A few days ago, I decided to "top off" my tank as suggested by some in previous posts. When the range reset in the computer, it said I could expect to get 460 miles out of this tank. So here is my question/issues: I put in between 9.0 and 9.4 gallons and it says I can expect to get 540-560 miles out of that tank. I put in 10.0 gallons (top it off) and it says I can expect to get 460 miles out of that tank? For some reason, it just doesn't seem right. Anyone else?
i think it uses your average mpg, to guess your "range". But the range means nothing, you can add over 100 miles after the range says 0. I would just ignore it.
Not sure I have this exactly right, but it works something like this: When you top off, "miles to empty" resets based on a full tank (down to the warning light, not all the way to fumes). The number of miles is based on lifetime mpg or something like that. When you add at least 2 gallons but do not fill the tank to full, "miles to empty" is recalculated based on your mpg for the current tank.