This interesting article may be over selling it a bit when it comes to Ford, and Ford may or may not be choosing the right partners (Microsoft and Nuance), but Ford definitely has the right idea. From what I've read in car reviews, they are already ahead of Toyota in this area. Toyota et al need to get with the times and develop an Apple like focus on user interfaces and design for their cars. How Ford's Sync Technology Will Turn It Into America's Most Surprising Consumer Electronics Company [Update] | Fast Company "Look, it's cool to connect. But it's past cool," he says, standing up in the middle of his sentence. (He's getting worked up again.) "It's a reason to buy. Tech is why people are going to buy Ford! We're going to be the coolest, most useful app you've ever had, seamlessly keeping you connected." Ford is transforming the car into a powerful smartphone, one that lets you carry your digital world along with you and then customize it. And by the way, says Mulally, it "makes you a better driver." How? By freeing you from the tyrannies (and dangers) of messing with that little phone while you drive and letting you command your technology, through the car, using only your voice; by establishing the car itself as your connection to the cloud; and by giving mobile developers a way to create an ever-expanding portfolio of services designed for -- and around -- your vehicle.
Re: How Ford's Sync Technology Will Turn It Into America's Most Surprising Consumer Electronics Comp Much as I like all the gadgets in the Prius, the main point of it is to get me from here to there safely and economically. Making it into a self-propelled iPhone/iPad/Smartphone to going WAY to far!
Re: How Ford's Sync Technology Will Turn It Into America's Most Surprising Consumer Electronics Comp I think Toyota should concentrate on connectivity, not built in apple- or ms-like interfaces. Consumer electronics changes too fast to build it into a car that will be on the road for 15 years. I had to laugh the other day at a Chrysler or Cadillac ad bragging about a built-in 40Gig hard drive with MP3 playback. It's already old tech (you can get thumb drives as big, and the prices drop every week). Why not just add a USB port? I would rather see an upgradable (software and hardware) "carputer" of standard size with standard slots and ports to run the car's "communications and entertainment system". (Now, who decides on "standard"?)
Re: How Ford's Sync Technology Will Turn It Into America's Most Surprising Consumer Electronics Comp I'd rather have a car that handles well, gets great gas mileage and handles my iPhone poorly, than one that can interface great with my iPhone but handles poorly or gets poor gas mileage. Sure, it's cool... but a car is, above all else, a car - not a media/cell phone center.
Re: How Ford's Sync Technology Will Turn It Into America's Most Surprising Consumer Electronics Comp To those saying they just want a car, here's some more money quotes: Ford's system takes the power, features, and much of the content on your smartphone and gives it a human-scale outlet that's easy and safe to operate at 65 miles per hour.... SyncMyRide, for example, a Web-based service, lets you load a destination into your kitchen computer and pull it up on your car's navigation system.... Fords with Sync already sell twice as fast as identical Fords without the system.... More important, it will also satisfy Mulally's first commandment: "We won't do it unless it lets you keep your eyes on the road and your hands on the wheel. Otherwise, you're not adding value to the customer -- you're just adding buttons." There's no doubt people like this stuff, especially if it "just works" like they expect, with no hassle. A huge percentage of the 2010 Prius complaints relate to the Nav, bluetooth (love it) and/or the USB interface. Also, the whole thrust from Ford's perspective, appears to be towards open standards (WIN CE notwithstanding).
Re: How Ford's Sync Technology Will Turn It Into America's Most Surprising Consumer Electronics Comp Why do I want a smart phone car when I already have a smart phone that stays in my pocket when I LEAVE my car. Seems redundant to me. Just give me a port to plug it into.
Re: How Ford's Sync Technology Will Turn It Into America's Most Surprising Consumer Electronics Comp My last company car was a Ford Fusion with Sync. It's more than just a smart phone. I can't really explain it, you have to use it to understand what I mean. Perhaps its the integration or that it is instantly available (no fumbling in your pocket for your phone). I got really used to it! And its a feature that I dearly miss on my Prius.
Re: How Ford's Sync Technology Will Turn It Into America's Most Surprising Consumer Electronics Comp I have to agree that Ford is WAY out ahead of every other maker in this category. I'll credit Farley with putting the emphasis on these sexy new features to attract the millenial generation. I think it's really cool as well even tho I'm one of the original Boomers. That being said a vehicle is a tool for me. It's just like a hammer that gets hung up in the garage each night. It's supposed to do one thing well, offer transportation at the lowest cost and minimal intervention. I use it til it breaks down forever then replace it; I'm expecting 300,000-ish miles. But these new features on the Fords will definitely create a buzz and an excitement at the presentation during the buying experience. That's what may put fannys in seats and get the vehicles sold. After that the Fords will have to perform. I think that driver interface wars will be the new horsepower wars during this decade.
Re: How Ford's Sync Technology Will Turn It Into America's Most Surprising Consumer Electronics Comp I think the Ford Sync is a definite Plus, and was disappointed to see the 2010 Prius not innovate more, barely a step up from the G2. Consider how much time you spend in your car every week, it deserves gadgets. That said, I need to get iSync with iPillow for the iBed. Cats and an alarm clock can't be the only gadgets.
Re: How Ford's Sync Technology Will Turn It Into America's Most Surprising Consumer Electronics Comp That is also my feeling. This Prius replaced a car that predated a 16 MHz, 40MB hard drive PC. I expect to use free-standing gadgets replaced on their own schedule, independent of the car replacement schedule. But the automakers will pay far more attention to people who buy cars every other year than to infrequent buyers such as me. That helps explain why this war doesn't grab my attention. I didn't play the horsepower game either.