Toyota Is Dead to 44% of U.S. Buyers | Automakers | Financial Articles & Investing News | Ouch! The damage was worse than I thought.
GM's most successful advertising campaign of late. Has anyone else ever noticed how rare it is to see a Toyota broken down on the roadside?
Just proves how sheepish the general American public are. We'll see who they come crying to next year when oil is above $100 a barrel again. I am sure Toyota will have more incentives and it will definately be the time to buy.
Wasn't it always somewhere around 4 out of 10? Sounds like spin to me. All these years of owning a Prius, I encountered lots of "too bad it's a Toyota" attitude. I don't see what's changed. .
All these years of owning a Prius for me too and after my experiences with warranty denial and dealing with exceptionally poor/careless/sloppy service (to which I'm locked-in to, since nobody else has any idea of how to work on this car), I won't be buying another Toyota. In fact, I purchased another car, and Toyota was at the bottom of my list (for fear of having to go to one of their service departments).
It's because they can't stop. All of the dead Toyotas are way off in the bushes and down embankments. Tom
Sad. The very same reason that I won't ever buy another GM vehicle. The dealers. Not just 1 of them. I've dealt with 8 or 9 of them over the years. Hate to say it, because they are important to the local economy, they seem to be a common thread here. Not doing the service they say they did. Not taking customer's complaints seriously because it's time for lunch. There are some good dealers. Haven't decided about our Toyota dealer. Haven't been there that often which is different from my GM and Jeep dealers. I do know they don't know about Prius tire pressure.
that's what i like about toyota dealers: I NEVER HAVE TO GO THERE! that's the only difference between them and the other car dealers.
HEY! This is posted on "The Street". Don't take anything they say as truth without corroborating evidence. This could be an attempt to improve someone's hedge fund. Video: Jim Cramer Pt. 2 | The Daily Show | Comedy Central
Judging by the reactions on non-Toyota fan sites such as the GM, Ford and VW sites I'd say that this number is pretty accurate. The hardcore fans therein really really despise Toyota. They hated Toyota before the recall witchhunt and now they are now even more firmly convinced that Toyotas are made in hell. True that many of these haters are UAW members and families so that's not at all surprising. Then there are those that despise Toyota simply for making an entry into the truck market. They will never forgive the company for building a pickup that had more capabilities that those built by the D3. Then there's the Prius, , a vehicle in their opinions conceived in Hell by demons for the sole purpose of embarrassing good ol' boys and redblooded union workers with the intention of destroying the American economy. Ask Malorn. The two words that will set any GM'er or Mopar or Ford fanboi on fire are 'Tundra' and 'Prius'. As a result I'm not too surprised by the 40% figure. At one time GM had 50% of the US market.
The March sales figures sure seem to discredit the "banner" of this thread. We have become a nation of put-downs, political "spin" on every subject, and intolerance of other views. If a writer on PC does not want a Toyota product ... fine, avoid one at all cost, but why tell us all the reasons, that we could care less about. I am old enough to know with certainty, that every product that has ever been manufactered has it's share of distractors and admirers. We can all cite post on PC where a delarship is trashed by one writer, and praised by another. It all depends on the experience we individually have with any product, dealer or manufacturer. I routinely read PC looking for tips, money saving experiences, maintenance ideas and the like. I really enjoy the many informative, up-lifting discussions, and the expertise of some contributors that have a wondefful understanding of how this marvelous machine works, and the genius behind it's engineering. ... I really get weary of the insulting, stupid insinuations, "hidden agenda" remarks, and ............. well, you get the idea.
Blumberg. Ha! What their stat fails to mention is that the 60% that are afraid to buy Toyota, are also the 60% that aren't in the market to buy a car ANY way.
For now. Give it some time. People will forget and move on to the next "big story." After the Pinto, Explorer, Audi and all the others who thought people would want those manufacturer's products? Time heals.
If your comments directed at me, the news stories I post in many cases don't reflect my opinions at all. Toyota is most certainly not in the "dead to me" category in terms of my future cars. If my Prius were to be totaled for some reason, the 3rd gen Prius would be at or near the top of my list as a replacement along w/a couple other hybrids I'd consider. I'm merely posting stories that I think I worth discussing or reading relating to Toyota, hybrids, alternative fueled vehicles, and the auto industry or which might appeal to PC members, in some way. Just because we like our Priuses, are Prius enthusiasts or just merely members here doesn't mean we are all fanboys, have our blinders on, have to sing the praises of Toyota only, that Toyota can do no wrong, be dismissive of all issues, etc. That's not helpful to anyone. Even the biggest fans and the mods here post news stories, even if they aren't positive ones about Toyota.
It's amazing how much editorial spin has been put into the article. The poll only talks about if they would buy a Toyota today. Somehow this was construed that Toyota is "dead" to 44% of people, and that they are "fully shunning" Toyota. Here is the actual story, with the full poll results: Americans Saying ?No? to Toyota; Ford Most Popular (Update2) -
True enough. Does anyone believe 57% of the American public have a favorable view of GM? I don't think so. Of course after all the lawyer/media crap, 44% is probably the same "core" group as Toyota has already had. A "favorable" opinion doesn't necessarily translate into sales, or Ford would be #1 in sales. Not.
In crisis, there is danger and opportunity. Toyota recognized both and their March sales figure shows.
The older generation tends to believe what the media says. They think the legal profession is about truth and justice. It never has been- their ethics require them to lie for their clients. Sounds bad, but it works, if you take their press releases with a pound of salt. The younger generation knows the American media is worthless and just generally tends to be skeptical.