FOB/SKS Questions

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Care, Maintenance and Troubleshooting' started by AbuS3ood, Apr 12, 2010.

  1. AbuS3ood

    AbuS3ood Member

    Mar 4, 2010
    2010 Prius
    Hi All;

    I need to make a backup key to my 06 prius,where i live, the dealers and imports steal the extra keys and sell them for 70$, and costs me about 200$ to make a new one,

    I have read about programming new keys by my self , is that tested and working well? my car is equipped with keyless entry, and i have two questions.

    1.Can i get my friends key and program it to start my car, and in the same time it keeps operating his car? since the car i only supposed to add the key ID to its working IDs.

    2.Can i get used sliver logo key and program it to just start the car(i read that i cant activate the key for keyless entry) or it MUST be black logo?

    Im planning to buy a used black logo key from ebay and ship and program it by my self.

    Thanks in forward.
  2. qbee42

    qbee42 My other car is a boat

    Mar 2, 2006
    Northern Michigan
    2006 Prius
    1) No.

    2) Yes.

    You program the car to the fob, not the other way around.

    There are two separate systems in an SKS fob. The first is the standard pushbutton remote and immobilizer system that allows you to start the car when the fob is inserted into the slot (or held to the hotspot on a 2010.) The second system is the transponder that allows the car to track the location of the fob. This is the system that allows you to keep your fob in your pocket, but still unlock doors and start the car - in other words the "smart" part of the system.

    You can program the standard portion yourself. This is true with the black fob, which only has the standard part, or with the silver fob. A silver fob used in this fashion only works like a black fob.

    The SKS functions can only be programmed with special tools. Any dealer can program your car to work with a *new* SKS fob, but not with a used one. A small number of dealers and locksmiths are also part of the inner circle and can program your car to work with a used SKS fob, but this takes longer and is more expensive. Generally the safe bet is to assume that a used fob can only work as a dumb fob (black one).

  3. AbuS3ood

    AbuS3ood Member

    Mar 4, 2010
    2010 Prius
    thx qbee42,but since i can program the car not the key why cant i add the key into two cars?
    i mean the key id supposed to be burned once to the key and never been changed, the car only add the key id to its accepted list? is that right? then how can the key or the car determine that the key is added into two cars?

    another thing, where is the best place to buy used key on the net? ebay or somewhere else?
    and the used key from ebay can be programmed by my self without any tools right?
  4. qbee42

    qbee42 My other car is a boat

    Mar 2, 2006
    Northern Michigan
    2006 Prius
    The key fobs use a rolling code. In other words, each time you press the keyfob it spits out a new code. This keeps people from using a simple RF sniffer and stealing your code, but it also means that the car and keyfob must stay synchronized. Using the same fob on two cars will cause the fob to lose synchronization with the other car.

    Looking at what we know about the fob system, it appears that it would be theoretically possible to make it work with two cars, but to date I know of no one who has made it work. For obvious reasons the car manufacturers try to keep this sort of information away from the public, so don't expect much help.

    A used fob can be programmed as a *dumb* fob and programmed without tools for a Gen II Prius. I don't know the details for the Gen III.

    Many users have reported buying used fobs on EBay. I can't vouch for this being the best source.

    3 people like this.
  5. AbuS3ood

    AbuS3ood Member

    Mar 4, 2010
    2010 Prius
    Thanks a lot Tom,your explanation was very useful to me and answered all my questions. thanks for your time,

    p.s : i won a bid on used black logo ket for 15 $ :D, i need more 15 $ to ship it and an extra week for delivery... it cost here 100$ without programming from the god d*** stealer dealers.