Hi everyone, I was wondering how the following lease deal sounds, sorry if I'm not in the right section of the forum: 2010 Prius Package 3 with Nav MSRP around $26K 3 years/15kmiles 288/month including tax The car color is not my favorite, however I need a car right now. I am in the SF Valley area in California. Any advice will be apreciated. Sincerely, Gina
Gina, You need to ask a lot more questions about your lease deal and then give it some thought: 1. If there's any kind of a chance you would buy the car out at the end of the lease, you need to know what the buyout is. 2. How many miles a year do you drive? 15k miles isn't much in California. How much will they charge you at the end of the lease for your mileage overage? It might be as much as 15 cents a mile. 3. Add up all your lease payments, the initial amount due at signing and the mileage overage you might have to pay. How does that look to you? 4. Alternatively, add up your lease payments, the initial due at signing and the buyout and compare with the cash price of the car? 5. If you have a downpayment (and these days with Toyota, even if you don't), it's usually a better deal to finance it if you've got a FICO score of 600 or better.
Gina, if you haven't yet signed a lease elsewhere, I hope you'll call me today. I have a gold IV for pretty close to that payment at 12K annual, and a few III's for similar $'s at 15K in same colors.... with normal drive offs. Dianne
I ended up going for the Prius II, 15K miles, $0 down and $199/mo for 35 mo - just got the car on Monday. Love it. The only thing I miss over my 2007 Prius Pkg 6 is the bluetooth connectivity, but I think there's an add-on for that. If you have an iphone just get the Mapquest Navigation app (free) or the TomTom app ($59) and you'll already have a better navigation system than in the Prius. The cloth interior quality is leaps and bounds nicer than the leather. It's almost like the cloth is suede, but the leather is plastic - go figure. I really wanted the solar roof, living in phoenix, but then again almost everywhere I park is shaded. Overall, I'm very happy - I just want a better way to connect my music to my car and have handsfree dialing at the same time.