I've accepted a position working as a Living Well Coordinator. I'm so excited. I'll be able to continue to work in the Healthy Aging field. It's a two year "appointment" funded by Federal ARRA dollars. I hope to be in a good position in two years with this experience and my Masters degree. But the best part.... I'll have insurance for myself and my sons.
Congratulations, Pardon my ignorance but what exactly does a Living Well Coordinator do? Help people live well, I suppose? Or stay healthy? Because I want to live well, too.
Congratulations. My wife runs a nonprofit organization that does similar work. If you would like to share ideas with her, send me a PM and I can give you her contact information. Tom
Congrats. Which reminds me ... I haven't gotten living well coordinated in months. I'm especially happy that the new job will provide health insurance for you and your boys. I got married so my mate could have insurance. I wonder if others have done the same thing. Like getting married in order to get a green card or to speed up the citizenship process.
Happy to hear about the new job and congrats. Make sure to call up the Ex and say "na na na na na na na CLICK!"
Healthy Aging is the big umbrella that I'm interested in working under. Within that area, I will be specifically working with local coordinators and providers to support a 6 week class that helps people living with Chronic conditions. Yep. You can take me off the "unemployed" rolls and add one more hash mark to the efforts to help make the "good stuff" available to everyone. Tom, I will do that! I went on a coffee date not that long ago where the man mentioned that. I think he was joking but am not entirely sure...... Thankfully, I don't have to make those kinds of hard choices. Thanks J. I'm just happy to be able to take care of myself and my kids. I don't hate my x. Actually I'm sad that he is so full of bitterness and hate... makes it really hard to co-parent with him. I feel like the luckiest girl on earth!!
I missed this thread when you first posted because I was still in Mexico. Congratulations! That's great news.