I used to have a GM car with a center console light when you lifted the console cover and I do miss it on my new Prius. Oddly, Toyota put an accessory plug in the back base of the console so there is 12v (I assume) right there. I've looked but don't see any accessory lamp available that could be plugged in there for a console light. I guess unless it was tall with a pressure switch on the top, one would have to switch it on manually at night to see in there. Do the 3's 4's and 5's have a console lamp? Has anyone looked into this? Thanks.
No, no model has a light inside the center console when it is slid back to the open position or lifted up. The IV and V have footwell lighting, but nothing in the way of extra console lighting.
I had a problem with the storage area underneath. At night when you turn on the interior lights you can't see anything under there. I bought a small LED light, the ones that come with a strap you put on your head for a work light, removed the strap and taped it to the back part of the storage area. Works great and out of sight. Although not what you're looking for might help. Key is to find one with a big button so it's easy to turn off and on.
Heh, this just gave me a good idea; on a III, IV, or V with Nav, there's a USB port. I got a USB flex light a number of years ago that is fairly useless, but perhaps it can go in my car... Though I'm not sure I want that extra tenth of a watt of power draw dragging down my MPGs.
Update on the 12v port in the console: I found an old 12v utility light that plugs into traditional cigarette lighter sockets and tested the power there. Unfortunately, the power is only active when the main "Power" button is on. This is not an ideal source since many times you will want to access your console just before or just after you shut the system down. If it was a constant source (always hot), modding a console lamp would be possible with a switch that closes when the lid is down. At least that's how most other center console lamps work.