He folks... I know many of you are MAC friendly and I actually mainly use my PC. My MAC looked lonely so I decided to upgrade to TIGER. I am NOT able to print to my HP Photosmart 8150. I am MUCH more PC savvy than MAC savvy, so I am hoping you can assist. I am able to test print and do all the stuff with the printer utility. I just can't print from any applications. Thanks!!
Hmmm, I have a photosmart 7760 with the same deal. Jaguar, Panther no luck either. HP replaced with no change and will not refund, just exchange. Mine used to print verrrry slow, now, not at all. AND HP loads an enormous amount of data in lots of places in your system. I would say take the time to search the net/forums and arm yourself with docs of similar stories to present to HP. Apple and HP pointed at each other for the solution in my case. let me know what happens. Craig Sedona AZ 3200 smiles so far
Typically you just need to select which printer you want to print to. This will happen when you select Print from within an application. If the printer is already installed, just select the printer. If the printer is not installed then you will get a dialog box saying that no printer is installed. You will then be taken through the process of adding the printer. Most recent printers will have the print drivers already on the Tiger CD so no additional software would be necessary. just be sure that the printer is on, is ready and is properly cpnnected to the Mac before you begin. For more support try these sites: Apple's Mac OS X Tiger Support Site http://www.apple.com/support/tiger/ Search for the Apple User Group nearest you (great for local support) http://www.apple.com/usergroups/find/ Independent Mac support sites http://www.macfixit.com/ http://www.macintouch.com/ http://www.macosxhints.com/
Have you gone to HP's web site and downloaded the newest driver updates? www.hp.com That should do it...
You may also find http://discussions.info.apple.com/ and http://macusersforum.com/index.php? helpful.
As fjef said, I have had to go to HP's web site and download the latest update a couple of times. Once, a music program I had froze up the computer whenever I tried to print on HP. The HP update cured it. The other time was a matter of getting the printer to work. Beth
...another help site with forums and human tech support is www.macosx.com has answers for everything and is very well organised.
[font=Comic Sans MS:eb35a4ec53]Some basic questions to you, DJasonW: Have you set up your HP Photosmart 8150 printer? If you did, did you use the HP wizard or the Mac Printer Utility? How is it connected to your Mac? What kind of a Mac do you have? Simple answers require basic information.[/font:eb35a4ec53]
Thanks for all the replies. I have an iMac model from 3 yrs ago. The one where it has a semi circular base with the arm that holds the monitor. I am NOT MAC savvy as you can see. I have the latest drivers from the HP site. The printer setup utility shows the printer as being idle. I am able to communicate with the printer because it shows ink levels and even prints test pages. It even cleans, calibrates does everything. It just won't print with an application. I am starting to think WINDOWS isn't as bad as everyone thinks. They're much easier to work on. I am going to call Apple support. I even read some of the forums and people are having the same problems and no one has solved them.
Almost forgot Mr. Merchant.... I have it directly attached to the USB port on the pod (NOT connected to a hub). Thanks for everyone's help!!
Which version of OS X are you using? (under the Apple menu, about this Mac) Have you repaired permissions? (Applications---->Utilities----> Disk Utility -> Disk First Aid) Its hard to troubleshoot without having the right info - at least you know for sure you don't have a virus/spyware/adware problem!
10.4.2 which is the latest. This is the reason I am using the MAC now to avoid adware/spyware/virus problems etc. I love the new dashboard and some of the other features. I am at work now so hopefully tonite I'll try and see if I have some success.
I am glad to hear you went out and got the latest driver from HP yourself. When you upgraded to Tiger you may not have included HP printer drivers in the set of items to install. Yes they are on the Tiger CD but not all drivers are in the Easy Install. If you can see ink levels you should be almost done. Keep your printer and your iMac G4 powered up. Unplug the printer cable from the iMac's USB port on the base where you said you connected the printer. Restart the iMac and let it finish starting up. Then plug in the USB cable for your printer where it was. This is usually all the iMac needs to remind it that a printer is connected and it already has the software drivers to use it. Open something you'd like to print as a test. Under the File menu, select Page Setup. This is where you verify that your printer is selected, once. It will stay selected until you change it (or until you install another upgrade).
I would start with the basics first... Does the printer show up in System Profiler (/Applications/Utilities/System Profiler)?
mac has problems with HP. i had an officejet G85 ( when i was till in California ) i had to use some generic HP driver in order to print with my G85. The latest mac driver for the G85 would error and keep printing blank page after blank page.
HP does something called "dithering" with most of its scanners. The Finale salesman at a recent music convention told me that Smart Score (a lite version is in Finale) would not work with many HP scanners, but would work with almost any other scanner. Maybe printers have a similar characteristic that causes the problem. I am using an HP printer, an older one, however, with no problems. Beth
HP software is generally not very good. That applies for Windows as well as for the Mac. Software quality is an often overlooked factor to consider when buying peripherals.
i am a mac owner also, for many years. glad to see all of you other mac individuals own a prius. we think outside the box!!!
I really love the MAC but still have no clue why it does not print to my HP Photosmart 8150 after I upgraded to Jaguar. I am going to have to call Geek Patrol and have someone come over. I lost patience. If I have to print something I'll use my PC. In the meantime what I've been doing is printing to a PDF on the MAC and emailing it to myself. Then I go on my PC (2 feet away) and retrieve the email with the attached PDF and print it. Maybe I'll try installing the drivers for my Brother printer to the MAC. I am not even sure if the Brother supports the MAC. I'll keep you folks posted. Thanks for all your help.