Sorry, but this PC member has to make his plug for his team. Our Bulldogs are certainly excited and lucky to have reached the championship game. It has sure been a crazy week here on campus and we will be celebrating tomorrow either way. Here's hoping we have one more strong defensive stand left in us, even with Matt Howard on the bench. Hopefully I have some fellow PCs who will be rooting with me for Butler! Go Dogs!
Read this AM that Howard has been cleared to play. Good luck to you guys, watch out for dirty play by Zoubek.
Oh, I get it. This thread is about some sort of sport. Now I need to narrow it down. Is some sort of ball involved? Tom
Agreed. Zoubek fouled out of that game a couple times, most noticebly under the Butler goal towards the end when he threw the Bulldog down with the back of his arm. I'm feel bad for Butler. But they should feel so good. There's not much about Duke's play that I enjoy but watching those Bulldogs hustle was a great show of passionate basketball.
It was a great game and nice to see two teams playing for the championship that really are competing with student-athletes or at least athlete-students, not just athletes.
that was a hell of a game- soo close. I bet there was some serious reflection in the duke meeting today!
It was such a bittersweet day on campus today. We are proud of how well the team represented us as a school and are hopeful that the national spotlight will be good us as a whole in the years ahead. It was sad that they could not win the game, but they gave it everything they had and made a great go at it. No one here expected more. Hope is always another matter.