We recently moved to Honolulu and brought our '04 Prius. Toyota says there is no navigation software for use in Hawaii. Does anyone know of a way to get a CD with Oahu road data? Aloha, Steve
I have TomTom navigator which seems to have decent navagation capabilities on Oahu. We have a townhome in Kaneohe and have navigated to various destinations in Honolulu. I don't know if there is a way to generate a Prius readable CD but there is definitely data available even if Toyota hasn't included it on their CD.
aloha kakou, not a real answer to the actuall question, but you can get a copy of da bus scheduale for like a couple bucks, it shows all street level detail maps. check an All Blocks Covered, or if in kane'ohe im sure the info both at the windward mall has one.
I've travelled to Hawaii quite a bit. The last time I was there I used a Garmin Street Pilot and it worked excellent. I now have the Garmin Quest and I am sure that would work fine too.
Many thanks to all of you helpful "Prius Nuts" with GPS experience. It is clear that mapping/navigation data is available. Now my challenge is to see if there is a way to find it in a form that can be loaded into my factory installed nav system. I really don't want to buy a stand alone GPS device for this purpose. I will also check out the provider of Toyota's software. Other comments are welcome. 8)
Didn't realize that Hawaii isn't included on the Nav DVD. I've seen some posts about copying DVDs for backup purposes and even using a subset of the map data. But the trick would be to find the data in a format that would work with Toyota Nav system. We will likely be living in HI in a few years and I was considering a new vehicle with NAV rather than barging CarMyne over. Guess I'll need to keep my TomTom system up to date. Let us know if you find the data anywhere....
well bummer. my Nav has US, Mexico and Canada. and yes that includes all of the US. in fact it includes ALL of North America. not sure if i will ever make it to Cuba... but at least i will know where im going when i get there. then again, i aint using the Toyota Nav. system. i hear my nav system is planning another version update here in a few months. well will have to look into saving up the money for the newer version... gonna probably run me... at least $39.95.... whew!! it will be tough, but gotta be done...
I've always kind of been curious - f you decide to move to/from the mainland, what kind of shipping costs do you incurr for vehicles? Dave
It had occurred to me that if you were going to move to another country, like Mexico, you should be able to contact a Toyota dealer in Mexico City and get their DVD. I found out that the systems aren't compatable so that wouldn't work. Then I found out that Hawaii isn't included either and a NAV system isn't an option if you buy it there. That's a bummer, really.
Years ago I learned the NAV option wouldn't be offered on Toyotas in Hawaii. If you think about it, what's the likelihood buyers would want to buy GPS in Hawaii? Once you've lived there a few months, GPS would be worthless as heated seats in Miami.
hmmm. i guess that might be true, but i be willing to bet that tourists renting a car there would have loved it around Oahu *edit* just out of curiosity, here is a pic from my Nav system of a little slice of Hawaii. i guess i be slow because i think it would take more than a few weeks to learn this. i have relatives there so i visit on a regular basis and its not as bad as it looks but i usually dont drive anywhere while im there either.
Just had my Prius shipped here by the military system -- no charge (and no damage either!) My bride's big ol' Windstar will cost $800 if shipped from the left coast, or $2,700 if originated in Baltimore. Since she likes to stand close to our money, she intends to drive it to San Diego from Reston, VA. They truck the cars westerly from the east coast origination points rather than sailing them around thru the canal.
Hi. I have a 2008 prius and when I turn on the nav system, there are tire symbols throughout the maps. How do i turn off these symbols? I've determined that they are business to do with automotive, and I wouldn't really need to know where all these establishments are located.
Hi 808, You should be able to hit the "voice" button and say "POI OFF" and that should remove all icons. I'm sure there's an on-screen method but I'm not sure what it is right now. Also, if you bought your car new, there should be a separate manual dealing exclusively with the navigation system. Check there for more features.
To add to Tony's post, POI are Points Of Interest. There is a whole menu of them, and you can turn them on by groups: banks, shopping, restaurants, etc. If you don't want to use voice commands, root around on the NAV menus until you find POIs, and then hit the button to clear them all. Tom