Hi all. Perhaps this isn't the time or place, and all of you long-time members can shoot me down, but I'd really like to track what, if anything, is failing (or needs repair) on the GenIII. So if you have had a repair that is not just standard maintenance, post it here. If nobody else is interested, or there aren't any problems (which would be great), then this thread will just die a natural death... However, I'd really like to know what you had fixed, what the dealer/you/independent shop did about it, and how much it cost. Thanks!
I had a tire that was slightly low on pressure. I filled it up and it seems to be ok but I'll keep you posted.
I drove 400 miles yesterday after washing my G3, and today it has bugs on the front. I really wish it would not collect bugs, or get dirty for that matter. Wish I had bought a GM. WRONG!
Had to pry a stone out of the tire tread a few weeks back. That tick, tick, tick sound can drive you crazy when the windows are down.
About half the time when I pull the hood release, the hood doesn't pop open. I have to thump it a little or work my fingers under it. I'll have it fixed at 5,000 miles. If that's all that shows up I'll have to live with the pain.
I have a bad window switch on the drivers control pad and I think a bad relay controlling the high beams. They work but will not stay on. I'm getting it fixed on Thursday.
I have 22,000 miles my on my Gen III. One time about 3 months ago I touched the door to unlock the car and it did not work. I had to press it a second time and it worked fine. I might have been heavy rain that day. I did not waste my money on an extended warranty on a car that does not brake, I mean break.
My shifter jammed in PARK one day. After forcing it into gear & driving the car to the dealer their response was "can not reproduce the problem".
Took mine into for warranty and found out it really had no issues concerning a bad window switch and the high beam problem. I forgot that Japanese do things different when it comes to switches. High Beams only stay on if you push the stock forward. Duh on me. Sorry my experience is with GM's and Volvo's and high beams work by pulling the stock back. The bad window switch they think was just a loose plug. It didn't work, they pulled the unit and tried it out on a used Prius on the lot and it worked. They just reinstalled the drivers window switch panel and it works fine. So owning the car for eight months and zero warranty related items to report.
I am (so far) lucky. 9000km/5600mi and nothing to report (apart the FM radio bug, but that is not really broken, it is not working noise-free - oh, OK, it is broken ). The only thing that annoys me a bit is the hatch does not open easily - it is heavy and I believe the "springs" (whatever their name is in english... ) are not strong enough to push the hatch with some force up - it does stay up though...
I had a problem regarding the Speedometer display. It went black on me the second month of ownership. Problem was a faulty card in the system. Dealership ordered a new one and fixed.