My DH folds fitted sheets for me So, does this robot "learn" the items, so that next time it can fold them faster? Could I change how it folds them? If I had a robot, would I waste the utility on towels? I'd rather it was vacuuming and mopping my floors, maybe washing my windows, definitely loading and unloading the dishwasher!
Yes, it reminds me of me folding at the laundromat. About the same speed. I'd like to see what would happen if you gave it an oversized towel or a fitted sheet. Would it wad the sheet into a big ball like I do?
Who's got time to fold clothes? Doesn't everybody just pick through the pile for a pair of socks that match?
Sadly I often do that. Sometimes entire loads of laundry never make it off of the bed in the guest room, except as I use them piece by piece. I have good intentions to put them away, but every morning I get up, realize that my laundry is still in the other room, walk to that guest room (which is a fair walk in our place), grab what I need, and head back to shower. The next day the process repeats, having once again forgotten or ignored the laundry in the spare room. We have kids home this weekend, so all of my laundry is put away - for this week. Tom
I used to pick socks out of the dryer since they never even made it into the laundry basket. :madgrin:
Pile? I don't have time to make a pile, I get dressed out by the clothes line. (which is under cover)