Hi all. Just been to my dealer where I was told they had to order 2 front brake discs (rotors?) as my american import Prius's brakes were different to the norwegian model. Anyone know if this is true? Thanks alot in advance. John
I don't know about front brakes, but I know the rear brakes are different between US and European models. The US models have drum brakes, while the Euro models incorporate disc brakes in the rear. So the brake system is different and therefore I would guess the front brake discs might be incompatible between the US and Euro models, but I cannot tell that with any degree of certainty.
Thanks for the replys! Interesting indeed. Means I have to import them from the US then I think. Thanks again!
I just bought front rotors for my 2004 for $77 each plus shipping, from Champion Toyota - Houston. 43512-47030. Champion ToyotaWorld The front pads cost $40, 04465-47050. I don't know whether this dealer will accept orders outside the US.
I'm not going to call Patrick a liar in relation to rotor [disc] thickness but i replaced mine in Dec 08 and the part number that Patrick quoted is indeed the same as mine,as you can see i'm in Ireland,although the part number re brake pads is 04465-0W080, I bought mine in the UK as the price for Rotors in Ireland was ridiculous...€202 + VAT [21%] PER DISC!! Try [email protected] I still get all my service parts from him...all Genuine Toyota Parts Hope this helps also!! PS: £59 + 15% VAT [Sterling]Per Disc
The NA 2G Prius repair manual indicates that the standard thickness of the front rotor is 22 mm while the minimum is 20 mm. If someone has access to the Toyota Europe repair docs, maybe they can look up the spec applicable to the European model. Maybe it was the Classic model, where the front rotor thicknesses varied by region.
If my memory serves Patrick,it was yourself that confirmed that it was indeed the Classic models that differed when i was doing my research for the Discs for the G2 and you also gave me the link to the Toyo Diy site,the same Part No applies to NA and European Models.
Ah thats really interesting. So you think I can use european discs on my usa import? Would be alot easier as I can get my parents in Inverness to buy and ship them.
John,yeah i do believe that to be the case,as myself and Patrick have confirmed that the Part No's for both NA and European models are the same,i did price from the US but because of weight,shipping was too expensive and i have no reason to believe that the brake caliper is different on NA v European models so brake pads should fit.
Very interesting. The dealer today said the part number on my discs and the ones they stock was different. Really interested to know if they will fit and if there is any performance issues. Obviously required further investigation. Will try and get the part number off my discs and post back here. (Anyone know where its located on the disc and if I can see it while on the car?) Thanks for all your help and time. John
Hope this helps John, Part No for both US and Euro models are the same,maybe you can get the part no from your source and post it? ToyoDIY.com
Hi John, 1. Ask your dealer what part number they would order for European 2G Prius front disk rotors, and compare to the part number that I provided in my post #5. 2. There is no part number marked on the rotor. I have two new rotors sitting in my garage. The only marking that I can see is MIN TH 20 MM that can be seen on the inside of the rotor when it is removed from the car. This message is just telling the mechanic that the minimum thickness spec is 20 mm. 3. How many miles on your odometer? I am wondering why the rotors need to be replaced to begin with. Are they warped or rusty?
Hi all. Sorry for the late replys. Got a little side tracked as I started looking for a 2007 model to buy. The problem was caused by rust on the disc and not wear and tear. The mechanic stated that the pads had more than enough "meat" on them. I wrote a mail to toyota usa to ask them if I could fit the european disc onto my us import at the same time I started this thread. Finally got a long winded reply saying the dont accept it being exported and that was about it. Would of been alot quicker to answer yes or no! lol! So anyway selling my 2005 and buying a 2007. Hopefully the problem is solved as the mechanic was able to polish or grind of the problem area and as yet it hasnt returned. Thank once again all for your replys. So nice knowing you arent alone with your problems. Cheers John
It is incredibly common for manufacturers to specify a new replacement part that supersedes two or more older parts. I can't say for sure if this is true in your case, but a competent person in the dealer's parts department should be able to dig deep enough to find out. Mike