I added the buttons in my 2006 Prius and they are programmable with SWI-JACK. The latest firmware listed bluetooth phone support for it. Since you got a Pioneer unit, check SWI-PAC firmware to see if it is supported. This is the video demonstrating how I programmed it.
I've got a package II, so when I replaced my head unit, I used SWI-JACK to set my steering wheel "Mode" button as my bluetooth button. Therefore to pickup a call I just press the mode button. If I need to switch between FM/AM/DVD/USB I just press the button on the head unit. Much easier than trying to add buttons or swap steering wheels.
There's a standard set of buttons that get added to the other side. No steering swap. I want it for both Bluetooth functionality - and other radio options...
If there is an easy way to add on buttons, I would like to try it. I'm fine just hitting the buttons on my head unit right now though.
very interesting, i've a european "active" prius (without bluetooth) and i've buy a alpine 114bti HU with bluetooth... maybe changing the steering wheel we can use the bt button! but how much it cost???
I have a 2010 Prius II. I'll have to ask the dealer about ordering the part on the left of this steering wheel, with the Voice and Answer/Hang Up buttons. (Hope the picture shows up).
I worked with the parts guys to try and track this down. They can order the buttons/wiring harness - but they come as an assembly - including the existing volume, the other side temp control etc. The set runs $588 (needless to say, this is one mod I am not doing).
Any ideas if you ever did this mode, and also, can you please explain what is needed exact? (is the harness behind the steering wheel?)