I'm so excited! My husband ordered my Tideland Pearl, package 4 Prius on Friday!!!! It's my 25th Wedding anniversary gift! So now I wait!!!! I can hardly stand it. I'm filling up my '96 Avalon twice a week. I put on around 100 miles a day. How does one get through the waiting period between order and delivery? Whenever I'm out on the road now, all I do is look for Prius'...today at church I just about ambushed a nice couple getting out of their Prius! My DH begged me to stop asking them questions!! ---signed, Not so patiently waiting!!!
WOOHOO...congrats! You have a nice husband...I have the wait is getting shorter. We waited 4 months back in August last year...our dealer says the wait here (Denver area) is down to around 2 months. Did they give you any estimate? I would tell you the wait gets easier but I would be fibbing! Makes the delivery date that much sweeter though! :?
I do have a wonderful husband! The dealer told us 4 to 6 weeks. I'm really excited. All I do now is look for Prius' when I'm on the road!! Patience is a virtue.....
It is tough when you are in the waiting period and then you see one in the color you want going stealth on the road getting 50=mpg and you are getting 30 or less. All I can say it is one of the most fun cars I have ever driven. Lots of room, which really amazed me I thought I would be getting less room instead of more room. happy waiting.
How does one get through the waiting period between order and delivery? Plan - Research this forum for all the goodies and start buying them now so when they arrive they will be here when your car does. Clear bra (make the appointment at the dealer), mud flaps, body side molding, window tinting appointment, tire upgrade to Goodyear triple tread's, seat covers, Exact mats for front and rear floors + cargo area(nice clear ones to go over the factory ones so they look great for a long time to come), auto log book to track that great MPG and a ton of other things. Oh! don't forget to get that can of scotch guard to spray the entire interior the day you get it to protect it for years to come. collecting all these things and more will keep you busy and add to the fun of waiting
Clear bra??? I haven't seen the clear bra, only the black bra. I'm going to call my dealer today! I think the clear bra would be much sexier on the Tideland Pearl than black! Thanks for the tip! I had to fill up the Avalon on the way to work this morning.....arrgh!!!!! 16.04 gallons!!!!! Second fill up in 4 days!!!!! I'm going to keep track of how many fill ups until I get my new zoomer!!!! :mrgreen:
WooHoo!!! We heard from the Dealer yesterday! I'll have my Prius, sometime between the 20th and the 1st of September!!!! On my way home from work yesterday I saw a silver Prius, on my way into work yesterday, I saw a black one!!! I have Prius' on the brain!!!!!!!!!