Vehicles and Fuels Incentives. It runs from page 1391 to page 1426. My read for hybrid vehicles is: Effective Dates: Vehicles put into service on or after January 1, 2006 (page 1426) through December 31, 2009 (page 1425). Purchases in 2005 are unaffected and continue to carry the $2,000 Adjustment to Income (tax deduction available even if you don't itemize). Phase Out: Trigger is 60,000 units per manufacturer delivered to US customers. Tax credit would remain at 100% for the calendar quarter in which the 60,000 trigger is met and the next calendar quarter. Reduced to 50% for the next 2 calendar quarters, then reduced to 25% for the next 2 quarters before expiring completely (pages 1417-1418). Tax Credit Amount: Is the SUM of (page 1402) the Fuel Economy Credit (page 1397) and the Conservation Credit (page 1399). My read on this for the Prius is: The chart on page 1397 is the same as the previous version of the bill posted, with the Prius falling in the "At least 225 percent but less than 250 percent bracket of 2002MY city EPA, for a Fuel Economy Credit of $2,000, based on it's Vehicle Inertia Weight Class of 3,000 (page 1394). To that $2,000 would be added the Conservation Credit of between $250 and $1,000 depending on the "lifetime fuel savings in gallons." 120,000 miles appears to be the definition of "lifetime miles (page 1401). By my calculations, the gallons of fuel savings, comparing 2002MY city EPA of 26.4 and Prius (2005MY) city EPA is 2578 [corrected 2545] gallons, which would qualify the Prius for an additional $750 Conservation Credit. Therefore, by my calculations, assuming the same city EPA of 61 [corrected 60]. Assuming that Toyota will very likely deliver more than 60,000 hybrid units in the US in the first calendar quarter of 2006 alone, the full credit of $2,750 would be available for purchases in the first half of 2006. That tax credit will drop to $1,375 for purchases in the second half of 2006. The tax credit will drop again to $687.50 for purchases in the first half of 2007 and there would be no tax credit for purchases in the second half of 2007.
Hello from a newbie ... Given this increased tax break -- a savings of more than $2,000 for those of us in my bracket -- it would seem that I'd be crazy to buy a Prius in November or December, as I was planning to do. Anyone else out there going to wait until January? Do you all think that will affect the wait time/cost for those of us trying to get in on the new tax laws in early January? Should I get on a waitlist in November or December in hopes of taking delivery at the beginning of January? Is there any reason not to wait now? IMO, Prius demand will rise considerably in early '06, after the hybrid tax credit gets more publicity.
I'm really burned up that even though we've only owned our car for 4 months, we only get a $300something tax break, as opposed to someone who buys their car later getting more than 9 times that amount. Wish we could have waited till January. Stupid old car dying early... grr.
Sorry, I had hoped to post better news for you...and me as well. Puts me into something of a quandary too. Do I put my purchase on hold until January now? Do I give up on getting a Tideland and pick one of the 2006MY colors? Will there be a significant price hike in the 2006 model Prius? (It seems we'll find that out on August 16th.) How much will I be wasting on gas over the next 5 months continuing to commute with my truck? Will the bill get signed? Will the signed bill get tweaked when Congress reconvenes?
Thanks. Oh well. It's been a rough year and what I wouldn't have done for some help above and beyond that measly $300... I also missed out on the checks that W sent out during his first term. Sigh. I always miss out. AnOldHouse, I think if you're buying a new car you really should be able to get it in the color you like. It's a shame they're not making Tideland next year. But there is a financial factor involved in addition to the desire factor, with the new energy bill and possible price change. I'm assuming you're not some young grad student, with spouse still investing in necessities for their career, type person like I am since my type is rather uncommon in general. I know "real" people have financial worries too. If you can afford the desire factor, go for it. From a purely financial standpoint, weigh your options. Calculate out how much you'd be spending on gas and see if it's worth waiting another 5 months. See if the credit for 2006 balances out that number and any possible price increase. I'm sure it will be signed, W has been supporting it. Good luck. Let us know what you decide.
I guess this depends on how long the waitlists in your area currently are. If your area's waitlists are 3 months or so like in Connecticut, I would get on a waitlist very as soon as the Act gets signed and you can "order" a 2006 (August 16th has been posted as the date for that) clearly specifying in the deal that you would not accept delivery prior to January 1, 2006 (paying no more than MSRP and fully refundable deposit).
