My 2008 Prius is sick. It is has just slightly below 24K miles on it. Symptoms: Right as I started the car it groaned loudly. Has never done that previously. Then it drove off fine, however, in a few minutes we noticed that the battery charge was down to two bars and the color was purple. The arrows on the display were extremely squirrelly and the battery charge was not acting as it usually does. Stayed down for a long time, came up to half full and went back down again. As things would have it, as I pulled the car into the dealers lot and the service department , the battery indicator showed fully charged and the color was green. Chief service guru called a bit ago. They have no idea so far. Are going to call Toyota engineers to see if they have an answer. Any of you had a similar issue previously? This is my first.
ronbet, It is very likely that you have a bad 12V battery. Either you or the the techs need to check the voltage of the "12V" battery after it sits overnight. The voltage needs to be checked at the charging points under the hood, or at the battery itself under the rear hatch floor BEFORE the car is put in the Ready mode. (Once you get the Ready light, the 12V bus is supplied by the High Voltage battery via the DC-to-DC converter and will read ~13.6V. This is most definitely NOT THE VOLTAGE OF THE "12V" BATTERY.) I'll bet the voltage will read ~>12V. This means that the battery has lost ~ half its capacity and needs to be replaced. Typical service life on the 12V battery is ~4 years. However there are a number of situations that can significantly reduce that number. I'm surprised that your dealer techs are calling in the "big guns" before doing such a simple diagnostic.
They might be afraid it will zip off by itself ..... but seriously - with a scangauge - is it possible to read the 12v battery, or will the car always show the DC - DC value if the car is in any way on ? I was hoping scangauge would let me watch for any 12v battery changes.
Tom, The ScanGauge is the perfect way to read the capacity of your "12V" battery -- when it's in good health it should be reading closer to 13V than 12 after sitting overnight. Here's what to do: Set your SG up so that voltage is one of the displayed gauges. Let the car sit overnight. In the morning, don't touch either the brake pedal or the Power switch. Hit the button on the SG on the lower right. It will power right up. Read the voltage. If it is below ~12.5 it's time to consider a replacement. If it reads below 12.2, go get a new battery 'cause trouble is right around the corner.
My first thought was the 12v but Tom's also correct that the hybrid battery could show the same symptoms. Before you get concerned about the hybrid battery being bad, keep in mind that you have a very long warranty on that puppy. If it is bad, they will replace it for free. The 12v, on the other hand, is all yours.
I agree, but consider it unlikely given the car's age and mileage. (But I've been wrong before. ) We have to dig deeper... ronbet, Did the tech(s) say anything about trouble codes being recorded or "thrown?" If so, what did they say? If not, you should ask if any were. If so, post them here and the techno-gurus can tell you (us) what they mean.
Could it also be a recalibration? I seen my battery drain then recharge all the way a few years ago. I only seen it do it once. I just passed it off as a recal. Never had a problem since.
I would have tended to agree, but I tried this last night... and the multi-meter and scangauge are fairly off from each other. At the battery terminals, I'm seeing 12.6 (not bad, not great, but not bad). The scangauge is seeing 12.3 (almost at replacement territory). YMMV.
I think everyone needs to take a deep breath. The thought of replacing a 12volt battery because a multimeter indicates 12v? Hmm, 6 cells at 2 volts apiece equals 12v. If that were the case we would be replacing battery's daily.Have we load tested the battery? What climate does the battery live in. Cold weather is awful on a battery, they don't like to cooperate until their a little warm. Prius 12v battery's are notoriously delicate and fail often, and after dealing with battery problems myself, replacing it with an optima is well worth it. I think after reading what I have I would be more interested in the HV battery. The groaning noise you are possibly hearing is the defective break actuator, (TSB BR001-07 Brake Actuator Noise) with the foot on the brake, pushing the power button you will hear a groan or some call it a bark for a couple seconds, this is from the above mentioned brake system, I have two of these cars and they both do it, 07 and 09,.
This is splitting hairs, but 2.0 volts per cell is nominal voltage only. Normal "open circuit" voltage for a lead-acid cell is in the 2.10 to 2.13 V range, or 12.6 to 12.8 V for the battery. If the battery's at 12.0 V or below, it's discharged. (This is like expecting to find a 2" or 4" dimension on a 2 by 4.)
However this does not account for the HV battery draining down and not charging back up until run for 10-12 miles.
