This is probably a silly question. But twice when I have gone into a car wash, I have put the transmission is N mode, and the Battery started reading in the red zone. Is there a better way? Or is that normal? Also, how long you sit in car in acc mode and use the radio?
See! This is exactly why I am a proponent of putting the car in Ig-On to go to Neutral! When the car is in N, the ICE can't charge the battery. If the AC is on, then it is discharging the battery. Also the 12V DC-DC converter is also taking charge from the HV battery, but I don't think it matters a whole lot, unless you have a lot of 12V accessories going on, like headlamps and a big bad audio amp. The only other mode you can put the car in N is Ig-On. In any power mode out of READY, the HV battery relays are open so you can't be draining from them. So, when having to go into N for an extended period of time, do so in Ig-On. That is, press the power button twice from Off when NOT pressing the brake.
I've sat in the car in ACC and also in Ig-On (not ready mode) for 3-4 hours at a stretch before it complained. Complained that P-mode was broken or something and I should repark, but it was really just confused. So anyways, that's 3-4 hours with screen on, audio on at volume 25, stock speakers, Kenwood subwoofer plugged in, cassette player being used. Looks like it still had enough power for a bit longer. Lasted about as long as my laptop. YMMV