Prius III with navi and mats. $260 a month (including tax) $900 drive off (including 1st month). Does that sound good?
I'm no expert but : Is your $4000 calculated in the lease price? Ignoring sales tax etc : $22750-$4000 = $18750 sales price. If leasing, the best stategy is to pay little or nothing down to take advantage of the subsidized lease rate. Bank your $4000 and use it to help pay your monthly payments. I'd consider myself as renting the car for all money payed (including down payment and lease total fees) Check into Gap insurance as well. Someone who knows finance from PC could be of more help. Prius is a great car but leasing is debatable as you can read above. Good luck.
I've been a lurker for some time, but felt I needed to make an account and try to get some advice on an offer I received from a dealer for a 2010 Package III Prius: MSRP $24,397 (I forget the exact amount, but it is close) $4200 in equity from my '05 Prius $199 monthly payment (including tax and tag) $1000 down I understand that the info I provided is somewhat limited, but please feel free to ask me for more and I'll see if I have it available. Thanks!
I just leased a Prius II in San Francisco with $2,000 down payment for $275 monthly including tax. Did I just get screwed or is this a decent deal?
I just got a Black Prius III with NAV and Sunroof MSRP 28,580 (mats included) for: 900 down at signing (first month included) 265 + tax per month x 35 months 12k miles/year for 3 years; As a previous Lexus owner I also got the 2 year free maintenance. Good Luck, Oscar
So the currently Toyota Prius Promo is $189/month + $1810 down for Prius II base model. 1. Do you think I can get better deal than the current promo deal? I know some ppl got cap cost included so $0 down, $240/month which is basically same deal. Or have gotten Prius III for $237 which seemed like a very good deal w/ $0 down. I already bought one 2010 prius IV w/solar pkg and want to lease a 2nd one and its my very first time leasing so any help would be appreciated. thanks! ps. Also Blizzard Pearl is $220 more, would I have to pay more for this color?
If you really prefer to lease you might plug in your numbers to a calculator like this one : Auto leasing lease payment calculator
Can someone explain why Gap insurance is not worth it? I got the reading below from and it doesn't explain why you shouldn't get it? Dealership was offering for $252 so rolled into the lease for extra $7 /month. Is this worth it? thanks~ Don't fall into the gap! If you owe more on your car than it is worth, if you lease, or if you put down less than 20%, you should get Gap Coverage. Most people refer to it commonly as "gap insurance". Don't even bother buying it from dealers, they charge $500-$700, ask your insurance agent or loan officer about Gap Insurance. If you owe $20,000 on your car, but it's only worth $16,000, you're upside down. You total the car, or it's stolen, your insurance company gives you $16,000. You must still come up with $4000 to pay off the bank, plus your $500 deductible! Gap coverage protects you against this. The better ones cover up to $500 of your deductible.
Prius III w/Nav and Blizzard White $775 down $352/month....all in 36 months 15k miles /year How'd I do?
I need help understanding Lease. I went to Edmunds and used the lease calculator here were the results after filling in the blanks. I live in the Seattle area. $23351 Invoice price from Edmunds and KBB of Pruis III w/blizzard pearl paint + mats+ bumber sticker $2055 tax at 8.8% $350 Title $1000 down payment $16660 residual value $650 Acquision fee .00075 money factor 36mo term 12,000mi per year $23,351 Loan amount $232.31 mo pmt (tax included) I don't understand the $2k tax. This is 8.8% of the invoice price. Shouldn't it be just for the 36mo term? Invoice - residual value = ~ $6300
The dealer's numbers are probably correct. I tried to get a quick answer on the Wash dor site but it needs help :rant:To double check the dealer I'd call the help line at Contact Us Perhaps a PC member has leased in Washington State Good luck :crazy:
This is what I got Picked up car on last Wed Wondering how I did compared to other's Smithtown Long Island No hassle was looking at the Camry and decided that driving the 40 miles on the HOV lane each way was worth the extra dollars got a Prius II with 20K a year lease miles 36 months 60K miles with Carpet mats Took the Platinum warranty 3/80 wanted to be covered as i dont want any suprises So I should be safe for the next 3 years 364 a month 521 out the door first month 364 and $157 Motor vehicle fees Purchase option of $13732 after the 36 months Tell me what you think :mod:
I'm happy with my lease... I rec'd $14k from my insurance for a totaled car so as i figure it: $2000 down $1450 for 7year/7k warranty = paid $3450 cash to drive off the lot. Monthly for 36 months not including this month,= $275 (including alarm system installation and GAP coverage... I live and work in SF and cars often go missing. I didn't want to deal with after-market alarm system installation.) 12k miles a year, 0.15 for each mile over. As i see it, since I'm using the insurance money to pay for the lease... I'm going to just 'buy' the 'used' Prius in 2013 - residual value of $15960, pay cash, and call it a day. If i hadn't had the insurance $ I'd have bought something outright, but to me, this made financial sense.... plus the savings in gas! ah! I love it!
New Prius IV Lease - Good Deal? I am getting the following offer to lease Winter Gray Prius IV in SoCal for 12k miles 36 months Monthly Payment: 376$ (after tax) Drive Off: 880$ (includes first month and other misc) This is using: .00075 as Money Factor Residual of 19,595 Cap Cost of 30,234 Should I go ahead ? Thoughts, advice, guidance will be much appreciated !
If there's no $ down, sounds good to me. I talked to several dealers between Columbus, OH and Louisville, KY, looking specifically for a lease. What made me think "lease" was an offer in Lville that said $3200 down with payments of $149/month. The ad ran for several weeks before I went in to talk...and learned that it was 1 Prius only with that deal. and of course it went the first week of the ad.I pointed out that the ad ran for weeks and that this was false advertising...He was apologetic and wanted to make a deal "close" to that.I was leary and walked away. More weeks of looking. I settled on a down pay of $3500 and payments of $159/month. And I'm happy with it.When I multiplied it all out (36payments + $3500) I figured I'd be paying altogether $8000+ over 3 years, and compared the reduced "sticker price" - this amount (approx $8000) and it came out 14,500+. with the Residual value is 15,400...or $900 difference...part of ehich was taxes and tags..... It essentially works out to $224/mo all$ considered. Anyway you look at it Toyota will make $. I did try to get them to lower the residual or reduce my payment...said that was set.Period. Interestingly in the span of those 3 days they made a point of telling me several times that the sticker price was really $24,000+, but I was getting it at $21, which I repeatedly replied, but sticker means nothing with the lease...since the residual would be the same no how many bumper stickers or floor mats($200!!!) or do-fobs they added... After I signed the lease a Louisville rep from the first dealership called offering me: $3500 down and $240/month.... I think you need to find a deal that make sense to your budget, and do a little shopping, and understand that if you take some time...wait til the end of the month(even in leases it makes a difference) might get lucky enough. Good luck...and thanks to all the folks who posted their deals that I read during the process...that gave me some great ideas about what was possible...
I'm offered this deal in socal and I have until monday to take advantage of 2 yr free maintenance promo. 2010 Blizz Pearl Prius IV solar pkg Sticker: $31080 Invoice: $29200 $2800 down, $354/month, 3yr/45000 mile limit, residual $18500 Is it fair? Thanks in advance!