Anyone else have a cat that loves people - HATES fellow 4-leggeds? Recently I found a new home for Mewdonna (Turkish Angora). She wanted to be around me all the time (and now Paulette, her new guardian). Problem is she grows at other cats like she is going to kill them in a most horrible way. This must be her brother Just before I found Mewdonna another home, another cat slips in my garage and nobody claimed it... obviously abandoned as it's declawed. My theory is both cats were only pets and this makes them more resistant to them socializing with other pets. Any thoughts on getting either one of them to chill out?
Our cat has to be the only four-legged in the house. We tried a little kitten for a few days, and she was terribly unhappy about that, too. Forget even considering a full-grown companion for her! Not sure why. Our kitty is a rescue kitty, and we knew that she didn't tolerate other animals when we adopted her. Almost four years later, we have had no luck "socializing" her. Oh, but she does like people.
Cats are not pack animals, so it is not in their nature to like other cats. There can be exceptions when they grow up together, or just have the right disposition, but many cats hate other cats. Tom
We acquired our "free" cat because she wasn't getting along with the other cats in her original home. They had her locked in one of the bathrooms to keep her away from their other cats until we took her. They also had her declawed which seems to have turned her into a head case. She coexists with our two dogs, but she isn't happy about it and she avoids the dogs as much as possible.
My cat likes me. Other neighborhood cats like me. My cat hates them. The other neighbohood cats seem interested in her and they seem to want to be friendly. She'll have no part of that and starts doing that kitty hissing and howling/growling thing whenever they show up. She's not very nice, at least not to others of her own species. Why can't we all just get along???