Well guys here is the verdict on my Prius. The dealer could not find anything wrong. Toyota says they have not faced this issue previously. The local Toyota guru said there were NO codes stored from any recent events. Only suggestion that Toyota had for my local tech is to disconnect the 12 volt battery for 15 minutes and then reconnect. Guess they are contemplating a re-boot. We opted not to do that at this time but to see if other events occur in the next short (?) period of time and if so to do the disconnect and see if that alone "cures" the problems. Drove the car home and it acted normal, except, the arrows of the display are acting differently than in the past two years. Tech (guru) says they seem normal to him. Toitndave I am in Virginia and it is quite warm now so cold temperature is not now an issue. It was quite cold for a longer than usual time this past Winter but the Prius performed flawlessly then. Your comment about the brake actuator is interesting. You mentioned "defective brake actuator." Did you mean it would only make the noise if defective or not. I see you have/had two Priuses (sp?) and both made/make this sound. Do they both have defective actuators? I'll mention this to the local Toyota guru and see if he has seen this. This comes as close to what have made the sound as anything we can think of, however, that does not account for the drained HV battery and the squirrelly display arrows. Thanks to everyone for you comments and suggestions. I'll post further is this issue raises its' head again. Problems don't usually disappear by themselves. Ronbet
Get an Optoma yellow top and the installation kit, disconnect the battery for 15 minutes (while you install the yellowtop) reconnect and the problem will be in your rear view mirror.
Can you possibly record the groaning sound and put it up for us to hear? For example, if you have an iPhone, it has a voice recorder app now. It is very easy to run the HV battery down to two purple bars just by letting the card sit in Ready mode (on) stopped or creeping along in a parking lot or bumper to bumper traffic for an extended period of time. There's nothing abnormal about that. You can test the 12 volt battery voltage via Although I've never had a bad HV battery, IIRC, common symptoms are the MFD showing it going from full to empty VERY quickly and vice versa, sluggish acceleration w/the ICE revving at higher RPMs than normal and the HV battery fan (in the back seat area) running on high. I can't speak to squirrelly display arrows or whatever since we can't see it. If you can put up a video on Youtube or something, we could better help. For reference, the TSB and some chatter about it are at FWIW, my 06 Prius has the brake "honk"/bark sound occasionally. I don't care as I'm out of warranty now and it looks like a huge job anyways (4.4+ hours) and the TSB says it doesn't braking performance.
Well, my Prius is STILL sick. Took it back to local Toyota guru today and he disconnected the 12 volt battery to do a re-boot as instructed by Toyota engineer. There does not seem to be any difference as a result. I took it back because the arrows on the display are still acting squirrelly and the High Voltage battery indicator is showing battery discharge to a greater extent than ever before. Where the battery used to stay BLUE... and at about 5 bars..... now under use, it drops all the way down to 1 or 2 bars, turns PURPLE (some people say pink but it's purple on my car) and takes a considerable amount of time to recoup to middle of the indicator. Also where the gasoline engine used to start to re-charge the battery when the car was stopped and the battery went down (from using the Air Conditioner for instance) now the engine does not start to keep the battery charged. The engine only re-starts (and starts to charge the battery) when I push the accelerator to move the car. Often times now when I am pushing on the accelerator (from having been coasting) the arrows do NOT show any energy traveling from the engine to the wheels, only energy from the battery to the electric motor/wheels.... and I know the gasoline engine is running because I can hear it. It appears that whatever caused that noise earlier in the week came from something under the hood that apparently was damaged or destroyed and that something must control the charging of the HV battery. Any further thoughts? Does my additional description of the symptoms help, out? Thanks again for any assistance you can offer. ronbet
Although, I don't really suggest you spend money to buy a ScanGauge to diagnose problems, esp. problems covered under warranty, if you had one, you could use XGauges to view the state of charge of the HV battery (Soc), HV battery voltage (btV and variants) and battery amps going to/from the battery (Bta) and compare w/others here, under varying conditions. The HV battery temp readings (buc, buf, blc, blf) might be interesting too. I personally leave Bta and soc up a lot of the time and have sometimes peeked at the temps and voltage. Regarding are you sure about this? I've definitely gotten into states (that aren't abnormal) where the ICE may not fire up to charge the HV battery when it's "low" but only when pushing the go pedal. What happens if you let it run down further? It will for sure run down further and should eventually cause the ICE to fire up. If you get a red triangle of death or a check engine light, then in the latter case, it will throw a code that your dealer can read or you can w/an OBD II scanner.
I'd say that you should just drive the car and not worry about it. If your car has a real problem then a DTC will be eventually logged and warning lights will appear (such as the red triangle warning light and the hybrid vehicle icon on the MFD.) Until your car logs a DTC, the dealer service tech is not going to take any further action. As your car ages you'll note that the traction battery SOC gauge swings more widely than before. Also, if the weather in your area is warming up and you are using the AC compressor now, that will also drain the traction battery more esp when you are driving at slow speeds or at a standstill. If you still want to worry, then here's my suggestion: if you have mountainous terrain in your local area, then take the car out for an excursion, going up & down the mountain, driving the car as hard as you can while remaining safe and observing speed limits. That will stress the powertrain and if you've got a latent problem maybe it will manifest itself.
Hi Ronbet, is that all the time or just when you're starting your journey? It's actually fairly common for the battery to get used a lot while the engine is warming up, and it can definitely cause the HV battery to drop a few bars in the first few minutes after cold start. I'm not even sure what that means?