46, single and well established career here. I suppose I should get a red car and consider it my "midlife crisis" car. I'll try to sit tight until I see the bill signed, what the details (color, MSRP, etc.) of ordering a 2006 would be on August 16th, and if there's a Tideland #6 in the dealer's next allocation.
Well, looks like my purchase just got bumped to Jan 02, 2006. From what my dealer was saying they are hearing the 06 MY MSRP will only go up about $200 over the MSRP for the 05 after the $300 Aug 1st bump up. So a net increase of only about $500 over what the majority of 05 purchasers paid. Don't know what his sources are but hope he is correct. I am on the list for an 05 but he told me it would be about two months wait for the package I am looking at and that I could switch to the 06 no problem. They did not have any specs on the 06 including no ideas on colors so once Aug 16th rolls around I am going to call him up and lock all that in. Is it best to just stay on the list and decline cars as they come in till after January 1 or should I tell him I want an early January car? Any suggestions?
I'm not aware of any $300 bump in MSRP. Today is August 1 and if there were any such bump, I would suspect it would already be reflected on Toyota's website. My dealer guestimated at a 1 to 2% increase in MSRP for 2006, but I think that's all pure speculation. I would tell the dealer once you have more concrete information at hand...the bill is signed, actual Prius Tax Credit is confirmed, and you know more about the 2006 model, hopefully on August 16.
Thanks for the correction Danny. Fortunately, that does not change the results of the calculations in my original post. The Fuel Economy bracket of 225% to 250% of 2002MY EPA for that weight class is 26.4. 26.4 times 2.25 is 59.4, so 60 is still (just) in that bracket for a Fuel Economy credit of $2,000.. The Lifetime Fuel savings would change to 2545 gallons but still be well within the same bracket (of at least 2,400) for the Conservation Credit of $750. All of this, of course, assumes that the 2006MY achieves a rating of at least 60 city EPA. A city EPA of under 60 would drop the Fuel Economy tax credit by $400 (wouldn't drop again until under 53). A city EPA of under 56 would drop the Conservation Credit bracket by $250.
Here's the news about the 8/1 price increase:
Looks like the main toyota website is not showing the price update yet. I just checked and it still shows the old price. When I went into it does show the new MSRP. A basic prius with no options is now showing up at $21,815 up from the old $21,515 so at least they stuck with only the $300 up in price. I could have grabbed a 2005 #6 tideland that was still at the old MSRP sitting in port but couldn't justify the extra $3000 or so that the Nav system added onto the price over the #5. I guess you do get the HID lights and fogs but still a bit of a jump for extras I didn't know if I would use.
I wonder how Toyota will play this crappy hand which it was dealt. If I were the “King†of Toyota, to prevent buyers from waiting until January to purchase in order to receive the tax benefit, I think I would announce, upon arrival of the 2006 model Prius, that anyone on the waiting list who takes delivery in 2005 will receive a discount equal to what they would receive if they waited until January to purchase. Toyota could advertise this in many ways . . . “The US Federal Government will show you its extra appreciation for you purchasing a Prius in 2006 . . .come tax time on April 15, 2007! We at Toyota, on the other hand, can’t wait that long to show you OUR appreciation. That is why we are giving our customers who purchase a Prius prior to January 1, 2006 a tax savings equivalent discount now!†The PR would be worth the cost. The Prius waiting lists would swell to record numbers as those who aren’t lucky enough to take delivery in 2005 will be the first in line to receive a Prius in 2006 . . . one which qualifies for the new tax break.
President Bush will sign the Energy Bill on 8-8-2005 in New Mexico. This is basically a done deal. I will be waiting to early next year for my Prius. I also heard the deliver for '06 is about 2 month if ordered today. I think I will put in the deposit around the end of September and hopefully receive my Prius January sometime. AZEmission
Well, correction. The first day you can order a 06 is 8-14 and dealers should have the new specs of 06 by now.(starting 8-1-2005)
Of course, that also depends on the cooperation of the dealers. Many won't cooperate with Toyota's MSRP. Sure, you may get a rebate direct from Toyota, but the dealer may inflate accordingly.