Does anyone know of a product that will remove bugs off my hood and bumper instantly without having to wash my car? I travel quite a ways to work and bugs get on my car pretty fast. I'm looking for something i could just spray and wipe off without causing swirlmarks.
You can use a product like this to keep them from really sticking on severely: Bug Off! - Everyday and Storage - Car Maintenance - Griot's Garage And then use something like speedshine with a microfiber to remove them if you don't want to wash he car: Speed Shine - Griot's Garage And if you did want to wash the car, or just the front end they sell a bug cleaning kit: Bug Cleaning Kit - Everyday and Storage - Car Maintenance - Griot's Garage
I don't think there's any panacea here. You could use a quick detailer, but will likely damage the finish by dragging the bug grit across the paint. Your best bet would be rinsing with a hose at home. Applying a coat of RejeX will go a long way to minimizing bug splats (apply to front bumper, hood, windshield, side view mirrors): RejeX: Nothing Sticks but the Shine!
You could try a silicone spray like I do when I go on long highway trips. Then careful use of a power washer removes the bug guts. Then warm water with a wash mit. The other option is a car bra or a thin film like Road Wrap. Look it up. I'll likely be trying it this year on my 2000km road trip.
I hate bugs...I wont them dead!!!:mad2: I have also notice that white colour pull them like magnet even with the car stationary!