Sun Sets Over NUMMI As Hundreds Of Workers Say Goodbye - News Story - KRXI Reno The video was actually from KTVU 2 (of Oakland, CA). Very sad. Best of luck to all of those who will be w/o work soon.
Re: Sun Sets Over NUMMI As Hundreds Of Workers Say Goodbye: An Era Ends As Largest Car Plant On West Good luck to everyone finding another job. It will be tough for most of those guys especially the older workers. I haven't been able to find a job since the company I worked for shut down in Oct 2008.
Re: Sun Sets Over NUMMI As Hundreds Of Workers Say Goodbye: An Era Ends As Largest Car Plant On West If you read local newspaper, you would find that Toyota has refused to clean up the NUMMI site, which is estimated to need about $100M. Unlike Ford, its old site was cleaned up and now developed into the well-known Great Mall around here. I am getting to dislike Toyota as a company...
Re: Sun Sets Over NUMMI As Hundreds Of Workers Say Goodbye: An Era Ends As Largest Car Plant On West When is GM cleaning up the other half?
Re: Sun Sets Over NUMMI As Hundreds Of Workers Say Goodbye: An Era Ends As Largest Car Plant On West There was a great story on This American Life about NUMMI this weekend... NUMMI | This American Life It's too bad that GM didn't learn much from Toyota until it was too late. It's also too bad that Toyota shut down it's only unionized plant in the US (and the only plant it's ever shut down). -Ken
Re: Sun Sets Over NUMMI As Hundreds Of Workers Say Goodbye: An Era Ends As Largest Car Plant On West Why should Toyota clean it? It was a GM site before Toyota partnered with them and reopened it.
Re: Sun Sets Over NUMMI As Hundreds Of Workers Say Goodbye: An Era Ends As Largest Car Plant On West Yep. I HIGHLY recommend it. If you use iTunes, you can find the podcast episode there. It blew my mind how broken GM was back then in terms of processes, and relations w/labor, suppliers and plants to HQ.
Re: Sun Sets Over NUMMI As Hundreds Of Workers Say Goodbye: An Era Ends As Largest Car Plant On West When's GM gonna clean up their share? oh and pay Toyota back their share of the closing costs?
Re: Sun Sets Over NUMMI As Hundreds Of Workers Say Goodbye: An Era Ends As Largest Car Plant On West Wow, surprised how some would drop toxic sites in Toyota's lap, when GM ALREADY knew how to handle their BILLIONS of dollars in cleanup ... just like they did with hundred & hundreds of acres elsewhere: New GM Shirks Responsibility for Old Toxic Dumps and Mercury Disposal | Hybrid Cars Now why do you think GM didn't sweep this site into the BKO list along with all the other toxic sites that GM dumped on us (via bankruptcy and bailouts) ... the U.S. citizenry. .
Re: Sun Sets Over NUMMI As Hundreds Of Workers Say Goodbye: An Era Ends As Largest Car Plant On West Hmmm, Might be able to purchase a new Tacoma, Built by a NON Union shop in Texas... Sounds great! I heard that the Union guys are getting $28,000 checks because of the plant shutdown.