I bought my 2010 Prius (Black -- trim II) back in June '09. I'm a sales rep, so I bought it for the FE and reliability. I've since changed careers (still a sales rep, but with different company) and the new Company will be providing me with a Company Car. I already have a vehicle that will be paid off next year and now this Company Car, so that leaves the Prius as the "odd man out." I'm crushed! I absolutely LOVE this car and don't want to part with it, but it doesn't make sense for me to keep it, pay the payment, insurance, etc... when it will seldom be driven. I'm going to see if I can somehow afford to keep this car, but I'm doubting that I'll be able to. I'm about 90% sure I'll be selling it. So.....if anyone's interested......I live in Phoenix, AZ. The car has always been serviced at the dealer, has had the brake recall upgrade, etc... Will be a perfect car for the next owner! Oh yes....I'll miss Prius Chat as well....and will still be a lurker!
Why not get rid of your other car that will be paid off next year and pay down the Prius loan with the proceeds?
And since you have multiple vehicles (and therefore time), you could do it as a private sale and not lose a big piece to a dealership.
Great point. But my other vehicle is an SUV. Our family needs to have both an SUV and a car. The Prius, unfortunately, isn't as versatile as my SUV is for the purposes we use our SUV for. So......since I need to keep the SUV and and now have a company car, I'm left with the prospect of having to sell my Prius.
Negotiate a deal with your new employer: Return their company car to them by having them reimburse you. Then use your Prius as the "company car." I'm sure you could refuse a company car and theyd repay you somehow. Dont know how good your employer is or how high youre up there though.
Well if you plan on selling it...You can count on getting 10% less then what you think you could of gotten if it was a regular market before all of Toyota's problems....Toyota is beating your used car's price by selling their cars brand new for the same !...Hope you wait it out and get a fair return...But then again more bad news has come...http://www.dailytech.com/Toyota+Sla...al+Fine+For+Defect+Deception/article18054.htm ...Maybe you (And the rest of us) can get a partial refund from Toyota to offset your resale loss, because things were reported late here.
If your employer will pay you 50 1/2c per mile you'll turn a profit on the Prius compared to the company car.
Company cars are non-negotiable, and often are Chryslers. There are financial (and other) reasons for this. I say get rid of the Prius and SUV together for a hybrid Ford Escape.
the only silver lining in this MAY be that despite private party sales being a real pain in the nice person (all I do but they are a pain), you'll probably get a decent potential customer given you're selling a Prius and not a 2001 Mustang GT or similar.