Not in glovebox, console and couldn't find around the spare. Where did your dealer put your wheel lock key? I don't need it now, but it would suck to need it and not be able to find it.
Each dealer is different. Why not just ask him? He should also give you a card with the ID number of the locks, so that you can order extra keys or locks if you need to.
The ID number could be in the packet with the manuals. I didn't really look for that. The locks are a factory option, so I expected that the key would have been put in some consistent place. Sure, I could call the dealer . . . but that would be too easy!!
There is a space in the spare tire tray to hold it. Remove the floor of your trunk, lift the plastic compartment and look under. Your dealer may have put it there.
At your dealership, in the back on the left side of the bench, there is a box of miscellaneous leftover parts. Your keys are in that box. Tom
The wheel locks are PIO, not Factory. My salesman looked for & showed the key to me before I accepted the car. It was in its space in the tray under the deck.
I found mine, no help from Dealer, in the spare tire compartment, under the plastic tray in the "trunk". There is a "holder" just made for the key there on top of the spare tire. It's just waiting there for you to find... and use!
Thanks, I have aftermarket rims that came with a key. I've let it rattle around in the plastic tray on the left side. Thanks to this thread I put it in the plastic tray.
Just yesterday I decided to buy my first set of new tires for my 2010 Prius IV. I went to Sears and they could not find that wheel lock key. I even went in the bay and tried to help them find it. The spot for it in the spare tire tray was empty. I called the Toyota dealership to see if they might have it in their spare parts box (thanks Tom LOL). The lady that in service just kept giving me a hard time about the last time I got an oil change. She insisted it was April 2011 per her records. It was actually less than 5 months ago. She was a real nasty hag. I have never had anyone service my car but that dealership and never used the spare or anything in that compartment. She said they usually use a master, which makes sense, but she argued with me for several minutes and never could tell me how the key got misplaced. I'm pretty sure I remember the salesman showing it to me when I picked up the car. It will cost me $35 for a new key. I could do without the locking nuts but I like them so I'll buy the key however I'll not go back there for service- maybe not for my next new Prius either.