Got it down to these 3. Any idea which order these fall on roll resistance and noise? Michelin Primacy MXV4 Michelin Energy Saver A/S Michelin - X Radial Not too worried about snow & ice conditions.
Of those, the Energy Saver A/S will get the best MPG. None of these will give poor MPG, but there are some other brands/models that will also do well on MPG. JeffD
I just switched from the Michelin Primacy MXV4 to the Michelin Energy Saver A/S. When I first had the Primacy I actually lost 2-3mpg because the Primacy is a high performance tire. A high performance rubber compound is more 'sticky' on the road. Also the tread design is different. The tread will flex differently at high and low speeds. When I put the Energy Saver A/S tires on I gained 3-4 mpg and still retain good traction in wet and dry conditions. The Energy Saver A/S is a winner! Marvinh
Did you notice any difference in road noise between those 2? thanks guys for the quick replies. very helpful!
Any reason your list is all Michelin? I have the Primacy MXV4 and they are nice tires, but I do feel like I spent a lot more money than I really needed to. - D
Don - I don't know why the list is all Michelin. But I have a question for you: How are your Primacy tires in snow? I found them poor in snow, maybe because of the tread pattern. Marvinh
looking at the tiretrack and consumer reports data floating around here put those on my short list. just a coincidence they are all michelin i guess.. i have zero brand loyalty for tires Sorry, I'd pass on all of 'em. Our Michelin Hydroedges have over 90K miles on them, and the wear is hardly noticable. Very good rolling resistance too. .
I just drove on snow/slush/ice last week (winter storm in Kansas, I'm a Texas gal). Anyway, the Primacy tires were just fine, considering the conditions. Good traction, though I stayed off the brakes as much as I could. I've had the Primacy tires for a while now, and I actually saw a mileage gain on them. I am very happy with them. MUCH quieter than the OEM tires that came with the car. My reason for chosing the Michelin Primacy tires over the Energy Saver was the lack of mileage warranty on the Energy Saver. When paying those prices for tires, I wanted at least some guarantee of mileage to expect.... As for the rolling resistance between the Primacy and Energy Saver, the Energy Saver is just slightly better.
thanks for all the feedback folks. i went with the energy savers through costco. could have got them cheaper somewhere else, but costco has the 5yr warranty on all tires it sells
It's too bad you already bought the Energy Savers because you now know that they're really noisy and don't give any increase in gas mileage. I'll look into another tire the next time around. They're not cheap in price either.
Genoz - I'll be able to tell you about the Ecopia's in a little while. Fueling up at Costco the other day, I noticed a big ol' screw firmly planted in my rear left tire. So basically I came for the gas, I stayed for the set of four tires. So far so good, although the folks at Costco did give me four green air stem caps. A little Prius humor, perhaps? I'll post a review after I drive a while on them - and that shouldn't take long, as my commute is about 85 miles a day.
A week ago I bought four Bridgestone 195/55R16 (Ecopia) tires for my Prius. Good tires but...I was getting close to 50MPH or more in th esummer and so far I'm getting around 43-44MPG. A huge disapointment in that I could have bought a Corolla and gotten nearly that milage. The guy at the tire shop said he'd replace them but I don't know what kind to get, the Michelin Hydro edge, Michelin Energy Saver, Hydroedge must be for the base model Prius and I've the Touring model. Any suggestions before I go back to the dealer?