Does anyone have details to modify US indicators to them ones many Euro cars have, moving the stalk flashes the indicators three or four times for lane change maneuver. These can be seen on many cars here in the US such as Golf, Porsche, most VW product line. The UK Prius has this feature.
Well mine doesn't and I'd prefer it if it did. Most cars here have the 3 flash indicators by just slightly moving the stalk and I was disappointed the Prius didn't. I guess you can't have it all.
This thread needs to be merged with the one about making the turn-signal click louder. My wife starts saying, "tick . . . tick . . . tick . . . when I leave thr blinkers on, but I can't take her with me everywhere. One of these solutions has to work. How old am I? First time I skimmed the question and saw the term "stalks,", I thought we were talking about something like the turn signals on my cousin's '53 Austin.
What do they call the stalk in the US? I'm aware a lot of car terminology has different names - indicators/turn signals. I guess the term stalk is old fashioned in the States but the same applies here to the term blinkers. Now we're on the subject of old terms, the old UK term for those turn signal stalks on a 1950's Austin was trafficator! [ame=]Trafficators - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame] Talk about an over complicated way of doing things.
Whatever term is used -a pet peeve of mine---they seem to not be used by the majority of drivers in the U.S. I'd estimate less than 40% use for lane changes and less for left turns when in left turn only lanes. "Signal your intentions"...sure. My biggest pet peeve is when "Law Officers" feel they're above the law and don't use them. Do as I say, not as I do. Yes, "stalk" term probably ages us. Perhaps lever is more common. And yes, the signal click sound is much to low. I live in Florida - where it's common to see turn signals left on...typically Buicks. Happened to me a few times. Blame the low db of the clicker....